
MMORPG : King of Supernatural

On a particularly normal day, the gaming world was shaken by surprising news. A sudden release of a VRMMORPG game called 'Lunaris' by an unknown video game publisher happened. The first full-dive VR game that no one expected. A fantasy world where all kinds of races can be found, and also has a unique game mechanism that allows players to be rampant with their imagination. Gloating advanced technology that can realize gamers' dreams, the game exploded in popularity. Blake is a gamer on the side and on the day the game was launched, he was fired from work. It was due to the pettiness of a single person that caused him to be fired, casting him away from his dream job. In order to vent his frustration, he decided to take a week off to play a game. Learning about the newly launched game, he forfeits the thought of buying one as all game shops are packed, and it’s also very expensive. But on a fateful night, luck seems to be on his side as a VR Helmet fell to his lap. Moreover, it was not a regular VR Helmet, but it was a limited edition one! Although he was happy, the moment he got his hands on the Limited VR Helmet was the day his life experienced a drastic turn. He gained a guiding spirit called ‘Persona’, and he learns from her the harsh truth of the Lunaris game. It was not a regular game. On accident, he becomes a Privileged Player as well as gained a Cheat inside the Lunaris game. But the cost of gaining these things was to be hunted by others, in-game or not. “Wait a minute, I unlocked all of the Racial Quests…? This is actually broken” “What the heck?! A Bullet? Someone is sniping me?! I'm not even the president but someone is sniping me in broad fucking daylight?!” Whether it’s inside the game, or outside the game, he needs to be strong and fight back to survive. He got stuck at the center of a huge conflict, starting from Supernatural creatures and Humans, and he was forced to bear the responsibility of knowledge and power. Follow Blake’s journey as he started to do whatever it takes to survive. Additional tags: Romance, Comedy, Levelup, Vampire, Superpowers.

Mrboogey13 · Games
Not enough ratings
99 Chs

Forced PVP



BlueBlade grunted when his body fell to the floor, he was dazed for a second as if his head has been shaken by someone, and it take a moment for him to properly settle his focus and regained his composure.

The moment when his mind settled in, he suddenly held his breath in surprise.

Looking at the floor that was black marble instead of the dirt, he was taken aback as he doesn't recognize where he was. Moreover, he also realized one missing detail, 'A-Am I dreaming? Why is it dry here...?'

A moment earlier, he was drenched under the heavy rain that didn't stop pouring.

Even his clothes were still dripping with droplets of water right now, creating a small puddle beneath his body. However, the black marble floor is completely dry, and there was no rain pouring from the sky.

It was almost as if he was not in Carymount City anymore.

Raising his gaze to scan his surroundings, BlueBlade realized that he was really not in Carymount city, the glossy and marbling place is far from the blocks and stones that the city street has.

"W-Where am I?!" BlueBlade exclaimed as he stood up completely.

At a glance, he seems to be in some sort of circular open space with four statues of a figure holding a sword in a dignified manner surrounding him. Walking to the edge near a cauldron, he finds a pit that leads into an abyssal unknown.

BlueBlade then quickly searched for an exit, but he didn't find any.

Nothing seems to be present in this place except for this circular space that looks like an arena, the statues, and also the night sky that was decorated with countless gleaming stars and moons that act as a natural illuminating light of the entire place.

About ten seconds later, a swooshing sound caught BlueBlade in surprise.

Out of nowhere, the cauldrons surrounding the arena started to light up with burning flames one by one. Acting as an additional grandeur to the already majestic place, and lighting up the dark spots of the arena.

Upon feeling that he was losing too much blood already, BlueBlade becomes desperate.


Knowing that he would eventually bleed out if he didn't treat the wound that he suffered from the sudden attack that Blake landed on his stomach, he kept on shouting, hoping that somebody would help him.

But then, a rasping voice, familiar to his ears came from the back and replies to him.

"Nobody is here but you and me, BlueBlade..."


At that moment, BlueBlade's heart skipped a beat as he recognize that voice. And the person behind him is the last person that he wanted to be here with him. Turning his body around slowly, he gulped harshly when he saw the person standing behind him.

Equipped with sharp purple eyes, looking at BlueBlade calmly, the person is definitely Blake.

Only a brief eye contact with Blake already drenched BlueBlade's back in cold sweat, he now knows that Blake is not a human, and he was completely terrified that he was stuck in this unknown place with this monster.

"D-Did you do this?!" BlueBlade screamed, a sense of dread in his voice.

Upon hearing this, Blake only puts on a light smile before he walks the edges of the arena while also marveling at the place they were in right now, "A new Privileged Skill of mine, it's called Fatal Showdown. A conclave for forced player versus player. Don't you think the place is quite spectacular?" he explained with a nonchalant tone.

It's a skill that Blake gained from upgrading Salana to rank 2, a forced PVP.

As he is the PK Privileged Player, it's only natural for him to have the skill to force someone to a PVP. Furthermore, inside this domain or dimension, he gained a bonus of 30% physical stats which is a huge advantage for him.

Finding that BlueBlade doesn't understand, Blake chuckled to himself.

"Well, I shouldn't expect you to know what a player is. But in a term you can understand, only one can escape this place. It's either you or me... whoever killed the other simply wins" Blake stopped and face BlueBlade again, a wicked smile on his face.

Now that he understands his situation, his breaths started to become heavier.

Looking down at the bleeding wound on his stomach, BlueBlade knows that he wouldn't be able to win this fight no matter what. Standing alone is a battle of attrition, it sucked much of his strength.

