
How does it starts?

Big bang "explosion" starts this unending battles between heroes. More than 80 psycho balls explode and this results to the creation of these 80+ heroes which includes Alucard, Eudora, Miya, Fanny, Tigreal and Angela.

In the land of dawn where chaos is abundant. Heroes with different perspectives, abilities, powers, characteristics and skills that makes few good heroes, some are evil and others are the "Go with the flow" or those who don't recognize what is happening on their environment they're living with.

Alucard was striked by his sword counting one... two.. three... and then jump over a glimpse of light coming out of nowhere at night with full of darkness everywhere.

Lying on the grass, miya woke up thinking what just happened. Miya uses invincibility to cover herself from a shining light coming from the sky that made her too dizzy and gives her the will to escape from that kind of place.

Over the Clouds where Angela is sitting on a beautiful stuff trying to overcome her fear even if it's not too scary where she was.

Underground, Tigreal was too brave facing those scary small creepy littlw stuffs. letting his sword and shield fight for him trying to make himself achieve what he wanted from the bwginning, to be the strongest tank ever.

Fanny with Eudora Facing those Heavy lightnings without any hesitations. Fanny keeps on getting rid of those lightning while Eudora absorbing those powerful lightnings that made her powerful enough as a mage.

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