
MMORPG: Looter Class (Hiatus)

It was early in the morning when a boy named Zoom had bought the newly anticipated game, 'First World Online'. As Zoom was about to choose his class, his screen glitched and after it was fixed he chose his class. Ding! "You have received the 'Looter Class'!" How will Zoom use this unique class against the countless powerful people across the galaxies?

LiaLyn · Games
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Davie Retreats

While one of the assigned looters were looting peacefully she felt a very painful sting in her chest that almost made her spit blood, she looked down to take a look and what shocked her was that a blade had passed through her chest from the back. She couldn't turn back to look at the perpetrator before she died.

If Zoom hadn't stabbed her through her chest then his attack wouldn't have been a critical, plus his skill called savant Zoom would boost Zoom's sword stat and help him to easily cut down the unprepared looters who wore cloth or thin leather armour. After all guilds didn't want to assign high levelled players to loot since that would waste their battle potential, therefore these looters were between the levels of 20 to 35.

As long as Zoom chose his targets wisely and had his skill savant active, if he slashed through the critical parts of the body then Zoom could technically one shot players.

Zoom had only targeted members of Fallen Moon and Frozen Fire since he couldn't kill his guild mates. Snow members were in a panic after they saw Zoom but after they saw him simply ignoring the members of Snow and only targeted Fallen Moon then they breathed a sigh of relief.

The Fallen Moon players didn't at all sit idly by while their comrades were being massacred one by one, with their superior numbers they surrounded Zoom. Zoom was currently out of combat since he had just finished killing his last target so he swapped to his bone staff. He tapped his staff to the ground summoning 18 skeleton warriors.

The players of Fallen Moon who had grinning expressions now gritted their teeth seeing 13 skeletons that were level 34, a level 34 skeleton was slightly weaker than an average level 34 player but most of the players here were a level or two lower than 34.

18 versus 30. An unequal matchup but Zoom didn't fret, he looked at the surrounding players with a calm expression. He turned to one direction and ran.

Zoom knew that these players didn't have enough agility stats to outclass his, Zoom also had an arsenal of skills that boosted his agility stat making it close to impossible for the players to catch up to him especially since skeleton warriors were fighting with most of their comrades.

They could only bitterly watch as Zoom ran while they had to deal with 13 skeleton warriors. The players of Snow watched these Fallen Moon players fight these skeletons and wanted to sneak and attack the players but they didn't know whether the skeletons were an ally or foe so all they did was watch idly at the side while grabbing all the loot they could get their hands on.

After the 13 skeleton warriors had been taken care of the brutal battle between the looters of the two guilds resumed, while they fought from time to time their main goal was to loot items so they hardly fought but if they did it was brutal.


Davie was starting to feel a streak of pain assault his body after a long drawn battle where he fought continiously against thousands of immortals. Blood was all over his body while his saber that shined a silver glow had been covered with blood that continued to drip.

The stronghold had already opened a few minutes ago but neither army had a chance to conqurr if since if they dared then the other party would prevent the other. It was a comeplete stalemate that made them continue to lose members rapidly.

There was only one entrance to the stronghold and a guardian was guarding it. That guardian was a knight, it had wings on it's back while it was fully plated in silver armour that covered every bit of it's body. It gave off no aura but they knew not to underestimate it. It's greatsword was evident of it's power. The guardian was a level 70 stronghold knight that weilded a sword called 'Stronghold's Blade'.

Anybody who dared come close were easily slashed in two as if they wore no armour. The great sword gave the knight countless buffs that even the demons that Fallen Moon had summoned would be easily outclassed.

After a long and brutal struggle Davie and his men were exhausted. Davie was always in the frontline where he could see everything. His breathing was heavy as he looked around him, blood sprayed and rained as hundreds of skills were thrown everywhere. His comrades that he had fought with through countless life or death battles were dying in front of his eyes. Their blood spraying onto his face as he looked at the immortals who relentlessly charged towards them.

A breath escaped his lips which wasn't the usually confident tone that gave off the feeling of dominance but a voice that was too tired to emick another word.


They looked at Davie for a confirmation on whether what they heard was only a hallucination but when they saw Davie slowly backing off they realized that what they heard was true. They could only grit their teeth as they slowly backed off, a part of them wanted to fight till the bitter end to avenge their fallen comrades but they knew that their sacrifices would be in vain if they threw their lives in this pitiful last stand.

Davie was only left with a few hundred soldiers while Fallen Moon still had 270,000 players and Snow with less than 200,000. Snow was now feeling the pressure of Fallen Moon's full assault. The three demons that were summoned by Fallen Moon were wrecking havoc among the front lines of Snow as the few thousands of elites and a handful of core members of Snow were barely able to hold them back.

Hundreds of level 50 players from Fallen Moon clashed with the elites of Snow. This battle was obviously in Fallen Moon's favour as Snow was slowly pushed back from Fallen Moon's assault.