
Chapter 12: A New Enemy

It's been four months since the incident with Tyn trying to invade our world, ever since then it seems to be peaceful around the neighbourhood. But still I know that this peacefulness won't last long, a new enemy will emerge anytime and we have to be prepared for it. Talking about enemy, it's another dreadful day for me to go to school. How I wish that I could just attend to the school in The Orb instead of going for normal school. As usual the seven of us would go to school together then go for our respective classes, then there she was...Mandy...there would never be a day where I would not see her face appearing infront of me. "There she is, it's Miss Freak, I can't believe that you could still come to school." said Mandy. "Why can't you just disappear from my face just for a day Mandy because I am finding you more and more annoying every single day." I rolled my eyes and walk past her. Then I felt that I was pushed from behind and I fell down with my knees hitting the floor hard. I groaned on the pain I felt and I could hear Mandy and her gang laughing. Anger boiled in me, I was tired with all of her sick jokes and taunts. Anger boiled in me as I just wish that there would be a bucket of water around to splash at her so that everyone could see behind her thick make up of hers on how ugly is she.

Suddenly I heard a loud screaming coming from my back, I got up from my position and turn behind. I tried to hold my laughter but I couldn't as everyone broke out laughing at what they saw. Mandy was totally drenched in water from head to toe as the water dispenser next to her spurted out a lot of water at her face. Mandy stormed off to the bathroom as quick as possible covering her face to prevent anyone looking at her face while her make up starts to go off. The mischief in me begin to emerge, I cast a spell secretly to lock the bathroom door before Mandy could even opened it. She begin panicking as she couldn't open the door with one hand, therefore she use both hands to try to pry open then door. The laughter at the hall becomes even louder when everyone saw Mandy when she uncovers her face.

I walk away feeling proud of what I had done but a little bit guilty at the same time because I wasn't allowed to use magic outside of The Orb. During the third period, I was in the same class with Layn and she sit next to me and ask on what happened earlier "Hey, I heard that earlier this morning Mandy pushed you and you fell on the ground. Are your knees okay?" Layn look at me with concern as I told her I am fine and told her about the water incident that Mandy experience right after pushing me. "I have to thank that someone for making the water splash at Mandy. So grateful for that..hmm...I wonder if it's Anubis or Nick's doing." I said with a sneer. "No one with magic powers were near that place except for you Mal, even Caleb that guy was not there as his first period was with me." Layn replied. Then I started to think if it's no one then who could it be, the water couldn't splash that much to make a person that wet from head to toe unless if it's a work of magic. "If it's no one then it's me?" I questioned Layn, "Possible, I think your powers are growing stronger and you need to learn how to control it. Don't forget our emotions could affect out powers too. Especially when you get angry, your powers will uncontrollable." Layn said as she look worried.

With Layn's advice I started to get worried, I need to control my powers. I could feel myself getting stronger everyday but still I wouldn't want to end up going to the dark side. Recently both me and Caleb started talking with each other as we spent most of the time practicing together as we are both in the same rank. He seems to be a nice guy, kind and gentle type, there was a time where I introduce him to my friends and it seems that Anubis doesn't seem friendly with Caleb. Anubis told me that Caleb is someone that could not be trusted easily and told everyone to be careful. But still what could be suspicious of Caleb, after all he is just a wizard the same as us. We were thought to listen to our senses as being a witch and wizard our senses is part of our magic.

In another six more months, the seven of us will graduate from The Orb and be official witches and wizards which could start taking on quests or missions. Right after school, the seven of us cycle to The Orb for our next classes. The moment we arrived Mdm Wong told us to head up to the principal's office as Mr. Principal would like to have a word with us. We were curios on what would Mr. Principal want to talk to us about.

We arrived into his office, the seven of us sat at the round table that was at the corner of his office. "I have news for the seven of you and I hope that you will all be on your guard and never do anything reckless." said Mr. Principal looking very serious. "What's the matter?" Rogue asked, Mr. Principal sat down and begin to explain as we listen very carefully "Recently there has been a case where a student went missing and is never found. The student name is Diana Hills, she has been missing for two days now. We are afraid that the perpetrator is no ordinary human as we could feel the presence of magic near the area that she went missing. This case of course is not reported to the police and the public does not know about this yet.", as we listen to what Mr. Principal said. "So are we the only ones here and why are you suddenly telling us this?" asked Jacob. "I am telling you all this because this case is related to the seven of you. The perpetrator left a message at Diana's locker and it was addressed to the seven of you." said Mr. Principal as he handed out the letter with a sentence written with red ink 'Beware for the seven that capture Tyn'.

"Who is this person? And did the girls family know about her abduction?" Rogue asked. "No one knows right now who is the person behind this abduction case. As for her family and surrounding friends they are all currently under a spell that they will have no memory of her." said Mr. Principal while organising his files. With that we all know that we have to be on guard and be careful. We couldn't make the same mistake twice, this time we will put under The Orb's supervision. I begin to wonder what enemy would we face now, a powerful one like Tyn or someone even more powerful than him. As off right now, the safety of my friends are my only priority. I wouldn't want them to be in danger anymore.

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