
Chapter 13: Danger

I wake up in the middle of the night feeling that something was disturbing me, then I heard a sound coming from downstairs. My heart starts racing fast, who would be awake at this hour. I look at the clock '2.20am', my parents and brother are sleeping at this hour as no one will wake up at this hour unless my brother wakes up to go to the bathroom. Feeling uneasy I got up from my bed and out from my room to check out where is the sound coming from. I saw my brother's room door was wide open, why is his door open? I thought. I walk towards his room then I saw a silhoutte, my heart races fast. The thought of what Mr. Principal told us that day about people being abducted suddenly came into my mind. I quickly ran to my brother's room then I saw a black figure when I stand at the doorway of my brother's room.

Without hesitating I grab the bat near the table and attack the black figure but it was too fast as it escape. I followed it downstairs as it tries to escape, I quickly cast a spell that locks all the window and doors preventing it from getting out. "What do you want. Why are you attacking my family." I asked trying to control my voice without waking up my family up. I couldn't really see what it was as the place was totally dark, only with the help of a little light coming from the moon I could make out a little of that person's face. It's not a he but a she, her face was white as a porcelain with gold sharp eyes that could petrify anyone anytime and as I try to look closely she somehow looks familiar but I can't make out where have I seen her before. I could feel how powerful she is and I know that I am still not up to her level for battle. I try to think of ways how could I contact The Orb to get help.

"Ah, I see that you are awake. You are special indeed, I tried to conceal my presence but you could still feel it. Then you should know that you are not up to my level then. Oh don't think of trying to find ways to contact The Orb." she said. I was shocked how could she know what I am thinking, "Who are you." I said trying not to show my fears. "Oh I am so touched, this is the first time someone asks for my name. My name is Cassy and I am a vampire of course if you are wondering. Why I look familiar, it's because I am Tyn's sister. Of course I could read minds so whatever you are thinking in that little head of yours I will surely know." she said walking around me in circles.

"Your target is me so don't hurt my friends or family. After all I am the one responsible with capturing your brother." I said. "Ha ha ha. I like you, of course you are responsible with my brother's capture. I won't hurt you of course even though you are my main target. I will make sure that you will know what's the feeling of having someone taken away from you. I am sure you know what I want and I will make sure I get it." said Cassy, and with that she disappeared without a trace. I felt relieved for a moment as my family is currently safe but I am still worried on what will happen next to my friends and family. I know that Cassy will hurt them in different kind of ways to get me as what she wants is her brother. I heard a sound of the door open from upstairs, "Where is that sound coming from?" I heard my dad coming out of his room. "Mal what are you doing up at this hour?" said my dad while he saw me walking up of the stairs. "Nothing dad. I think mum forgot to close to window then a cat jump in when I went to the kitchen to get a glass of milk because I am a little hungry." I said as I walk to my room.

I went back to my room and stare at the ceiling until day breaks. "Morning sweetheart." said my dad sitting on the table having breakfast while reading his morning newspaper. "What's wrong dear you look tired. Didn't have a good rest last night?" said my mum. "Not really. I was busy studying." I said. "Hey mom dad, Mason is having a sleepover at his house tonight so can I go?" my brother Tyler ask while munching down his bacon. "Sure but make sure that you don't make a mess and give trouble to Mason's parents." said my mother. "Tyler I don't think that it's a good idea to have a sleepover at Mason's place. Why not have it at our house instead." I said. "Why not. What's the problem with Mason's house?" said Tyler getting angry at what I said. "No it's nothing. There's no problem I am just a little worried that you will make a mess there." I said hoping that my brother wouldn't go to his best friends house as this is not a perfect time when I know Cassy is going to target my friends and family when they are out of my sight.

I finished breakfast and met the rest of my friends to go to school. I told them on the way on what happen that night while cycling to school. "We have to tell Mr. Principal about it." said Jacob. "Don't worry about it. Know that we know who it is we will be on our guard." said Rose. Anubis cycle silently without saying a word next to me. We arrived to school and head to our lockers, I opened mine then I saw a letter fell out when I open my locker. What is it? A love letter? I thought. I opened the letter and my eyes grow wide, the letter was written in red like blood.

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