
Chapter 17: Double Contract

Mal POV:

The moment the portal open we all entered in, I could feel my stomach turning upside down as we enter into another dimension. We travel is the portal and it was all dark, I tried to call my friends but no answer. The next thing I saw was a blinding light then my vision became clear. We manage to cross to the next dimension and we found ourselves in a deep forest. "Hey Rose, you sure we are at the right place? Because this doesn't look like the Vampire Realm." said Nick while all of us are looking around the the surroundings. "I'm positive." she said as she walk past us. We walk around in the forest and then suddenly we could hear noises coming up from further up front. We walk towards the noise then we saw a huge city down below us.

There is a huge palace in the middle surrounded by buildings and markets at the corner. "Welcome to the Vampire Realm." I said, the view was not as what we expected to be it was like a normal city, a normal world like ours. The only difference is majority of the people are vampires, mystical creatures can be seen living in this realm as well. "Right now our job is to find Illus and get the info we need. Don't get sidetracked." I said as we all head down to the city. We all tried to blend into the crowd not wanting any vampires here to know who we are. We walked around asking the locals if they know anything about Illus but with no luck finding out who he is.

"I can't believe we spend the whole afternoon looking for a certain guy and no one even knows him." Jacob complained as we all gathered near a water fountain to take a break. "We can't give up that easily. Someone should at least know who n where is he." said Anubis, then I saw an old lady sitting on the other side of a fountain without thinking anything I walk towards her "Excuse me ma'am" I said as I approach her nearer. "What can I do for you child? It seems that you and your friends are in need of something. Maybe you could tell me and I can try to solve your problems." she said, I could feel something that was pulling me towards her but I could not make out what it was and Dragno is busy going rampage in my head telling me not to listen to any words she say while I am busy asking him questions in my head on what am I feeling.

"Don't trust her. She is emitting a very dark and powerful aura. She is not just an old lady." said Anubis as he stand near me. I listened to Dragno in my head to be careful as well. "We're looking for a guy name Illus, he's a friend you see." I said to the old lady. "Ah...Illus Smith, I know that guy." said the old lady, "Then please do tell us on where he is." said Rogue. "I will but for a trade." said the old lady while looking at me, I could myself getting goosebumps on this sudden feeling. "Why should we trade with someone we don't know. Tell us who you are and what you want first. Then we'll decide." I said, "My name is Lady Draco, I am the ruler of this realm. The moment you seven step into my realm I had an attracted feeling on coming down to see the seven of you. It seems that I am very attracted to one of you. My deal is easy, bind a familiar contract with me then I'll let you know the whereabouts of Illus Smith." she said.

"We can't do that. We all have our own familiars already." said Jacob, what Jacob said was true all of us indeed have our own familiars which we mostly refer to as our pets. One witch or wizard could only be bind to one familiar as it's the limit to each and everyone of us had. It's because our familiars exist in real life as well in their own respective realms. Both our power and energy are linked and if one of us lacks power or energy we could borrow from the other. "The six of you can't but the one of you can. After all it seems like both of our energy are compatible with each other." said Lady Draco as she look at me, "Don't you want to be powerful, so powerful enough that you can protect your friends and family from harm. Bind the contract with me and you will get what you wish for." I heard her voice talking in my head. I tried to mind link with Dragno to see what he would say but it seems that Dragno himself is keeping quiet. "Your King of Dragons won't advice you on that dear one. After all too agrees on what thy say." Lady Draco said while sitting on the fountain fixing her cloak.

"Dragno you king of good for nothing dragon!! Answer ME!!!" I screamed at Dragno inside of my head as I could feel him getting annoyed inside of my head due to my attitude towards him. After all he is a king and always treated with respect from his subjects except for me since I am his master. "What that vampire said is true. You could bind with two familiars given is your case as you are powerful enough for that. But the decision is up to you to decide." he said. "Mal don't do it. Imagine having one pet in your head is enough but having two will be like crazy. You'll go insane." said Nick. "No worries, our priority is to get Illus. Binding a contract is nothing, I'll take your offer." I said to Lady Draco. With that she gave a smile and I stretch my hand forward and we start the contract. Draco drank my blood as I draw her soul into me binding the contract and making her my familiar.

The old lady then disappear from my eyes replaced with a beautiful young vampire. "You'll find the person you are looking for across the Blood River. He was last seen there dear master." said Draco. With that she disappear, my knees felt weak and I fell, before my knees hit the ground Anubis manage to catch me in time and support me. "The contract binding is taking it's toll on you. You should rest for a while, binding with two familiar is way to much energy consuming." he said as I sat on the side of the fountain. "I'll be fine in a few minutes. We can't waste anymore time who knows how long the time has passed in our world. We have to be quick." I said and with that we started to head towards the Blood River with Draco guiding us in my head. I started to feel better and I could feel my powers growing as well. The only thing is I was experiencing a little bit of headache listening to both Dragno and Draco argue over certain things. What Nick said was right, it's insane having two minds in my head.

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