
Chapter 5: Dragno

Right after training ends, the whole lot of us started cycling back home together. This time the feeling of someone watching me is getting stronger. I tried ignoring it and cycle back home with everyone. Suddenly Anubis stopped his bicycle and so does the rest of us follow suit. " Did you guys feel that? I felt that someone is watching us since this afternoon when we left school." "You felt it too Anubis? I thought i was the only one feeling it." I started to get worried as the sky turns dark. " Let's not stay here and chat shall we. We should find a safe place to talk." Layn said in a serious tone. " Let's go to my house. It's safe there." I suggested and everyone agrees with it.

I opened the door and hear my family in the living room, my dad as usual watching tv with my mom while my brother playing video games. " I'm home!! I brought some friends over...", my mother came over to the hallway, " Oh hi there. Have you guys eaten? There's food, I could heat it up if u want?" my mom feeling excited since it's the first time i brought home friends other than Layn. " Mom this is Anubis, Nick, Jacob, Rose, Rouge and Layn of course. We'll be going to my room to study because there is an exam tomorrow." The six of us ran up to my room, "I'll bring up some food for you honey!" screamed my mom from downstairs "Sure!" I replied.

We all put our bags down, Layn look outside to see anything suspicious lurking outside the house. " Okay now, what did you and Anubis felt earlier?" Jacob questioned us with a worried expression. "Earlier on the way to the library I felt something was following me. I thought it was just my imagination until we left the library this feeling of someone following me came back. When Anubis suddenly felt that same feeling I felt earlier, I know that it's not just my imagination". I told Jacob and the rest of my friends about the dreams I had and my conversation with Mr. Principal.

"Knock, Knock, May I come in?" it's my mother. Rose opened my room door and greeted my mother with a smile. "Here are some snacks for you guys to study in case you all go hungry". I thanked my mom and we continue figuring out what is happening. "Why is it that only Mal and Anubis are the ones able to feel it? Why can't the rest of us feel it too?" Rouge asked as all of us started pondering. "Alright guys, wasting our time here won't solve the problem. Why not let's seek Mr. Principal tomorrow after class. Maybe we could get some answers." Rose made a point there. We all agree on it, as tomorrow the six of us would go find Mr. Principal. Before everyone went out, Layn warn each and everyone of us to be careful when going home.

I took a cold shower to get rid of all those thoughts and get ready for bed. Due to the trainings that I've been through, it took a toll on me as I immediately drifted off to sleep. I dream that I was in a beautiful garden, but it was not the same garden as the one in The Orb. It was different, suddenly a deep voice spoke "It seems that you are going to be in deep trouble soon." I turn towards where the voice was coming from. A big huge dragon with red scales, sharp claws and as tall as the Empire States stood there looking at me. "Excuse me? Who are you and what do you mean by I will be in deep trouble soon?". The dragon looked over me with an amused face, "My name is Dragno and I am a dragon. I am here to give you a warning. Beware of those around you, trust only a few, and also trust your instincts. What you saw in your dreams previously is what will bound to happen as there is no changing it." "You mean my friends will be in danger? How do I save them? And who do i know that i could trust?" I questioned the dragon. Dragno sat down and answered in a calm manner "The God of death, The rose with thorns, a rogue hero, a small cut on the skin, and the protector of heroes. These are the ones you can trust as your team. As for whether you can save your friends, is up to the choices that you make. That is all I can tell you dear one. The rest is up to you to decide."

With that dream i woke up to the morning sun. It's Saturday so there's no school, the six of us meet up at the park to head to the library to start our training. My mind started to float back to the dream i had. Whats did Dragno mean by those riddles?

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