1 The chosen one

once upon a time there was a village called the magic world. The people there are kind helpful and a fullheart of goodness. One day the king and the queen of the village has given a gift by the god which is a child. The child was named harith named after his grandfather that they called the chosen one who defend the village many years ago but one day his grandfather was defeated by the lord of abyss so years pass by there were no defender defending the village.

When harith had heard the story he was trained by his father to fight like his grandfather. His practice was so hard to him but he continued his practice by thinking that he will be his grandfather someday and he will defend the village until his last breath. As years pass by harith mastered all of his skills.

One day the village was attacked by the lotd of abyss again. Harith defended the village until he fought the lord of abyss but before that the lord of abyss called his gaurdian which are thamuz and dyrus while there are fighter the lord of abyss took the parents of harith. The lord of abyss called his gaurdian to retreat from the village but harith tried to stop them but he failed. When the lord of abyss left the village only harith survived the attacked.

He called his friends alucard tigreal fanny and eudora to fight the lord of abyss. They trained their self for 14 days. After their training they planned on how to fightvthe loed of abyss until the plan was finished.

The night of that day they attacked the kingdom of the lord of abyss they went through the gaurds and they wear the clothes of the gaurds to disguised until the lord of abyss find out that harith was here in the kingdom. The lord of abyss set a trap for them

They placed thamuz in the front gate and dyrus in the top gate. When harith and his friends go to the front gate they were suprised that thamuz was there they fought thamuz but thamuz didn't handle the fight so thay went to the top gate and fought dyrusb but dyrus didn't handle too.

When they fought the lord of abyss their strenght is not enough to defeat the lord of abyss but they always tried again. Harith's friends was knockdown so harith is the only one who will fight the lord of abyss. He fought the lord of abyss many times until harith became weak but harith has a special skill that his parents didn't told him and that skill was the strongest power in the whole world so he used it to defeat the lord of abyss and thanks for God's grace he defeated the lord of abyss.

Harith helped his friends to get up and harith fond his parents and helped them to be free from the chains

And they lived happily ever after.
