

As Gabriel, was busy playing whack-a-mole with the Draugr. He didn't notice that at the entrance of the cemetery was a party of four players. Standing stock still in shock. Watching Gabriel as he battered the undead.

In the party was three males and one female. Two of the Human males were what looked to be brothers and had identical equipment. Both men looked in their mid 20's. They had a tall robust physique, with a square jaw and short cut black hair. They both had a hammer in one hand and a small kite shield in the other.

A small human/dwarf man in the back was holding a crossbow and quiver of bolts attached to his belt. He had curly light brown hair and an honest looking face with deep blue eyes. The one female of the group had a staff in her hand and the other hand held a tome. She had light chocolate skin with dark brown bangs reaching to her eyebrows. She had a set of beautiful plump lips that were set in a O while she was watching Gabriel attacking the Draugr.

"Who the hell is that guy [Rex]?"

"I don't know [T] but he must be famous, look at his skills. They are on another level compared to everyone else at this time in Deliverance online."

The two brothers spoke to each other in hushed voices.

The small male with the crossbow at the back interjected and so did the mage.

"I think he must be from a martial arts family or maybe a professional soldier?"

"Yeah, I think Mouse here is right. Like for heaven's sake just look at him go. Also, what's up with his purple eyes too, do you think that's a skill?"

By the time the party finished talking about Gabriel. He had just managed to finish the last Draugr. There were so many bodies, you could just see Gabriel standing behind them.

"****! Did any of you have your recorders on?"

Everyone shook their heads at [Rex].

"Goddamnit! There is a premium going on at the moment for quality footage of Deliverance online, due too the amount of people already joining up. We could have made a mint on a video of a guy going nuts on zombies this early in game." [Rex] yelled.

As the party was lamenting the fact, they forgot to record Gabriel in action.

Gabriel was too busy reading over the multiple notifications he just received.

[Slayed – 52x Draugr - level 4 - 10,000 Exp]

[Congratulations [Osiris]! You have Levelled up! Current Level 4 – EXP required before next Level – EXP 0/4000]

[You have gained 1x (AP) to distribute when you please]

[Congratulations Osiris! You have Levelled up! Current Level 5 – EXP required before next Level – EXP 7000/8000]

[You have gained 1x (AP) and 2x (SP) due to human Trait - to distribute when you please]

Before Gabriel could loot the corpses of the Draugr. Another set of notifications lit up his screen, he wasn't used to seeing this specific notification but he did expect it. As in the past, Gabriel was to late in the game and most of these were taken.

[Congratulations! You are the first in Deliverance Online to successfully slay 50 Draugr in one battle. You have earned the achievement and unique title of 'God of death'. You also have been rewarded with plus 100 world renown. Plus 50 gold.]

[World achievement acquired! Congratulations to player [Osiris] for successfully slaying 50 Draugr in single combat without the help of a party and earning the unique title 'God of death'. The gods are starting to take notice]

The first notification was only seen by Gabriel. The second was a worldwide notification to all players currently online. In Deliverance Online it did not give you an option to reject placing your name on the announcement. In the past it would have irritated Gabriel because he preferred to lay low.

However now that he had a chance to do it all again, he realized he needed as much fame and power he can get to shield himself from his future enemies. Gabriel was a little worried about gaining too much attention at the start but realized it can't be helped. Gabriel needed to make some quick progress to get to where he needs to be in the next six months.

The announcement was sent to all players currently online around the world. Players had various reactions, as this was the first time a world achievement announcement had been triggered.

"What the f#*@! 50 Draugrs! I call Hacks!" A High Elf novice was fighting wolves shouted to the sky.

"I am a Level 6 warrior and after killing one of those Draugr, I was swarmed in seconds. If I didn't manage to high-tail it out there I would have been dead" A pro player Human muttered under his breath.

"God of Death. That sounds like a sick title. I read that if you get some of the unique titles, they can give you passive skills or buffs" A human female walking with her party in a novice village said to a party member.

