
MLP: Light Chaser

MC is a average 17 year old college student who is a fan of My Little Pony. Like any other isekai he has a face to face meeting with truck-kun. He gets reincarnated into the world of My Little Pony or at least one that is similar as a Pegasus. He has but on ideal that is to become the fast thing in all of reality. ==================================== I just really wanted a MLP fanfic where MC is not a unicorn. The world will be similar to mlp world and some fanfic I read with some original content. So some content from MLP will happen while some won't or they will be different. This is my first time writing and english is my second language which is a great recipe for disaster. So don't expect much from starting chapters.

Game_B_Roll · TV
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Chapter: 4 (Domain)

Waking up and opening my eyes I saw that I was in a cradle laying on my back. Turning my head upon hearing snoring I looked to the side to see a bed with Uncle Hothoof and Aunt Whistles sleeping on it with Uncle Hothoof being the one snoring. There was a side table on the side of the bed which had a night lamp which was emitting the only source of light in the room.

'I must have fallen asleep and now woken up in the middle of the night' I thought. Taking a deep breath I calmed myself down. 'First of all I should figure out this now sense of mine as it will be the only unique thing I have that others won't' I said to myself.

Closing my eyes I tried to only focus on my new perception sense or something. It gave me a mental map in my mind about everything in a 5 meters radius around me with me as the center. Don't ask me how I know it's 5 meters I just know 'Maybe thats part of the ability' I theorised.

Getting rid of these distracting thoughts I focused on myself to see where is the exact center from where the domain starts. As the domain is a perfect omnidirectional vision where I can 'see' through walls with no difference between looking through air. As the domain is a perfect circle I theorised that by looking at its dead center I can see where it originates from.

Calculating that 1 inch behind my glabella which was the center of the eyebrows seems to be the center of the domain I focused there. I saw a red core with 1% of it's center orange. '?!! Is this not the ball I was before so is it my SOUL?!' I thought. Thinking of all the Xuanhaun novel I read I let my inner chunibu awaken thus naming this my 'Soul Core'.

'Wait here a moment!! does that mean I can again level up my Soul Core and increase my domains range?!!' I thought to myself. 'Though where will I get those clouds to absorb to level up??' I asked myself. Seeing as I won't be getting any answers soon I first thought about accessing my current abilities before trying to find a way to make them stronger.

Advising myself I focused on my domain again. Now that I am actually focusing on my surroundings I saw that there were illusory orbs of different colours every where in my domain be it in the air that were moving randomly or even in objects especially the clouds with which this whole house is made of is filled with these blue orbs that although seems are randomly placed.

You might ask why I think they ain't randomly placed. Well my imaginary friend thats because my domain keeps telling me that this is the symbol of soild.

'WAIT?! Is this what is think it is?! Mana?!' I asked myself. Excited to test this theory I thought about how I can use it. When I thought about moving mana I 'saw' that the orbs actually moved. Being excited I thought about using the most basic spell of Unicorn's which was telekinesis by moving objects with a mana hand.

Wanting to try this I started willing the mana in the air in my domain to gather in one spot in front if my face. Within a few seconds the mana condensed into a irregular ball that no matter how hard I imagined I couldn't condense into a perfect ball. 'This will do for now I guess.' I comforted myself and wanting to test it's capabilities I threw it forward where there where curtains it front of a window. As it flew forward due to me stoping from throwing it forward as I focused on my eyes to see what would happen and also as I panicked thinking that this might break the window. So with me not actively willing the ball together or throwing it forward. The ball started unrambling and slowing down making it so that when it came in contact with the curtains it only rustled it like a the wind.

Rolling my eyes and learning the lesson that concentration is key when using mana. I saw a teddy bear sitting in the cradle willing the mana to create a gust of mana that knocked over the bear.

You might be thinking that I said I was going to use telekinesis but all I am doing is blowing mana around. But what you don't know is that willing mana to move in a direction is like using a air blower which is my will to push a ball in zero gravity which is mana in this case in a direction you want by blowing air at it which will be my thoughts in this scenario.

Wanting to learn more about using mana I tried to will the mana that was in the form of symbol in the clouds to come to me. It felt like trying to pull a brinks out of a cemented wall. So focusing only on a single brick which in this case is a mana orb. I pulled with all my strength slowly I could fell cracks appearing in the imaginary cement around the imaginary brick in the imaginary wall. Slowly when the orb was pulled out I could feel the foundation of the symbol weaking meaning it will be easier to break if I target the illusory bricks around the pulled brick which in this case will be the nodes of the symbol.

Clearing my mind a bit as it seems moving mana really takes it out of you causing me to be sleepy. 'These clouds should be the ones which were produced from the cloud factory in Cloudsdale. They should have the ability to allow solid to stand on them.' Now that I am thinking why was it said that only pegasus or unicorn with cloud walking spells could come to Cloudsdale as the city is made of clouds so others will simply fall through. So I always raged about why are there furniture that doesn't fall through clouds but other races are just no good.

As much as I would like to continue using mana my sleepiness caught up causing me to sleep.