
Welcome, to Conviction

This was the world that had become dominated by Virtual Reality technology; it had become a perfect system. One month ago, Conviction completed this system by connecting virtual currency with the real world economy, thus completely merging into humanity's livelihood.

With such a high rate of player retention, the player-base was able to grow to a tremendous amount. It spurred the increasing consumption of Virtual Reality in the rest of the world. The amount of time the world spent playing Conviction every year was so astronomical, it was to the extent that it surpassed the amount of time they spent in reality. The emergence of numerous new consumer groups caused the creation of a great number of service industries, a vast majority of which targeted the professional gaming community.

Almost every financial group had established a presence in Conviction. Following the establishment of lin fan and Lin An father's business—after the company had produced decent earnings—Lin Fan's father also began participating in Conviction's rising popularity. He put up a large sum of money into the game as well. Though in the end, due to suffering a crushing defeat, it resulted in the company and its assets being brought to ruin.

And that's how all the mess started in the first place


The two of them waited for the countdown.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1!!"


[System: Do you wish to create an account?」

[Yes] [NO]

"Even if the world is covered in the shadow, there will still be light." Lin fan murmured.

[Checking irises, identity verified, generated serial number: 1545244589545123. Esteemed Mr. Lin Fan, welcome to the world of coviction]

"As expected of a game designed by a great genius and backed up by governments of various countries, it already has my basic information"

To the left of the fields stood an army of knights and an army of elves. These knights were the Imperial Astle Knights, reputed as the 'Eternally sharp blades'. It was the strongest military power in the Empire. As for the army of elves, it had a great number of archers and magicians. Above the armies, enormous dragons zipped by, their gigantic shadows sweeping over the ground.

To the right was an army of undead and beastmen. The massive volume of skulls had no end. This was the power of a Necromancer. Overhead flew a couple of bone dragons and ghost dragons. The beastmen did not lose out either, looking as tough as old boots. Behemoths, thunder eagles, advanced organisms of all conceivable shapes and sizes littered the fields. Orderly rows of taurens and shamans stretched out, their scarlet eyes glaring ahead. Enormous totems with glowing magic runes shone brightly.

On the other side there stand a mighty vampire, the mother of all vampire Shizo Beriache alongside her children and the army of vampires, her might and presence is so great that no one can stand up to her. Opposite of her stand van hen the mighty father of all Werewolves, alongside his great army the mighty werewolf Van Hen powers and presence does not shrink in front of the mother Shizo Beriache.

A bugle horn thundered, and both sides began their charge. The clash of steel and the bellows of war cries mingled. Even if he quit gaming, the scene didn't fail to make Xu Xiang's blood boil. This was a man's ending, this was an apocalypse of fire and blood!

Vampires rush at Werwolf, they clash while vampire mother and Werewolf father started to run towards each other.

And suddenly, the scene changed and huge blood-covered 'CONVICTION' word came out of nowhere

[Welcome to character creation]


"Haru Glory"

[The name is already taken]


[The name is already taken]


[The name is already taken]

"whatever it's not like I am going to play for long enough...QWERTY"

[The name is already taken]





[The name is already taken]

GOD DAMMITT....am I going to waste the entire day just selecting name"

[User requesting, random name generator?]

"Uh...there is a function like that?"

[Yes] [No]


[Selected Name...Shadow Drifter]

"Such a cool name isn't taken by anyone?"

[Please Select the Class]

Lin fan rapidly looked through the human's available classes: Fighter, Monk, Ranger, Hunter, Mage, Necromancer, Guardian, Priest, Rogue.

Fighters leaned towards strength, they were a strong front line class, A pure melee class, with second highest defense with highest base damage this class is very popular

"Well considering krugel, the first of unified ranking is a warrior no wonder this class is popular", thought lin fan

Monk class relies on hand to hand combat, a melee class as well but what makes it different from fighters is the combos they can one combo the enemy, with every combo increases the attack damage and lastly deals with incredibly high damage. Pure damage dealing class

Ranger's class knows healing, long-range attack, short range attack, magic, traps and support the worst class if you ask people... of course, that is until you ask normal people, ranger class is an all-rounder they are suitable for any given circumstances and they can win in any and all situations, of course, this class is solely made for experts

Hunter is a pure range attack class, Hunter class not only have the hawk's eye but they got sniper as well; Hunter can kill the enemy with a headshot from very very far and safe place.....they got the longest range of all classes out there in conviction and yes that includes hidden classes

Mage is another long-range damage dealer, though they do not have the range of the hunter nor the hawk eye or the snipe, the attack is unbelievable if a mage can keep their distance from the enemy they can virtually kill anyone in the game

Necromancer fights with an overwhelming number in their side if trained right the skeleton can be good enough (Warning - very highly recommended if playing solo with summons, a necromancer could kill an entire army this class could also gain the health and stats of a summoning skeleton and if done at the right time and right place this very skill could heal the necromancer and could increase their physical abilities to dodge the enemy attack before overwhelming them again with their skeleton summons.)

