

Year Twenty After the Freedom End (0020 A.F.E.)

Don Tower, Yamaguchi Continent

It was an important night for the Don Heads of the world. Black cars and Protectors in dark green suits gathered at the front of Don Tower for the annual Don Summit, where the Don Heads come together and discuss about the continents that they govern.

Don Shiro Yamaguchi was the first one to arrive. He was the supreme leader of the Yamaguchi Continent, after all. The hunchback Don carefully brought himself out of the car, which made his Protectors fuss over him. He spitefully swatted one hand away. "I am not dying!" Don Yamaguchi grunted. He balanced himself on his cane, realizing that his legs could not actually handle a simple task of getting down from a limousine.

"Did not bring in the Masahiros this time, Don Yamaguchi?"

Don Yamaguchi smirked at the sound of his fellow Don. "I'm still a Don Head, Don Adonis." He said. When Don Semione Adonis approached, his height immediately towered over the Yamaguchi Don Head. The leader of the Adonis Continent was the same age as him, but Don Semione's legs had no problem in supporting him, much to Don Shiro's annoyance. He decided to think of Don Semione's failures during the past few years, and he suddenly felt better knowing that it was going to be discussed in the Summit later on.

They walked together towards the tower, with their Protectors following closely behind them. More Protectors inside the building greeted them, but they moved on with their proud eyes looking straight ahead. They reached the elevator, and only a few of their best Protectors came along with them. The elevator's jazz music kept them company, but Don Shiro decided to break the silence.

"Any progress on the Fall 13 case?" he asked.

In his peripheral vision, he caught Don Semione's stern face wince from the question. Don Shiro smirked to himself, satisfied that he asked something that was very touchy to him. "It will be discussed later," the Don Head of Adonis promised.

They arrived at their floor and they moved on to the main conference room. While walking, they caught up with another familiar figure. It was a man who wore long white robes that covered his entire body, and his head was covered in white veil.

"Ah good evening, Baal David!" Don Semione greeted.

Baal David did not see himself as a Don Head. His only family was the Baals, who were the biggest religious group that aided the Dons during the Freedom End. They helped out only because they wanted their religion to flourish in their lands, and nothing else. The religious leader ignored Don Semione and walked a few steps ahead of them with a deep frown.

They finally got to the conference room, and inside there was a sluggish man who had both of his dusty feet on the smooth table. "Yo," Don Giorgio Messi nodded.

"You're early for a change," Don Shiro remarked, heading to his seat.

"I was around the Yamaguchi Base earlier," the lax Don of Messi said, sitting upright. "Don Fendi was supposed to ship some ladies there earlier, I decided to do it on his behalf because of this troublesome meeting."

"It will be over before you know it." Don Semione grinned, taking his seat. "Shall we get started with business, gentlemen? Looks like Don Messi has more people to ship around the world."

The meeting went on smoothly. The Don Heads started sharing their current reports of the continents, and they all stated that their current situations were peaceful so far. Their agreed shipments were also going well. Don Messi's human shipments were improving, grooming the children and women to become the helpers they were supposed to be. The Yamaguchi's Protector Company was stronger than ever, multiplying each day. The Baals healthcare remained unscathed, but the other Dons sensed that there was something going with them. They couldn't ask because they agreed on letting them keep certain things to themselves.

"Don Rama will prioritize the food shipment for the Factories next time," Don Yamaguchi said. "In exchange for a new Mopane Factory, of course."

"Yeah, my people are suddenly into that." Don Messi groaned. "Don Sergio Rambaldi is willing to build another factory. However Sergio is concerned with the number of Factory Orphans. Were running low on workers, you see."

"I see," Don Yamaguchi nodded, sighing. "I will have Don Goh contact Don Rambaldi. He can provide him with more workers. Feel free to add that to the According's List." Don Messi took the large black journal in the center of the table, and he wrote his demands for more workers from Don Yamaguchi on the half-written page. He noticed that they were making lesser demands for each other, this year.

According's List 0020:

1. Don Masahiro—under Don Yamaguchi—shall provide Protectors for Don Pavlov's Pavvas Enterprises—under Don Adonis

2. Don Sokolov—under Don Adonis—shall provide transportation for Don Masahiro's Human Protection Company—under Don Yamaguchi

3. Don Gabbana and Don Valentino—under Don Messi—shall provide Weapons for Don Adonis

4. Don Rama—under Don Yamaguchi—shall provide food for Don Rambaldi's Factory—under Don Messi

5. Don Rambaldi—under Don Messi—shall provide a Factory of Mopane for Don Goh—under Yamaguchi

6. Don Goh—under Don Yamaguchi—shall provide workers of Mopane for Don Rambaldi—under Don Messi

"You're asking for a lot of weapons and security, Don Adonis." Don Giorgio Messi noted. "Is there something going on at your continent, that you can share?"

"It seems like he has not yet figured out the culprit behind Fall 13," Don Shiro smirked. This caught Don Messi's attention and he frowned the news. The enemy of Fall 13 was a serious threat, and he did not like the fact nobody could identify who was behind the greatest tragedy of their era.

Don Semione sighed, keeping a smile on his face. "They left nobody alive during that incident." He defended, shaking his head. "I simply need to strengthen my numbers, while the Capital is still repairing itself. Maybe more intuitive Protectors."

"Are you saying the Protectors that I have endlessly sent to you are not enough, Don Adonis?" Don Shiro asked, raising a brow. His question was the most loaded one, and the rest of the leaders braced themselves. Don Shiro's men were all over the building, after all. Don Semione, however, chuckled at this. "Not at all," he said. "I just think we need more capable Protectors if we are going to face the enemy of Fall 13 again."

"What makes you so sure that we are going to see these goons in the near future?" Baal David asked, speaking for the first time since the Summit began. "It has been almost a decade since they took down the Capital of Adonis."

"You pray and do pilgrimage everyday, Baal David." Don Semione remarked. "I'm sure your god believes in a second coming. If god can return, so can the devil."

"You still need to get to the bottom of this, Don Semione Adonis." Don Shiro insisted.

"You mean the enemy hasn't shown up in any of your territories yet?" Don Semione asked, leaning back to his chair. "You have much more valuable goods than I do, it would only be natural if they take attack any of yours next."

"I actually would like to make a demand for you, Don Adonis" Baal David suddenly said.

"You're finally playing along, that's great!" Don Semione said, gleefully. "Name your price, my friend."

Baal David sharply turned to the Don of Adonis, taking the According's List to his side. His grim expression made Don Semione drop his smile.

"The Baals would like to have your daughter."