2 New beginning

My name is Shigeo Kagewama. I live in a world where roughly 80% of the world's population are born with superpowers, also known as quirks.

Because of such a phenomenon, there are many who have used their quirks for the purposes of evil. They are known as villains.

At the same time, there are also people who stands up to these people and uses their quirks to stop these villains. They are known as heroes.

Although heroism was seen as criminal vigilantism in the past, nowadays, being a pro-hero is a legitimate and respectable career. It is no longer an uncommon sight to see heroes chasing down villains and engaging them in epic battles.

I was 4 when my quirk started awakening, and I felt I could control things. It was like telekinesis and the doctor confirmed it.

My family was so happy about me awakening a cool quirk that they threw a party and I was pretty happy.

Things went smoothly for 3 years. But one day some of my friends started bullying me, as I was always of the quite type they took chances with me. They started giving me bad names, started to borrow my pocket money.

Things didn't stop here, one day they called me in a parking lot and ask me for money, but I had none on me. Failing to meet their demands they started punching me, then they pushed me and started kicking me.

(Unknown to everyone a counter began)




as the counter reached 10% mob lost consciousness and a dark gloomy energy took over.

Shigeo's eyes turned red and his haired started floating. His eyes seemed to peer deep into one's soul.

The bully's were stunned as this has never happened before. They started to run as their instincts told them that it was dangerous to stay there. But they were not lucky, as soon they felt thier limbs bend in unnatural angles. They started crying, begging for their life as Shigeo started walking towards them. They were shaking in fright.

Just as enraged Shigeo was about to finish them off some light returned in his eyes and seeing the horrible states of the students he puked, after which he collapsed due to exhaustion.
