
Chapter 9: The Trap

"Alright that's it for class today. Go home have a good rest and tomorrow we will have field training. I want everyone to be in tip top shape as tomorrow's training is crucial as you will be experiencing real life situation to handle mystical creatures." Miss Brown said as she dismisses the class. Finally our sessions are over, the seven of us gathered and head towards the forest to find for more clues to solve the mystery. While walking around, a thought hit me. Why was there a lady staying in an abandoned house? Of all the places why was she there and why have I never seen her before. Then it hit me, that lady was not just an ordinary lady, she could be Tyn's accomplice. Straight away I called out to my friends and explained to them on what I had found out.

"Now that you said that, it does make sense. I mean why would a lady of all places stay in the forest. Even if she does stay there, we should have seen her daily or at least cross paths with her. But we didn't." Layn said as she is in deep thought, "Now that I remembered, last time when Tyn attacked my friend he had an accomplice, I couldn't make out who was that person as I was hiding under the bed. But now that I think of it, that other person might be her." Layn said. Without hesitating we start to come up with a plan on how to deal with it. After planning we head straight to the abandoned house.

Me and Rose will approach the lady to distract her while Anubis, Rogue and Nick will keep watch around the area in case they saw Tyn coming back where else Jacob and Layn will run back to The Orb to inform Mr. Principal on Tyn's whereabouts. "Knock, Knock, Knock." Rose knocks the door. We heard sounds of foot steps in the house. "Hello, may I help you?" said the lady. "Hi, sorry to disturb you. You see me and my friend here got lost in the woods, we are hungry and it's almost dark. Is it okay if we could seek shelter here for a moment?" Rose and I gave a pitiful and hungry look to the lady, hoping that she would let us in. The lady then agreed and both me and Rose went into the house, our first task is complete. Next we have to stall for time for The Orb to send people over to capture the lady then we could find Tyn's location.

As both me and Rose sit on the couch, the lady said with a smile "I'll go whip up something for the both of you to eat while you guys take a rest here.", we both smiled and sat down. "Do you live here alone?" I asked the lady, hoping to start a conversation with her so that it we wouldn't be suspicious. "No. I lived here with me husband, but he is currently out gathering woods and hunting for food. You see, life in the forest here is tough. We have to depend on natural resources to survive, even though we do have odd jobs in the city. But still it is tough." said the lady. Rose started to go on with the conversation, her acting was so good that no one would suspect a thing that we are up to. I look out the window to find Anubis, Nick and Rogue but they were no where to be seen. Maybe they are hiding somewhere? But I started to have a bad feeling about it.

"So....what time does your husband comes back?" I asked, "Hmm...I am not entirely sure about that. It depends actually, if he found a job or a prey to hunt, he will be back home late." said the lady while serving us some food. A sudden chill ran down my spine, I had a feeling that the lady actually knew about the both of our intention as I saw her giving a smile while serving us some food. But behind that smile was actually an evil smile, Rose felt it too as I could see her getting nervous. Suddenly the door burst opened, "Well well well, what do we have here. What a pleasant surprise to have two such beautiful guests to join us today." Tyn came in with a devilish look in his eyes. What had happened to Anubis, Nick and Rogue? Are they okay? Were they captured?

Both me and Rose sat on the chair with out hands tied with a magic rope. "I was expecting your arrival, but I never expect you to be so smart. You sent two of your friends to warn The Orb and the other three to keep watch while you and your friend here try to stall for time. Sadly your plans didn't work out. HA HA HA" Tyn laughed. "What have you done to my friends. Where are they and how did you know about our plans." I questioned Tyn bravely and not giving him a single look that I was scared on the inside. Tyn sat down infront of me, "Hmm...to answer your questions, 1. your friends are captured by my servants, 2. they are locked somewhere which I won't tell, oh but don't worry they are safe for the time being and 3. There was a little bird that overheard your plans and came flying to me and let me know about it."

All this while Tyn knew about our plans, it seems that we were the ones that fell into his trap. "What do you want from us." I said, he came over to me "Well it's easy, since the whole lot of you know about my whereabouts, I can't let all of you leave here alive. I plan to feed your friends to my servants but before that I need their blood for a ritual and as for you, someone has other plans for you and you are to be kept alive. Take the other girl to join the rest of her friends." Tyn ordered his servants. They came in and took Rose away, I tried to untie the ropes but it was too strong. "Who was it and why are you doing this!" I screamed with anger. "It's easy, I wanted power. And that certain someone promise me that he could fulfill it and give me more than what I expected. Power is everything, everyone will bow to my will. I am tired living in a world that controls and restrict you. Hide ourselves from the humans because of who we are...Pfft...we are suppose to be on the top of the food chain" Tyn replied. "Your friends will be used as my sacrifice to summon the portal where all the creatures from the my dimension could invade this world under my command." Tyn said as he stood up.

"You'll stay here, someone will come and fetch you afterwards. While your friends will be sent to the afterlife. Enjoy your time here being alive dear one.", with that both Tyn and the lady left the house. I tried moving my hands to see if I could just cast a spell to burn the ropes. But it seems that the ropes are so strong that it drains all of my energy. Tears started to form in my eyes, I couldn't believe what I had done. I just put the lives of my friends in danger, it's all my fault. If only I hadn't involve them in and stop them in the first place from joining this mission, this wouldn't have happened. Suddenly a voice in my head spoke "Need a helping hand", it was Dragno's voice. "Dragno, please help me. My friends, I put them in danger and I have to save them." I started crying, "I cannot help you save your friends, but I can help you to break free from these bonds." said Dragno. "How please. Help me, as long as I can break free from these ropes then I can save my friends." hope started to build up in me. I could still have another chance to save my friends.

"First you will need to tap in to my powers. Focus all your powers onto the ropes. Let the power flows in you, find the core of your powers and focus it on the place you wish to attack on." I followed Dragno's advice. Finally I managed to break free, but the power took it's toll on me. My legs felt weak and I am breathing fast, but I know there is no time to rest for my energy to build up. I muster up all I had and escape from the house. Because I couldn't use my powers for the time being, Dragno guided me on the directions that Tyn took my friends. I ran as fast as I could, "Just hold on guys. I am coming to rescue you." I said in my thoughts.

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