In one Novice Village, a party of 5 players were, slowly making their way through the Draugr cemetery. The leader was a young attractive man, with shoulder length blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. His face was perfectly symmetrical. It made most men want to punch it.

He was shouting orders from the back of the party, while shooting [Mana Bullets] at the approaching Draugr. He read the notification with a small smirk on his face.

"Interesting. I don't remember a Pro-player by the name of Osiris in any of the previous VR MMO's. Must be someone new. Let's see how far you go Osiris. Maybe you might be good enough for the ranks of the Golden Hawks one day" The blonde man said to himself.

A curvaceous blonde woman in priest robes, who was throwing out heals to the party. She heard the leader talking to himself about the announcement.

"Don't worry about him pudding! I bet you it was just a fluke. I am sure you could do it to if you wanted" The blonde woman called out to the leader.

The blonde priest threw the Mage a seductive wink and blew him a kiss before turning around to continue to heal the tanks in the party.

In another Novice Village. Two beautiful Dark Elf ladies were dual wielding knives, while taking down a pack of wolves. Their movements reminded one of a professional ballerina being full of grace. Complete with smooth movements consisting of twists and turns, never letting the wolf's jaws close to them.

They were both gorgeous in different ways. The younger of the two ladies had a petite build with short black cropped hair clipped back so the fringe wasn't in her eyes. She had thin lips but beautiful big eyes like a doll, that made her look young and adorable.

The older Dark Elf had a mature build, with thick strong looking legs, a full rump and large chest. The black rogue set she was wearing was so tight it looked like it would come apart at the seams. She had long black hair that was hanging loose behind her head. It was as smooth as silk. She had a button nose, with a small curve to her full red lips that gave her seductive and daring look.

Despite their graceful forms and movements. They had the mouth of a long-haul trucker.

"What's up with the sh*#@y Notifications always distracting me. I wish you just turn them. Stupid, corn-holing, s@#t eating developers!" The younger Dark Elf yelled at the sky.

"Shut your mouth Squirt, your disgusting mouth is distracting me more than those f*%#king show boating announcements. A wolf almost bit me on my beautiful behind! Mangy Cur!!" The older Dark Elf scolded the little one.

"Why don't you shut up Jugs! If your ass wasn't so fat the wolves wouldn't have so much to bite! If you had a beautiful lithe figure like mine, you wouldn't have this problem!" The younger Dark Elf retorted with a smug voice.

"Lithe figure!! Patoeey!! If it wasn't for your face, most people would think you're a boy or a small child. Your just jealous because you have little grapes and I have gorgeous watermelons! God Damn it Mangy Wolf! Stop going for my behind! I will pierce you in the ass and see if we can't make a simp out of you yet!" The older Dark Elf replied before chasing after a wolf, like a mad dog herself.

The girls continued to fight and throw insults at each other and the poor wolves. Forgetting about the announcement of Gabriel's achievement.

Inside a forest filled with horned rabbits sat [Lil' Tiger] looking like Snow White. Sitting all around her were dozens of [Horned Rabbits]. She looked up at the announcement and thought 'wasn't that the cute boy I just met, hmmm... seemed like it was a good idea to be friends with him and why did the goddess tell me too as well..... I wonder if I should send him a message to come rescue me'.

The reason [Lil Tiger] was sitting in the [Horned Rabbit] territory was of course she got lost, again. [Lil Tiger] decided to just sit down after walking in circles for an hour. The rabbits got so used to her appearance that they turned from [Hostile] to [Friendly]. Which was a hard thing to do if you were trying, let alone by accident like [Lil' Tiger] had. She finally decided not to message [Osiris] as she was too embarrassed. Deciding to play with the cute bunnies instead before logging off for lunch with her Dad.

As this was only the first announcement and wasn't a huge deal. Most players were still in the Novice Villages, not many people took time to remember the name [Osiris].

