

Mixtapes it is a book which I wrote and compiled consisting of different literary works ranging from Poems, Proms up to Short stories. It was a first time project which I wrote, some of the works I wrote basing on prompts given for contests and others I took from theme which were to be included in anthologies, others I just had ideas which I needed to write them down. Only thing I can add it’s that mixtapes is an enjoyable and entertaining book.

ANOLD_C · Realistic
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This was a poem which I wrote during a lecture session, tired and near to fall asleep I saw why not write something down, here it is. A bit of flashback if you ask me, and how it turned out to be there it goes "UTOPIAN".


I had a long fonding dream,

Long ago when I was wet behind years,

Eons ago when wise didn't saw me fit,

Such a time I believed in possibility of impossible,

That happiness couldn't be beyond conscious reach,

Neither did Paradise need to be in heaven's light.

Suddenly ages caught up with me,

While years didn't leave me alone be,

And everything turned out to insanity,

Chaos of life was subjected to it,

All went loose to war against me,

Philosophical ideas full of childish dreams.

Sooner than later reality came checking in,Curious to see fulfillment of utopian dreams,If in scattered fragments & pieces I'll let them be,

That sheer horror shook my very being,

Witnessed what inhumane did achieve,

But still I'm determined possibility of impossibly.