
Chapter 11: Vlad Returns

I am standing on a wide field and it was quiet, trees grow tall with the grass and plants grow until my waist. It's so peaceful and quiet here, I thought and started wandering around this empty field. I don't know how long I am walking, finally i reached an end of a cliff. I saw ruins of a city, the city felt dead and empty as I look closely. Birds flying around and I could see weird creatures wandering around the ruins. I don't know what creatures are those as I have never seen them in the books before. I look around the city from above, then my heart race fast. I realised that the city ruins that I am looking at is my home. What happen to it?

Then the scene changes, I am standing on a paddy field and I could see a lady standing in the middle of the field. I walk towards her, "Excuse me miss. Where am I? Do I know you?" I asked while walking closer to the lady. "We'll know each other soon enough. You are at the border between life and death. You are not dead yet not alive." said the lady looking peaceful as she stares at the sky. "I see that your time is actually up here. You're disappearing." said the lady. I look at my hands and they are becoming invisible as I slowly started to fade. The last thing I saw was the smile of that lady as things suddenly turn dark.

I wake up looking at my surroundings, there are white curtains and the walls are all white. A nurse and a doctor walked into the room, I then realise that I am in a hospital. Then I could see my friends enter the room with joy as they see me awake. "What happen to me? How long have I been unconscious? What happen to Tyn and the rest of his servants?" I asked. "Tyn's and his remaining servants are captured, the lady's killed. You were injured badly and it's a lucky thing that the sword didn't pierce directly to your heart. A few more centimeters to the left and it's your heart. You were unconscious for three days." said Anubis. "What about my parents?" I asked looking worried, "Don't worry about it. Your parents think that you are on a study trip with us for a week. We have it all covered up with the help of Mr. Principal so don't worry." Jacob replied.

Feeling relief I tried to get up, I could see that my chest is fully healed. "How did it heal so quickly?" I stare at my my chest where the wound was suppose to be. "Because it's magic. Magic is used to treat you, and since you have magic flowing in your blood therefore you can heal up quickly than normal humans." said Mr. Principal leaning at the door infront of my ward. "How are you feeling?" asked Mr. Principal, "Okay I guess." I answered. "First of all I would like to congratulate the seven of you for saving the world and help in capturing Tyn. You seven manage to save the world from the invasion that Tyn was planning. Secondly I am utterly disappointed by you lot of teenagers. The whole lot of you broke the rules. You put your lives in jeopardy do you all know that. You should have at least tell me of your plans so that this wouldn't happen." Mr. Principal started to gave us a good scolding.

Unknown POV:

"Hmph, it seems that Tyn has been captured." I said, "Yes master. Do you need me to deal with him? After all The Orb must not know about our location." said my apprentice. I was silent in my thoughts, after hiding for almost a decade I think it's is time for me to appear. "No. There is no need to deal with him. We have been making preparations for over a decade, so I think it's almost time where the most fearful wizard Vlad returns." I said. I have been harnessing my powers and gathering powerful army. All that's left is only to execute the plan one by one when the time is right. Mal Mackenna you and I will soon meet, I will wish you the best of luck in your life as you will soon have many experiences that you will never forget. This is only the beginning of everything.

Mal's POV:

After recovering from my injuries we were all punished to a month of harsh training that no other normal students in The Orb has been through of course that includes Layn as she is punished to go through school again with us. And this time, the seven of us are put into a different class than other witches and wizards. The class was created by Mr. Principal specially for the seven of us as we are known as the elite.

We have to attend to many classes double fold. Joining the normal classes with the other batch of witch and wizards and attending to special classes meant for the seven of us. To us our path of being a witch and wizard is only the beginning. There are more enemies and challenges for us to face ahead and we will have to be prepared for it. Most specially, we will be prepared to face Vlad. I have a feeling that Tyn is Vlad's accomplice as when I was captured he mention that someone has plans for me. I am sure that, that someone will be Vlad.

Right after returning to The Orb, I quickly reported to Mr. Principal regarding what Tyn said when I was captured. "If it is really Vlad then we will need to be on our guard. The seven of you will be specially train as elites and also for a sole purpose to defeat Vlad. All this while there are no one after Vlad that is as powerful as the seven of you when you entered. Hence, it's a right choice to train the seven of you to your up most potential." said Mr. Principal while writing his reports.

After the conversation with Mr. Principal, I headed out from his office and join my friends for our classes. "Ready for a next round of torture? Because I am as long as there is a beautiful instructor guiding me." Nick started joking around making the atmosphere funny. What would we do without him. I look around and felt happy that I met a group of wonderful friends.

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