
First Team Battle

On the northern part on the Phillipines consists of Three Region Region 1, Region 2 and the Cordillera Region. The Northern Warrior Alliance exist on Region 2 and Region 2 consist of 4 province namely Cagayan, Isabela, Quirino and Nueva Viscaya. The territory of Northen Warrior Alliance is on Cagayan and it has a member of 564 including na newly joined J-Cool.

We already occupied all the battle field of the Isabela and Cagayan Province said Bryan the leader of the NWA or Northern Warrior Alliance you may travel Quirino or Nueva Viscaya and you may join battles there as many as you can after 6 months you can return or inform me so thats I could give your squad a chance to also participate on battles here in Cagayan and on Isabela he added All J-Cool squad member nodded and headed there way on there first target the and that is the Nueva Viscaya Province

J-cool squad started there journey to Nueva Viscaya on there way they encountered so many groups and squads but they maintain a low profil so no unexpected events happen not until they reach a hotel at Isabela.

Tiggie walk to the front desk and as her if any rooms available for 7 persons before joining to a battle they decided to wait for Faye a cute little girl the flower among the thorns and the last member of the J-Cool squad she's not present during application at the group because she visits her family shes is small but shes more tougher than the other members of the squad coz her totem which can be found at her right palm is also Tigreal she could match Tiggie when it comes on the toughness.

The front dest smile and told Tiggie that one room is available but before Tiggie could sa that will have it a middle age man with white hair shout out loud Lion Squad of the Hunter group will have that vacant room!!! Tiggie gets mad and is about to talk when Drix stop him Tiggie lets just find another hotel and drop this matter Tiggie nodded and start turning around yet the members of the Lion Squad started to laugh out loud

Faye enters the hotel when she saw what was happening she had a ugly expression on her face yet she went to her squad greeted them and invite them to have a dinner every members of the squad has ignores the Lion Squad not until on of the member approuch Faye hold her hair caress it then smash her head into the floor and shouted when we talk noone is allowed to ignores us every members of the J-cools squad has an ugly expression on there face then Jimuel is unable to control his temper and use his Shunpo which his travel near his enemy and used his ultimate move the way of the dragon all the member of the Lions Squad were shock for a while they didn't expect that a member of the J-cool squad would be so decisive and use a killing move they gut from there senses at started to move to help there comrade but the didn't realize that all members of the J-cool squad made there positionings

Members of the lion squad got near Faye and ready to attack Jimuel while his using his ultimate move to a cornered enemy when Faye uses her ultimate too the Implosion and all enemy except the one which Jimuel attacking got stock up together the Lejand uses his Flowing Blood to teleport at the middle of the enemy he uses also used his ultimate move Blood Ode sucking enemies life force Mark and Dennis join in the fight by diving using there instantanenous move and ground spitter Mark releases his clones and Dennis uses his Fission Wave Marcial gets a little farther and started using his Fission Shot and Rain of arrows enemies are shock and started to dying one by one all of this takes time to descrived but happens in an instant only 3 emenies remaining and started to run but before they can get out of the hotel Tiggie uses his scared hammer and pushes them to his allies Drix uses his combo attacks sword spike shadowblade slaughter and incanescene and for just a single breath all enemies dead body shattered on the floor.

After the battle is concluded Faye look at the front desk and smile that isn't a smile the front desk tall her it is normal and she envy her for having a great freinds also she told her that she will be the one encharge of the mess so the squad left to escaped any further trouble but before they leave they get the bag of holds of the destroyed Lion Squad they gave the 3 bag of holds to the front desk for her conpensiation.