
Chapter 2: The Orb

It turns out that Layn is a Protector sent to protect me when we were young. It seems that she too are able to see those mystical beings. Now I was told that there are 4 kinds of species living in our world. The first is the humans of course, the second are the mystical beings that came to our world from a different dimension, the third are the Protectors like Layn. Their job is to protect us "Orb" and send us to a safe place to learn to harness our powers to protect the world the moment we turn 18. Well I am fully 18 two days ago. Which means I got to attend to another school. Finally there is my kind the Orb species, born to protect our world. We don't call ourselves as the Orb but more to witches and wizards.

My life suddenly turn upside down in just a day. Starting from now onwards I have to live a normal life like everyone does and at the same time, attend a special school in The Orb to learn how to put my powers to good use.

"CLINK!" The sound came from the walls and it started to move, revealing an elevator. We all went into the elevator and Mr. Principal pressed on the 10th floor. " Well ladies, let's get you all started. Basically you Miss Mackenna as Miss Storm here is a Protector and already has passed her entrance exams making her an official Protector." said Mr. Principal " Don't worry about that. Just take it like it's school. The only difference is, what you learn is different." Layn said with a comforting smile.

We arrived on the 10th floor. When the doors of the elevator opened I was stunned, the interiors of the place is huge and design luxuriously. The walls and floors are made of marbles, advance technologies are used everywhere, people hanging out laughing together sitting at a lounge. "Well not what you expected Miss Mackenna. There is more to come though. Come now chop chop we got many things to do here." said Mr. Principal.

We walked towards the front desk counter. "Good Evening Mr. Principal. How can I help you?" said a fierce looking lady. She was dressed in a formal suit looking like a secretary the only thing is she's old. "Good Evening Mdm. Wong, I brought a new girl here and I hope you can guide her on our basics." Mr. Principal replied. "Well then i guess here is where we stop. You will be guided by Mdm. Wong on your daily classes and training. As for me I have to report to my head of department and attend my own classes as well. Don't worry, everything will be okay. In here, everyone is like us. I will see you after training and we will walk back home later okay." Layn gave me a reassuring smile. Both she and Mr. Principal left wishing me all the best of luck. " Come. This way young lady." I followed Mdm. Wong as she brought me through a corridor. " Here is a schedule of your daily classes. You will be trained with a group of people also know as your team in the future so do work well with everyone here." said Mdm. Wong. We walked until the end of corridor, Mdm. Wong knocked on the door and open. As we walked in I saw a class of teenagers looking around my age and a young lady who seem to be the teacher of the class standing on top of a pedestial. "Good Evening Mdm. Wong. I see there is a new student here?" the young lady spoke with a gentle voice. "Of course Miss Brown. This is Miss Mal Mackenna. She will be joining your class from today onwards." said Mdm. Wong, and with that I was left by Mdm. Wong as I join the rest in the group.

We were brief on what are we and how to control our powers. It seems that only a small number of us in the whole world posses these extraordinary powers which enables us to see mystical beings and to use it the protect the world from being destroyed by a certain enemy known as Vlad. He used to be a student in The Orb organisation but one day he was so greedy for power which makes him unstoppable. He was defeated by Mr. Principal and a company of powerful witches and wizards and Vlad's whereabouts are unknown.

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