
Chapter 6: The Riddle

Training is hard as usual for me since I need to learn all the aspects of defence, attack, healing and many more. No matter how hard I tried to focus on training the next thing I know is that my mind will wander off to the words of what Dragno told me. "Uff!! Ouch that hurts." I cried. "Stop! That's enough we'll take five." Miss Brown ordered us to stop our hand to hand combat lesson. "Hey Mal are you okay? You seem to be distracted by something today?" Rose asked worriedly. NIck came over and sat next to me "Have you guys heard the news this morning." Rose, Anubis and I were silent for a second. "What news?" I asked, "I heard that last night a human went missing. Neighbours heard screams coming from the forest. Then this morning the police found a dead body of the missing human. Her blood was totally drained out of her." Nick told us.

"Do you think it's related to the same thing that is stalking us?" Rose questioned while wiping her sweat from training. "I'm not sure about that. We are not clear on who and what is stalking us recently. We have to be very careful with our surroundings. Especially on who we associate with everyday." I warned the others on it. "Something on your mind Mal? Is there anything you are not telling us?" Anubis questioned me. He seems to know that I am hiding something from them. "It's nothing really. Maybe I didn't get enough sleep last night that I am not so productive today." "Alright everyone let's get back our lesson. Partner up with your respective partners and start fighting" Miss Brown ordered. It was a perfect timing that I was able to dodge the next question that Anubis was going to ask me.

Right after combat training was a relaxing lesson. Anubis, Rose and Nick won't be joining me for the next class because it's not in their schedule. I will be joining with the rest of the Silver ranks in Healing class. I met Jacob and Rogue as they were waving at me the moment I entered the classroom. Everyone noticed my presence and went silent, because I am a Gold rank which makes everyone a little bit afraid of me. Well what can I say being the all powerful girl in the classroom. I sat next to Jacob and Rouge as class was about to start. Jacob started taking notes on the lesson that was taught to us and guiding Rogue and me on problems we don't know. "Hey, don't forget we got to meet up with Mr. Principal later." Jacob whispered. Right, I almost forgot about the meet up that we planned last night.

Finally all of us gathered at the front desk right after classes was over. "Good Evening Mdm. Wong can we meet up with Mr. Principal now because we have an urgent problem that needs to be consulted." Rose did the talking to Mdm. Wong and we manage to meet up with the principal immediately. The six of us entered Mr. Principal's room, "Well what do have here. A company of my best elite students. What brings the six of you here and Layn too. Hmm?". Layn step forward and told Mr. Principal on our encounter with the mysterious stalker yesterday. Mr. Principal sat down in deep thoughts sipping on his cup of hot coffee. " Sir is it possible that the case of this mornings missing human found in the woods is related to the person that was stalking us?" I asked as the whole room was looking at me. "I can't be sure Mal, but it is a possibility. If this thing following you guys then we will need to be on high alert. You guys are still newbie therefore it will be difficult for you to defend yourself from any harm that will happen. The group of Protectors that i send to guard over you Mal, too went missing yesterday." Mr. Principal replied looking anxious.

"What now? We can't just walk out of this building pretending that nothing happens. We have to at least be prepared to know what we are facing. What was that thing that attack that human last night?" said Jacob. "The thing that attacked that human last night was a vampire. It was one of the rogue vampire that we have been hunting for 5 years now. His name is Tyn, he is an evil vampire that shows no mercy to anyone he kills. He is highly on the wanted list for us to hunt him down." Layn said with a pale face. "Why, what happen? What did he do?" I asked feeling something is missing in that story. "He killed a wizard and his family that Layn was closed to when she was young. That's how Layn found out about her powers and got recruited as a Protector" Mr. Principal answers carefully without wanting to hurt Layn's feelings. "Layn I am so sorry about that. I shouldn't ask that." I approach Layn. "It's okay. It's in the past, and I will do my job to make sure that he is captured" Layn replied with a smile.

"WHAT!! A vampire. It's like we are signing up with a death god knowing that we are facing this kind of enemy. Just how strong is he to avoid you guys for like 5 years. I'd rather sign up with Anubis here as he is my death god alright." Nick started exaggerating to lighten up the serious atmosphere in the room. Anubis a death god, pfft, that joke of his almost made me laugh. Then it came into my mind, the first riddle of Dragno 'The god of death'. Anubis is the name of an Egyptian god of death. He is the first one i have found so far on the people to be trusted list of mine.

"Alright everyone. From now onward we need to be extra careful of our surroundings. Here, everyone take this piece of crystal, including you Layn." the principal handed out a small piece of blue crystal at the size of a small bottle cap. "What does it do?" I asked looking at the crystal. "When you are in trouble and in need to escape, infuse a little bit of your power inside the crystal. It will buy you some time to run away and it will also alert me of you danger and I will be able to dispatch people to go over." The principal answers in a serious tone.

After discussing on measures to be taken, all of us exited the room and then head home immediately. We were all on high alert and never let our guard down as to what will happen to us next is unpredictable. Now that I know Anubis is part of the people that i could trust, now i just need to solve the remaining riddles. I seemed to have gotten hang of what the riddles are pointing at, it's indicating the names. 'Plants full of thorns' means Rose, 'A small scratch on the skin' is a meaning of Nick, 'A rogue hero' its Rogue, 'The son of Isaac and Rebecca' it's from the bible which is Jacob, 'The protector of heroes"' it's Layn. These are my own friends, the ones that i could trust. After solving the riddle texted my friends to meet up in the park tomorrow morning to tell them something that I found out. Then I immediately went to sleep, drifting into the realm of dreams.

Hope you don't find it boring as this is my first time creating my own story. Stay tuned for more updates

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