"A short description hmm..... "doesn't matter with Agnus showing off the great power of the necromancy this class is bound to be popular" well agnus is hiding, he is only 7 in unified rankings whereas he and krugel are of same strength I wonder who will win this time between us when we meet again in the future"

Guardian is a tanking class they got the highest defense in all classes they are always the first one in front of a mob, boss or a monster they can take a hit, they can block the hit as well guardian got the second highest base damage they could also minor heal who could kill an enemy whose health is barely able to be reduced and can also heal and they can force all the enemy's onto themselves with a passive taunt ability (Warning - if playing in a party very highly recommended with priest this class is unkillable with taunt the opponent also can't take out the priest before taking out guardian)

Priest a pure support class which is able to give great buffs and can heal, priest and its related classes are the only thing that can remove DOT damage in the battle, their buffs are not something to sneeze either, not to mention the great heal that can keep the party going endlessly. (Warning - if playing in a party very highly recommended with Guardian this class is unkillable, with a taunt of a guardian the opponent can't take out the priest before taking out guardian)

Rough is a surprise attack class with stealth backstab and poisons this class is a pure DOT class it requires a high amount of agility but if done right they can ignore defense of an opponent they can pop out anywhere in the field anytime they wish they are the natural bane of the guardian, and the mighty guardian-priest combo

Reading and noting all classes abilities although he knew these classes here are just the starting, Conviction got nearly 500 different classes though no one knows how to get one

This is not a game this is another reality, people live here, and their timeline changes according to the flow of time, if an Event does not happen at older players time does not mean it won't happen now, or if they found classes in a certain way that does not mean they will find it again using the same method.

[Race is by default selected as Human if you wish to change the Race, please win their trust]

[Every Race has hidden Classes]

[Please Enjoy the gaming world]

A white light enveloped his vision as Lin Fan entered the world of Conviction.

When Lin fan entered the game he stunned, "what the heck this surrounding how the hell is this any different from the reality", having drooled for a full minute he finally able to regain his composer

Finally regaining his composer he whispered to pearl the new identity of his sis after all Haru glory and Sara Hiashi died 10 years ago

"Sis... this new game is totally awesome"

"I do agree this game really is one of a kind, but putting all thing aside what are you gonna do? the kind of money we need is really too much", asked Pearl

"Yes the money we need to bail you out of that marriage agreement is really far too much to gather for one or two players, We need a guild a guild which can farm, and there is no one else who can lead better than you", said Shadow Drifter

"hihi.....buttering a beauty huh? you sure are gonna be a lady killer, that's why you are my little most awesome little dearest brother"

"Damn you, can't you be serious just for one moment"


"I hate you"

"No, you don't"

Lin fan just growled he knew she was right he could never hate her just like she could never hate him

Having chuckled pearl finally entered business mode "Alright I will make a full female guild and we will farm the money needed heck I would even try to make the top guild out there"

"That's good and all but why full female guild"?

"Of course so that I could choose a girlfriend for you, between those girls", she said in a tone that only spell 'Duh'


"O come on don't be flustered and besides just like me you are not young anymore, it's high time for you to have a woman in your life"

"B-But I have you and mom-

"I am hanging up and going to 'hunt' for your future girlfriend goodbye little dearest brother"

Lin fan was tongue tied and stunned for a few minutes

"Nope I was wrong I can hate her...I HATE HER"

Now with all the recent problems he has, add the girl problem that his sister will bring up soon sighing to the fate he walks to the village chief

'Excuse me?' can I help you with something

The chief smiled "Sure you can but first you need to learn who is who, go and introduce yourself to the village then come back"

[Quest reminder: Meet blacksmith (0/1), doctor(0/1), merchant(0/1), tavern/pub manager(0/1), arms/weapons dealer (0/1), banker (0/1) complete the quest by reporting back to chief]

[Rewards: 20 Exp, increase affinity with everyone at village]

[Failure: decrease 10 affinities with everyone at the village]

Lin fan rapidly and hurriedly moved and introduced everyone at the village before coming back to the chief

"Good job young one you did it beautifully" the chief smiled

[Quest completed: Reward: 20 exp, increase affinity with everyone at the village]

Xu Xiang spawned at the only open space in the village.

Taking no notice of the village chief's chattering, Xu Xiang began heading outside the village. He pulled up the data of his individual stats.

[Character: Shadow Drifter]

Sex: Male

Level: 0

Prestige: 0


Strength- 2

Agility- 3

Spirit- 2

Intelligence- 1

Toughness- 1

HP: 110

MP: 100/100

Attack: 3-3

Defense: 1

Magic defense: 2

Magic resistance: 1%

Stealth: 3 (Rough profession talent value)

Perception: 1 (Accuracy)

Movement speed: 5.0


Dagger proficiency (Passive) (Low): When the weapon equipped is a dagger, the damage is increased by 10 percent.

Needle Throw (Passive) (Low): When throwing a needle at the opponent, the damage is increased by 1 Percent