Gabriel got rid of the status screens after putting one AP point in Endurance and one in Agility. He was going for an balanced fighter type build, in preparations for a class he had his mind on. His stats now looked like:




















Short Blade mastery – LVL3

Disarm –LVL 1

Inspect- LVL 1

Unarmed combat – LVL 2

Gabriel was happy with his increases so far, his short blade Mastery went up to LVL 3 as well. Gabriel kept the (SP) for late as he needed to use them for skills that were hard to level up. (SP) were one of the hardest things to accrue in D.O.

Gabriel decided it was time to loot the pile of Draugr and then head over to finish the quest [Fu Manchu] gave him.

[You have looted 52x Draugr -LVL 4]

2x Gold and 50 silver coins

7x Minor healing potion

4x Minor Fury potion

8x Broken Long sword (trash – can be dismantled for materials)

6x Battered reinforced club (Trash – can be dismantled for materials)

5x Rusted Iron Cuirass (Trash-can be dismantled for materials)

52x Draugr middle fingers (Quest Item)

1x Bronze Roman Cuirass (Uncommon) (Medium Armor)

1x Bronze Roman Greaves (Uncommon) (Medium Armor)

1x Bearded Nordic-Axe (Uncommon) (one handed axe)

8x Rusty bronze key

All the corpses of the Draugrs started to disappear after being looted. Gabriel was stoked after finally getting some armor to wear, he was starting feel slightly naked in the Novice Pants and shirt. Gabriel however was most excited about the fact that he managed to get a new weapon.

As the sword/bat he was using lost all its durability halfway through the previous fight. Gabriel had to finish the rest of the Draugr with punches and kicks to their heads, making the fight take an extra 15 minutes. Luckily for Gabriel it gave him increased proficiency in unarmed combat.

Gabriel checked out his new [Unique] title first "God of Death".

[Title: God of Death] {Unique} - Equip this title to gain a 50% chance of your character coming back to life after death as a Draugr Warrior –Will resurrect 5 Levels below characters level – can use all skills and passives that don't require mana. Will revert back to original race after 1 hour if still alive. Cool-down 48 hour (GT) - Penalty – If character dies while he is a Draugr he will not be able to log back in for 24 hours (RT).

Gabriel was aiming for this all along. He equipped the new title straight away. Now his character's name read {Osiris "God of Death"}. Gabriel chuckled at the irony of it all. Gabriel knew about a couple of other Unique Titles that he wanted but for now he was satisfied.

Gabriel checked his inventory to equip and look at the stats of his new armour and weapon.

[Bronze Roman Cuirass (Uncommon) (Medium armour) Req: LVL 5

Armor Value – 25

Covers torso and back. Shoulder, arms and neck are bare.

Special Effects:

Strength +1

[Bronze Roman greaves (Uncommon) (Medium armour) Req: LVL 5

Armor Value – 10

Covers front of leg from ankle to Knee.

Special Effects:

Agility +1

[Bearded Nordic Axe (Uncommon) (One-handed weapon) Req: LVL 5 – Strength – 8]

15-30 Damage (Slashing)

Special Effects: Has a 5% chance of causing a cripple status if applied to an opponent's joints with right amount of force.

Gabriel had a bright smile on his face as he was now equipped with some armor and a decent weapon. He also equipped the [Twin Daggers of fast Talking] which appeared in a cross sheath on his back, while the axe was attached to a loop on his belt. Gabriel was about to check his status screen when he heard somebody approaching.

The party of four who was waving hello as they approached him, they all had a mix of excitement and fear on their faces when they looked at Gabriel. He was surprised at first, as he knew these people. Not from this life at least but because they were bitter enemies in his past one.

Gabriel didn't sugar-coat it though, he knew inside that the reason for animosity between them was mainly him. The main reason being what he did to the lone female in the group. Her D.O. character's name was [Phat Cat].

Next chapter