Additionally, Blake still has that weird shadowblood that protected him.

If the two of them were about to fight again, then the winner is already clear before it starts.

Just when BlueBlade was about to say something, Blake intervenes, "Don't think that you can plead your way out of this. No matter what, you die today, BlueBlade. For hurting Tara, the price would be your death"

Seeing the obvious fear in BlueBlade's expression, he decided to intervene.

Pleading for mercy to him right now is a futile attempt and quite distasteful, so Blake doesn't want BlueBlade doing that. Due to that, BlueBlade's expression turns grim as he looks down to the floor.

<BlueBlade versus MoonDespoiler>

Out of nowhere, a red panel appeared above the arena followed by a robotic womanly sound.

An antics for the fight that was about to start.





Taking a deep breath, BlueBlade takes out his weapon and his eyes turn fierce.


Letting out a battle cry as he was given no other choice but to struggle and fight in desperation, he charges forward, ignoring the trails of blood that he was making on the clean and glossy floor.

It was during that exact moment, the playful demeanor that Blake wears earlier vanishes.

Moving with quickness and precision, he closed the distance between them instantly. Gritting his teeth, BlueBlade swung his weapon from above his head, enhancing it with shadow aura yet it misses completely.

Blake sidestepped and dodged the attack, BlueBlade's movement is already sluggish.

Following that, Blake wrapped his right arm around BlueBlade's arm that is holding the blue dagger before Blake elbowed the back of his elbow and hyperextended his arm, breaking it completely with a loud bony sound.


[-3,000 HP!]

Seeing the bone in his arm sticking out, BlueBlade hisses in pain through gritted teeth.

Glaring at Blake with bulging eyes, he swung his other hand intending to punch Blake but his other hand received a more gruesome fate. Venting out his anger, Blake blocked the punch and bites it with his elongated fangs.

It was then, he crushed BlueBlade's bones and ripped his arm off with only teeth alone.

[-3,000 HP!]

"Graargghh!!" BlueBlade shouted at the top of his lungs.

Just as his senses were overwhelmed with pain from the fate that both of his arms endured, a kick landed on his chest and sent him crashing across the floor, panting and sweating as he knows his death is near.

Not showing any mercy, Blake walks around him and grabs his head by the hair.

"Instead of dying silently, you decided to retaliate"

Blake lifted BlueBlade's head before he wrapped his other arm around his neck, trapping BlueBlade in a rear-naked choke. Despite wanting to break free, BlueBlade has no working arms and is in a helpless state.

"From that moment, you already signed your own death warrant"

Upon saying that, Blake started to put more strength into the choke, his arms are bulging.

Amidst being choked the life out of him, BlueBlade said strugglingly, forcing himself to voice out his words through closed windpipe, "You- You h-have... n-n- no idea, what yo-u are getting yo-ursel-f in- into"

"I don't care..." Blake replied before he twisted BlueBlade's neck.


[Level 43 Assassin Killed!]

[Obtained 110,500 Exp!]

[Level up!]

[All stats has been increased accordingly!]

Crushing his spine with a twist of the neck, BlueBlade died as the notification appeared.

Finishing the vengeance that he wanted to deliver to BlueBlade for hurting Tara and almost killing her if not for him being able to turn her, Blake sat and lie back on the ground, he was quite exhausted from the fight.

It's not hard, but the events that happened this night drained him physically and mentally.

On top of that, he was also still poisoned, his HP is draining rapidly.

"Drink his blood and recover. You still need to go out right now, there might still be assassins that escaped our senses. Linthia might still be in danger and need to be brought to a safer place" Salana said from the side, warning Blake that it's not done yet.

Upon hearing this, Blake nodded his head and stands back up.

<Winner, MoonDespolier!>

A robotic sound penetrates his ears as the arena announced him as the winner, even the moon in the sky shoots a spotlight toward him, and the blazing fire on the cauldrons burns brighter and reaches quite high into the sky.

On top of that, a red crown appeared above his head, the crown of the winner.

"Spectacular effects, and quite neat. But don't you think it's only good if there's someone watching this instead of only myself?" Blake mutters with a wry smile, there's no need for these effects if there is nobody watching.

But this makes Salana chuckle, "In the future, there will be an audience. Don't worry"

With that, Blake drinks BlueBlade's blood before he vanishes from the place.

A moment later, Linthia's eyeballs underneath her eyelids moved a little, showing that she was starting to regain back her consciousness. Opening her eyes slowly, she was greeted with the bright sunlight that annoys her eyes.

Just as she adjusted to the light, she finds herself on a bed inside a familiar room.

Seeing this, she frowns in confusion as her mind is still hazy.

Despite her mind still rattling and her body still feeling weak, Linthia could tell that she was inside Blake's room right now. But then, a flash of memory enters her brain like a speeding train, remembering her of what happened last night.

"T-Tara?!" she exclaimed, searching for her guardian and also a friend.

Blake realizes that Linthia has woken up and quickly came to her aid before she could freak out, he stepped into her vision, "Linthia, calm down. I'm here, you're safe now, the assassins have already been taken care of"

Finding that Blake was inside the room with her and awake, Linthia felt a bit relieved.

It would be quite scary for her if there was nobody around her when she woke up, especially when she remembered the horror of last night. She was kidnapped and almost fell into Grandmaster Mallory's hands.

Her fear and dread were palpable, even Blake could see that her body is shaking.

"B-Blake? What happened last night...?"