
Chapter 4: The Dream

" LAYN!! NO!! RUN! HURRY WE CAN'T LET IT TOUCH US!" My friends and i were running away from the dark clouds. Suddenly a sound of a man echoes around us. " You can't run away from me Mal. After all we are the same. Join me, we could rule the world together to the way we wanted. Your friends and family won't suffer from any harm". Anubis screamed "DON'T LISTEN TO HIM MAL! HIS WORDS ARE NOTHING BUT LIES. HE JUST WANTS POWER!". The next thing i know i couldn't move, my hands and legs are tied with a magical rope that i can't escape. "Arghhh!!" I could hear the screams of my friends, but i can't move. All i see is darkness, and the next thing i know i was falling down into a dark pit. "Mal...hurry...you have to escape from here. You have to run, don't bother about me. U have to save parents, time is running out. GO!!" said Layn. I saw here lying there looking so pale. "BOOM!!" the sound came from behind the walls. "Let's go Layn. I can't leave you behind." Tears started forming and i started to cry, I wanted the both of us to escape as quick as possible from that unknown monster that is haunting us. "No....u have to go on without me. I will stall them from coming after you. You have to save humans. GO!! RUN AND DON'T LOOK BACK!!". I started running away, I couldn't hold back my tears as i could hear loud noises at the back. I have to finish the mission. "AHH!!" a huge wind suddenly swept towards me and send me flying to the ground. " Do you think i will let you win. HA HA HA. Too late little witch, your time is up." The half man half monster suddenly lung towards me.

"Bringggg!!" I wake up breathing heavily. "It's just a dream." I could feel my face getting wet from all my tears and sweat. My pillow was wet too drench with the sweat i have. What a weird nightmare I have. Well the term weird actually is my life, it's been a month that i found out about myself being the all powerful witch. News spread fast in The Orb that a Gold rank is born. I have been learning how to control my powers and sometimes it seems to be put into good use in my daily life. We are not allowed to use our powers on the outside to prevent any normal humans from seeing us using it. But still rules are meant to be broken, sometimes we use it without anyone looking. The only problem is, if any humans knew about our existence it will only mean trouble. If we are accidentally known to the humans while we are on doing our missions, that's where The Orb comes in. They will wipe our the humans memories and replace it with other memories so that we could keep existence a secret.

"Honey! You'll be late for school if you are still in the bathroom!" my mom called out from downstairs. "COMING!" I went down to the kitchen to get my breakfast. "How's school? It seems that you are starting to make new friends i see. It's a good thing." said my dad. "Yup. So far so good. School suddenly seems interesting" i told my dad while eating my cereal. My brother came down from his room looking happy as usual. "Morning everyone. Hey sis pass me the milk. Mom, Dad i won't be back for dinner. Both me and Mason will be doing our project at his house" said my younger brother. "Tyler you know the curfew. Be back before 7pm" said my dad. "Yes Sir!" Tyler replied while stuffing his mouth with cereal. " Mal i heard you have been accepted into a cramp school. Congratulations dear, The Orb school is one of the best schools in the world. I can't believe that my baby girl in accepted in. Oh I am so happy for you!" my mom said happily. "Gee..thanks mom. I'll work hard on it." well you heard it The Orb is a renowned school worldwide. Outside is just a cover to say that it's a famous school for the elite. But the real truth is that it is an organization specializing in protecting the world. A month ago Mr. Principal came over to my house to inform my parents on my acceptance to the school so that i could attend training lessons in the afternoon after school.

After finishing breakfast I head off to school. This time the ones waiting outside for me are my friends from The Orb as well. You guessed it, Anubis, Nick, Jacob, Rose and Rouge are enrolled into the same school with me. And then there is Layn too, she will be the Protector in charge of us. We begin our morning school as usual, then after school that's where our fun starts. We began training, attending theory classes, history, magic classes and all. Walking back after school, we were cycling towards the library and suddenly I could feel something or someone watching me. I turned around but see nothing. Just a couple walking with their kids buying groceries. " Mal what's wrong?" Jacob questioned with a worried look. "It's nothing. I just thought i saw someone familiar. Let's go! we'll be late for our classes". We all headed to the headquarters. Right after the first class ended we got a two hours break where we could just enjoy ourselves with the facilities The Orb headquarters have. Down here it's like another world that we lived in. Beautiful gardens, mystical creatures interacting with our kinds some even work with us.

"Hey Mal, let's go to the pool for a swim. I heard there are a lot of hot guys over there." Rouge asked excitedly. "No it's okay. You guys head over there first. I'll join u all later. I've got something to do first.". " Well...okay then. We'll meet you at the pool then" Nick said while pushing the rest into the elevator. I went over to Mdm. Wong, " Mdm. Wong I would like to meet up with Mr. Principal. Is he available now?" "Is it urgent?" questioned Mdm. Wong. " Erm...sort of" i replied. "Hand on for a second dear." Mdm. Wong picked up the phone and dial a few numbers. "Yes the principal is in today and coincidentally he just finished a press conference. You may head to the 100th floor to meet him in his office." "Right. Thanks" I ran off to the elevator. "You're welcome young lady."

I exited on the 100th floor. The level was quiet and i could clearly hear my foot steps and the sound of soft classical music playing on the floor. The 100th floor is decorated with glass. I could even see the scenery outside of the building. The windows are so clear that i almost thought i could fall off from the place anytime. I approached the table in front of me, "Hi my name is Mal Mackenna and I would like to speak to the principal." A small young lady was sitting behind the desk replied in a squeaky voice " Of course Miss Mackenna, Mr. Principal is expecting you inside his office. This way please." I followed the young lady as she opened the doors behind of her. "Mr. Principal, Miss Mackenna is here." "Ahh!! Mal welcome to thy humble office. Would you like to have tea or coffee?" Mr. Principal welcomed with a happy go lucky look. "Thank you Mdm Toss. I will take it from here." said the principal. The young lady then left the room. " So. Coffee or Tea?" asked Mr. Principal. " Tea please." " So what brings you here today young lady. Are you adjusting to your new life? After all it's not easy being miss popular now that everyone in the organization knows that you are a Gold rank." Mr. Principal said while serving tea. " I am adjusting to my new life slowly. As for being a Gold rank is something that i never expected. I thought maybe the crystal bowl got it wrong but after a few test that Miss Brown put me through the result is still a Gold rank Tier 3. Anyway I'm here for another reason. There is a problem that is happening to me lately.". Mr. Principal's expression changed to a more calm and serious face," Yes, do speak.". I started to told him about the dream I had last night and feeling something strange that is following me, Mr. Principal listen to every words i said carefully. " After hearing what you said, I think I might have something in mind you see. The dreams that you had are actually not just a normal nightmare that normal people do. These are visions, all witches and wizards are gifted with certain powers. Visions being one of them. So what you see in that dream you must be careful and take precautions. As we can't avoid many things, visions are just a message that we have to take to prevent bad things from happening. But of course the choices we make will affect the future and it will then changes the result. As for that mysterious stalker, I will arrange some Protectors to protect you and your friends. I will also send some people to investigate this case. Don't worry too much. I will update you on the news Mal. Right now you just carry on adjusting to your new life". I felt assured as I came to the right person. I thank Mr. Principal and head over to the pool to join my friends.

Hi readers i hope you like reading it. pls do leave some comments on how you like the story or any changes that should be ammend. pls do look forward to my next chapter as i will update it when i am available since i am still schooling. haha

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