
Tamura shrine

one day in the Tamura town all people are living simple and peace by leadership of the Queen. Queen Sakura announce to her citizens that they have small celebration in palace because of abundant harvest and the victory of the ninja war. Mr. Hayamura is the Kazekage wherein he is the one who leads the ninja and his right hand is Danzo tha Sage of village they are siblings. Hayamura is the older brother of Danzo they are so close and the learn same technique same skills but the intelligence and attitude are not the same Hayamura intelligence and attitude is better than his younger brother. In the celebration Queen and her high rank ninja have a small conversation about the war, a the middle of celebration Queen had been announce about the greatnest victory of the ninja's in war Queen Sakura give a magical badge to Kage and same with Sage's and some ninja have recieve is gold. In the celebration Hayamaru meet a beautiful girl and he was inloved while Danzo go to the roof of the palace and watching the celebration of the citizen while his watching someone who's covered his eyes.

Danzo: stop doing that Kira

(Kira is the one childhood friend od Danzo)

Kira: why you so easily to guess me

Danzo: because your scent is still the same when we are kids.

Danzo slowly looking to Kira's eyes and same with Kira their face slowly getting close and the slowly kiss.

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