

"This world is rotten. Humans are selfish beings, that will criticize anything once they get the chance. You are better than those weak, and pitiful creatures. Don't ever trust them." The words of my sister, echoed through my head while walking the streets of some sort of town. I couldn't believe that they would abandon me in a world, with the creatures I despise the most. Just a few hours ago, I was in the confinements of my dark and cold room, studying so I could make my family at least a little proud. My older sister always supported me no matter what I would do, but my mother would always compare me to my sister. They abandoned me here so I could learn what it is like for a demon that is in a world that they hardly know about. My mother told me that I would make me stronger, and she would be proud if I survived it. My sister tried to convince mother to let her come with me, but she immediately refused. I've never been out of that dark room of mine, and now I'm in an environment that is so huge, that it scares me. I have read many books about the human world, but I never imagined that it would be this vast. To get by in this world, I'll have to find a place to stay until they decide I've stayed here long enough. As I was walking, I passed by a big box like thing, that had a picture of some human on it named, Shima Miyazuki. I realized I had to come up with a human name for myself. I decided to name myself Miya Kuroshima. I took Miya from her sur name, and Shima from her first. As I was walking deep in thought, I accidentally bumped into messy looking human. "Hey! Watch where you're going you damn kid!" The man yelled. This is the very reason why I despise these creatures. I kept walking without paying any attention to it. I stumbled upon a building that had a piece of metal attached to the wall saying, "Police Station". I walked in, and the human at the desk for help. I had no other option, but receive help from them. A human in a blue uniform came up to me, and told me to follow him. He asked me some questions, about where my parents were, how old I was, and what my name was, and I replied, "My name is Kuroshima Miya. I am fourteen years old, and my parents have both passed away." He asked me if I had any other relatives, and I replied no. They are going to take me to a place called an orphanage, since I am a child without any family. I got up and headed to the bathroom, since they were going to do an inspection before bringing me there to check for bruises, or any signs of abuse. That meant they were probably going to check my head, and my back. I had to try and hide the little horns I have on my head that are covered by my hair, and the little tail I have. I had practiced hiding them while in my room many times, because they are going to grow out in about a few months. When I headed into the bathroom, I felt as if I was being watched. There was some sort of machine watching me. I looked around a few times seeing how many there were, and it looks like only two. I grabbed a piece of paper, ripped it in half, and used a bit of my power to cover the device. I looked into the mirror, and made sure the horns disappeared. Then did the same with my little tail. I removed the paper, then left the bathroom. They did the inspection, which made me feel very uncomfortable. Then left for the orphanage. Once we arrived, another human came up to me, and handed me clothes to change into. After I got changed, they brought me to a room with about 12 other humans, around my age. They showed me which room I will be staying in, and told me there will be about two other kids sleeping in the room too. This is a living nightmare. I have to interact, and sleep with these beings that I absolutely despise? I sat down in one of the chairs, and started reading a book that they gave me. It's so hard to concentrate, because the humans are being so loud. One of the kids tapped me on the shoulder, and asked, "Hey, what's your name? My name is Jiro Tamuya." I just wanted to ignore the human, but if I did that, it would probably start trouble. "Kuroshima Miya." "Such a girly name! You probably get made fun of for that!" Again, reminding myself I hate them. They will criticize anything. After that, I just ignored him for the rest of the day, and read my book. The book was about supernatural beings, like angels, vampires, and demons. They made us look worse than how it actually is! Angels aren't all good, they have killed many just like we have. It also said that all we eat are souls, which is not true! Some demons do, but not all of them. We can consume blood, or just vitality for nutrients. They also make themselves look like they're better than us too. It really pissed me off. I returned the book, and waited for them to send us to our rooms. That book made me really think hard about something, what will I do about food. I can't eat what the humans have, but I also can't have them find out about me. I know how to make someone fall asleep on command with my power, and I could probably take a tiny bit of blood. It's been a while since I practiced that skill, but I could probably get away with it. I don't need to eat anything for a few days, so I'm all set for now. There is one thing bothering me about this place though. It feels like I'm not the only one different here. I can sense another presence here, and it's making me on edge. It's time for everyone to head to bed, and I lay down in my bed, trying to ignore the two others talking.