

Ce n’est pas mon livre ça appartient à l’auteur original Et voici le lien original du livre https://www.fimfiction.net/story/279271/new- A magical accident has a human end up in Equestria in the form of a unicorn. Warning, Spoilers in comment section. Cover art by: Sipioc AN// All thanks to the people over at spacebattles.com for betaing. Sequel can be found here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/306592/normal-life

Supe3rman1234 · TV
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52 Chs

Chapitre 40

Chapter 41

"...I hate winters." I grumbled, shivering slightly against the cold despite the warming spell and scarf around my neck, looking up at the skies, "But you are right, the cold air does make the stars clearer so sometimes it's worth it."

Luna smiled, looking completely unbothered by the weather, "I have almost forgotten what it's like being cold. I have not felt it properly since... since I became a Alicorn." she admitted and shifted a bit closer to put her wing over my back, "How is this?"

I gave her a small embarrassed look but leaned into her warmth, "Better. Thank you."

She grinned at that and held me close for a second, "But maybe it would be better to head inside where it's warm. It is getting late and I really should get those papers done."


Luna moved her wing of my back and poked my side with it with a smile, "I like your company, Page. I really appreciate that you stay up sometimes like this. Especially today." she said as she opened the doors to allow us back into her tower to the roaring fireplace and the smell of... was that hot cocoa? When did that arrive?

Letting the doors close behind us I unwrapped my scarf, "It's not like it's a problem if I sleep till noon or even later and I don't have a job as such. I can do my writing whenever, really. All I need is something to write on and with." before I grinned, "And preferable a ton of caffeine."

The Princess nodded and grabbed a cup of steaming chocolate on her way to her desk, her blue magic aura snatched up the first of the papers as she eyed through it, "Extra funding to Celestias school for gifted unicorns? Why in the world did this end up in my pile?"

I just shrugged and nosed at my own cup of chocolate, jumping onto the couch to lay down before taking a careful sip.


A bit too hot.

Putting it back on the table, I pulled a paper and quill from my bag, settling down to do some of the writing equivalent of doodling.

This was... nice.

The crackle of fireplace, the sound of quills against paper and the wind howling outside the tower as snow started to fall.

Maybe I was wrong about winters. As long as I didn't need to be outside in the cold, this was rather nice after all.

Finishing the short story a couple of hours later, I read through it before dropping it on the table.

"It's done?" Luna asked as she looked up from her paperwork.

"Mhmm. You can read it later if you want, it's nothing serious though, just a couple of random scenes. Just some literary doodling." I explained before I tried my hot chocolate again, it had cooled enough to drink by now.

She shook her head and gave her offending paperwork a look that might have set it on fire before signing the last one.

Finishing that part of her work, she jumped out of her chair and made her way over to join me on the couch, laying down opposite from me on the couch, "Be glad you do not have to do those. I miss the time before bureaucracy."

I grimaced at that, "Don't say that, I have a meeting with an accountant tomorrow, we are trying to figure out my taxes." before I gave Luna a look and a poke in the chest with my hoof, "Robber Baron."

That got a laugh from her, "We will attempt to not leave you too poor." she teased, sticking her tongue out at me.

"It's not the taxes I mind, it's the paperwork." I grumbled.

"If it helps, we 'are' trying to simplify the taxcode. It has grown all out of proportion during the last thousand years. I'm just trying to find a way to do it without having half the nobility cry bloody murder over their 'exceptions' disappearing."

I nodded, "My ink supply for future years thanks you, your highness." I teased back with a small playful bow before I grinned, "So, going to watch the Hearth's Warming Eve play? Isn't Twilight Sparkle and her friends putting it on this year?"

Luna nodded, "'Tia asked them to. I believe they will do quite well. Personally, I will not be attending. I find it somewhat... distasteful."

"It's not what really happened?"

The Princess sighed and shrugged one wing, "It is... for the most part. But is a very cleaned up version, lacking the battles and full war between all three tribes. A lot of horrible things happened during that time, before the unification. And to have it all summed up in a play about Friendship, even if it essentially ended with the three tribes uniting to fight of the Wendingos, it was not by hugs in a frozen cave." she explained before she smiled, "It might have 'started' with hugs in a frozen cave, but it was a long, hard journey for all three tribes before they trusted each other. It took many years and even now there are a few tribalists that see the others as inferior."

I nodded, "I see what you mean with a play not being able to capture the difficulty of it all. But I think I should go see it at least once."

"So you should." She agreed and sipped at her chocolate again, "As I understand it, it 'is' a good play even if it does skip over or simplify a lot."

Using my magic, I floated my bag over and pulled out a package, handing it over to Luna's magic, "Happy Hearth's Warming Eve. It's nothing much, but I wanted to give you something."

She blinked and then smiled, "You didn't need to get me anything." she said softly and unwrapped it to reveal a book.

"It's a collection of short stories. Some romance, some adventure, some comedy. The only copy in existance. I got my publisher to put me in contact with somebody who could bind it for me."

It actually cost quite a bit to have it done as a special project, but I know how much Luna likes stories and I wanted to give her something unique.

Luna flicked through it with a happy smile before putting her cup of chocolate down and shifting closer and before I knew it, her lips brushed against my cheek, "Thank you, Page. I love it." she whispered before pulling back, her wings lifted high in he air, "I have something for you as well." she said as I struggled not to blush.

Why the hell was I blushing! It was a kiss on the cheek!

I looked on in surprise as she used her magic to pull a small wrapped box from behind a couple of books on her shelf and floating it over for me to catch in my own magic, "You didn't need to..."

She grinned, "Apparently neither of us did."

Chuckling, I started to unwrap it before opening the box, before folding my ears back in surprise. Sitting in the box was a small and simple silver medallion on a silver chain with a crescent moon engraved on it, "Thank you. Wow." I said quietly as I lifted it from the box, holding it up against the light.

Luna smiled and took it from my magic before putting the chain around my neck, "There." she said, "It symbolizes my trust in you. As long as you wear this, you will have full access to the castle. Everywhere but my sisters private chambers."


"Luna... That's..."

"You are my best friend, Page. I want you to be able to come and go as you wish. But I am aware that it will cause people to talk about us again and that you dislike the attention." Luna said softly and looked down, "I understand if you do not wish to wear it."

"Let them talk."

She smiled happily at that and then looked towards the window and the howling storm outside, getting a thoughtful look for a moment, "You can not return home in these conditions, it seem like the weather team might have lost control of the storm. We will call a maid and have her show you to a guestroom."

Looking at the snow whirling past the window, I couldn't help but agree, "I think that might be for the best. If I try to make it home in that, you might find a pony-sicle tomorrow."