
Unknown Merging

2045 98% of pupolation of the world plays mobile legend but on the year 2050 an unexpected events happened around 12am japan time every gamer acquired a face totem same as there favorite character on mobile legend and mobile legend desolved from the mobile gaming and become a forgoten apps and for an unknown reason almost every human on earth obtain a power related to the totem face they have.

Due to that events occured chaos is born reined all over the world goverments has been throwned new leader arises and is composed mostly of youth who excel on using there skills.

To prevent the world from destruction top 1000 gamer introduce the group system to support and protect each other and within those group a squad is also made in for the porpuse of buddy system.

To lessen the criminal rate each of those 1000 group has one representative the communicate with other group and they provide a bounty for criminal offenders. Those representative introduce the violation of an offender and each of those representative will vote on how much would be the bounty for the offender.

One of the best law rule the group introduce is the tournaments which also lessen the criminal rate and made every human to practice there power and also it keeps those 1000 group to keep on recruit new bloods another effect is all barangay under a city under a province and under the country exercised teaming practicing by five in order for them to be discoved and recruit by one of those 1000 group.

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