
Chapter 10: The Ritual

I ran and followed Dragno's instruction until I reached a wide empty field. "Where is it? I thought you said they are captured here, all I could see is an empty field." I said feeling tired gasping for air. "Look closely towards the field, there is a portal that will lead you to your friends." said Dragno. I tried focusing on the empty field, then there it was a portal that couldn't be seen by normal humans. I ran towards the portal, I stop on my tracks as I was about to enter the portal. An idea hit me, I took out the blue crystal that Mr. Principal gave that day and infuse it with my powers. The crystal light up, I throw the crystal somewhere near the portal hoping it would alert the principal and The Orb so that someone would come to our aid. After throwing the crystal I immediately ran into the portal.

I reached past through the portal into another dimension, it seems that I am in a palace. The place is design in a mixture of modern and medieval decorations and furniture. The place was quiet and all I could hear are only my breathing and footsteps. Finding my friends was easy, I could feel their magic presence and followed it. There were few guards guarding the place, I hide at a corner thinking how could I sneak in without being notice by them. I needed a distraction, I look around and saw a statue of a lion sitting at a corner. A smile form on my lips, I cast a spell on the lion to bring it to life to distract the guards. With luck the lion came to life and started attacking them, I ordered it to run to a different direction to allow me to go in. After a few seconds, the guards on duty all ran after the lion and I manage to sneak in pass those doors.

I saw my friends all tied up at a pillar that surrounds a red crystal that was shining brightly in the dark room. There were symbols crafted on the floor around the crystal towards the pillars. Without hesitating I approached my friends to find a way to release them. I ran towards Anubis as he was the closest to me that I could help set free, "Mal what are you doing, you are not suppose to be here. Why bother coming here, you're suppose to get Mr. Principal and The Orb." whispered Anubis as he is not trying to alert anyone about my presence. "The Orb will be here so don't worry about it. Now I just need to set all of you free before Tyn comes and sacrifice the whole lot of you to open the portal. He is about to summon the creatures from the other dimension to rule the world." I manage to released Anubis from the shackles.

Suddenly, I could here growls coming from the darkness at a corner. "Oh no..." said Rose, "Oh no what?" I said. Then there it was, I saw the creature came nearer. With the light coming from the crystal I could see what creature it was, then Anubis mouthed "Chimera", and with that the chimera started attacking both me and Anubis. "You help to set the rest free, I'll distract it." he ordered. I quickly ran towards Rose to set her free then Rose and I started to set the others free while Anubis tries to buy us some time while we release the others. Lastly it while I was trying to set Rogue free, the door burst open. Tyn came in with an anger look on his face, next to him was the lady and his servants. "What do we have here, I never expected you to have that much power to escape from those ropes." he look at us with anger. "You just destroyed my plans, but no worries. If you are all not tied up I just have to make you bleed on the ground. After all, all I need is only your blood." Tyn gave a snickering smile and he ordered his servants to attack us.

I could hear Anubis scream, I look towards his direction and saw the chimera had bit him on the arm. I muster up my power and send a bolt of fire, knocking the chimera off to a corner. Anubis started bleeding a lot and I could see his blood started flowing towards the crystal like it is a magnet attracting all metals. "Uhh...one down and five more to go." said Tyn, we can't afford to get hurt. I started thinking of ways on how to save all of them from getting even a single drop on blood being spilled to the crystal. There are so many of them but only seven of us, without much hope I lung towards Tyn. Hoping that attacking him first would stop my friends from getting hurt. Both me and Tyn started fighting with each other. I could hear my friends one by one as they started screaming in pain when one of Tyn's servants attack them and successfully draw out their blood. The crystal then begin to glow brightly, I knew that time is running out if I don't defeat Tyn.

All that's left are only Layn and Nick's blood, I was out of breath and breathing heavily. I used up a lot of my powers fighting Tyn and all I could manage is only a small burn on his shoulder. "Tsk tsk tsk...there is no use trying to fight me Mackenna. The portal will be opened soon as there are only two of your friends left that needs to drop their blood" Tyn said with a cheerful look as he was about to win. Then I heard Layn's voice, Tyn's accomplice, the lady had cut Layn with her sword. The portal starts to form, I gather of all my powers while Tyn let his guard down by looking at the portal forming. "Hey Tyn, one thing I learn during class is never let your guard down at your enemy even if they are weak." with that I shoot a blast of lightning towards Tyn and sent him flying. I saw Tyn laying there motionless, then suddenly I felt a sharp pain at my chest. I felt my knees gave way as I fell to the ground and hear my friends scream my name. Then I saw what happened, I was stab by a sword from Tyn's accomplice. With only the remaining energy I have left, I punch the lady at the chest with the bolt of lightning that I summoned with my remaining powers. I could feel my body started to burn as I had exceeded my limits, I saw the lady started to bleed as the punch that I gave made a hole in her chest. The next thing I know, my world turns dark as the last thing I saw was my friends surrounding me. Is this it? Is this where my life ends?

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