
Luo Feng's End and the beginning.

"...Your reign ends today!"

"I want to see how you do that" A wide smile appears on the man's face It was as if he found a new toy.

His opponent wields a sword, a single strike from her could split a mountain coupled with her unbelievable speeds, she was an unstoppable force.

But the man, Luo Feng, wasn't a weakling either, He was not only faster than his enemy but he easily evade any of her strikes.

"Slippery snake!" The woman, Xing Bi, said, she was very furious that every attack of hers didn't hit its designated target.

Luo Feng also did a counterattack, He start rapidly shooting her with his arrows which dealt massive damage.

Xing Bi deflects most arrows with her sword and evades a few but she was still hit a couple of times.

'Shit, he was using Ichor arrows!'

Xing Bi retreated and drink a hp potion that heals her back to full health.

"You're finished" Luo Feng's voice enters Xing Bi's ears and an arrow penetrates her chest reducing her health to nothing.

"Phobos Shot" A super fraudulent homing skill that unconditionally kills every target in the area that fears the user.

"...You--" Xing Bi's face was full of despair-- but then she suddenly smiled.

"You finally used this skill" was Xing Bi's final word before she turns into particles and disappear.

Luo Feng realizes that he messed up after seeing her smile.

"Attack!!" Suddenly, Thousands of other players appear.

'My God's eyes didn't manage to see them? How intriguing'

Thousands of players versus a single archer-- versus the devil, a fight that goes down the history of the game.

"I won't go down easily," Luo Feng said as he activates most of his one-time used catastrophic level scrolls and books.

"Fuck!!" A lot of them turn to ashes, but it seems that everyone was determined to take him down, Reinforcement quickly arrives and attacks Luo Feng.

A battle that lasts for a whole week, A battle that kills thousand of thousands of players, In the end, Luo Feng who used up everything he could use, was defeated.

"It's like he was an endgame boss look at all the items he dropped!!" The alliance full of weaklings rejoiced.

Luo Feng dropped a lot of his powerful items, after all those items were Overpowered items that guarantee to drop if he died.

His power was halved due to that, And he was ambushed over and over again until he was demoted back to level 1.

He lost every piece of equipment he had, And he was now a level 1 weakling...

"So this is how losing feels like" Luo Feng said to himself, but he was not sad nor angry, contrary to that he was actually smiling.

"I will never lose again" He declared to the world.


The world was interested in his declaration.

It was a sunny morning and he was inside his house, Yet a lightning bolt suddenly struck and killed him.

"The Demon of Despair, Luo Feng, was finally killed today!!!"

Many rejoices, Luo Feng was infamous as he killed millions of players, The fact that he was gone was good news for many players.

But none of them knew that Luo Feng had died in real life too.


[Welcome to Tower Of Desire! a world I created~]

[Your goal was to make sure every single dragon that was resting a the very top of the tower was dead, Die once and you'll never live again]

[Do your best and entertain me -M]

"What the?" Luo Feng was wondering what just happened, Everything happen just too quickly.

at the same time, 10 years had already passed on earth and the VRMMORPG game [Tower of desire] just got released.

"It's now here! The first ever VR game where times flow faster! Is it an actual fact or just a bluff?!"

Hundreds of players suddenly appeared, Luo Feng was startled but soon his mind finally realize what just happened.

The 'world' or maybe the one who governs it took interest in him and they decided to kill and sent him inside an MMORPG game.

And as he said he will never lose again they added the rule that if he died that's it.

"In short, I'm playing a game with a major disadvantage"

Even in his prime, he had died a lot of times from boss-type enemies as he tries to read their patterns.

of course, He could just wait until other players killed every singled dragon out there but...

"It won't be entertaining"

One of the things 'M' wanted from him was to entertain them, he doesn't want to know what will happen when they get bored.

And also...

"I like impossible challenges like this"

Only when the odds are against you will victory feel meaningful and satisfying.

With his mind sorted out, Luo Feng made his plan.

"I lost against those players because I was outnumbered... losing like that was my fault, This time..."

After reaching a level high enough, He will proceed with his Plan, Operation: Darkness Befall.

Add this to your library and get updated when I upload a chapter! If you saw any plot holes, or wrong grammar please tell me.

(In case there was a plot hole, depending on its scale I might/might not edit it)

KuboSakicreators' thoughts
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