

Three figures are walking down a large corridor the one on the left is a large man in his early 30s he has Red hair and green eyes and he is wearing a well embedded red tunic with gold color thread as design on top of it is a black surcoat with a lion Crest at the center and on the top of the surcoat is red robe with gold outline he is holding a sword in his left and he is wearing a crown on top of his head

on the right is a beautiful woman she has blonde hair and blue eyes she is wearing a red dress with gold out line. she is also wearing several accessories like a necklace with several gem stone and on the middle is a large Rudy she also has a gold ring with a large diamond in the middle and many more accessories

in the middle of the two is a boy with red hair and blue eyes he is wearing a black tunic with gold outline

"so son did you enjoy the party we arrange for your 4th birthday?" the man ask the boy


"now. now. let's give him some time to rest. the party most have exhausted him" the woman said

the boy entered his room several maids followed him. the maids changed his clothes for a pj one and as he lie down exhaustion kick in

[Christopher P.O.V]

when I clicked done I once again felt my surrounding change. I was sitting when I was talking to God now I'm laying down a bed I sat down on the bed I look around the whole room look like it came straight out of a fantasy anime "Thank you God"

but before I can say anything again my head started to hurt

[5 minutes of pain later]

'are you ok?' Sarah ask

as my head started to cool down I said "there are memories that is entering my head and it ain't mine"

'this is just a theory'

"ok say it"

'well you see my soul is bound to your soul and vice versa I can sense the change in your soul and when you started to feel weird I sense another soul forcing it's way to your soul and it succeed merging with yours'

'so your telling me another person's soul merge with mine?'


"then who's soul is it?"

'if I have to guess the owner of this body'

"the owner of this body merge with me? don't tell me I accidentally killed a 4 year old"

' no you did not kill the original owner of this body because the soul that merged with is similar if not exactly like yours but everything I said is just a theory (a GAME THEORY THANKS FOR WATCHING) and it seems your a prince now congrats' Sarah said and I heard the outro if the game theory followed by clapping

"what do you mean I'm a prince and where the fuck did get those sound effects" I said

'based on the new memories you have obtained you are a prince and the answer to your second question is simple I browse your memory and send it to you brain so it seems like some one is clapping but it's all in your head. I got the clapping in your wedding'

"wait don't tell me you also have the sound me and my wife makes when where havi-"

'yeah. yeah. yeah jezz you don't have to say it you know'

"wait!! if you can browse my memory then you can play music!"

'yeah I c-....HEEEY were getting off topic!!. *ahem* as I was saying it seems that you are a prince your name is Oliver Cecil and your father is King Ulric lll and your mother is Queen Isabel. the kingdom your parent rule is the Kingdom of Findara and because you are their one and only son you are next in line to the throne'

"wow I have to thank God for giving me a better head start that my old one" I said. I look around my room and Infront of me is a desk with a candles on the side. a pocket watch is top of the table. beside the table are several books. two book shelfs in the side of the table. I noted to myself that we have things in common like reading

I look to my right and saw a dog sleeping beside a door that was slightly open so I peek in to it and and saw a square thing with a hole in the middle of it. if memories didn't betrayed me that should be the toilet and the ball of cloth with a stick is the toilet paper I hope I can find a small bucket to use as a tabo and soap because I am more comfortable using it

[a/n:here in the Philippines we use what is called a tabo it looks like a small bucket with a long handle but made out of plastic we use for all sorts of things like cleaning out asses when were done doing our business we put soap in our hand and we wipe it on our ass and on the other hand (literally) we have a tabo full of water and we pour it on our ass to remove the shit and soap if you are finished put soap on your hands and wash it with water]

I look at the sleeping dog

'the dog's name is Caine he was given to you by you grandfather as a guard dog his breed is a greyhound' Sarah explained I look to my left and saw a cabinet filled with very expensive clothes and to the left of the cabinet it is a large mirror to the right of the cabinet is a door. I'm sure it leads to a corridor and because it's midnight I just keep sleeping

[The next day]

"wake up m'lord breakfast is ready the king and queen is in the dining hall waiting for you" I open my eyes and saw a woman wearing a blue kirtle with a long sleeve under it waking me up

'who is she?' I said to my head

'she is one of the many maid's in the castle and it seems that she is the one that always wake you up in the morning' Sarah said in my head

"thank you for waking me up can you help me get dressed before I go to the dining hall" I said while rubbing my eyes

she excused herself after helping me take a bath and getting me dressed I was about to leave when I heard a *woff* I look to where the sound came from and saw Caine sitting their looking at me while wagging its tail

'do Caine know any tricks'

'Yes he knows some command because your grandfather trained him I am now going to show you his stats'


Name: Caine

Hunger: slightly hungry

happiness: very Happy

Condition: healthy

Age: 2

Likes: Olive, playing catch, eating, hunting rabbits, sleeping and guardian Oliver

Dislikes: bath, horse, being alone and unable to be with Oliver


1.sit-Caine will sit down on the spot he is on but if you are pointing at a spot he will go their and sit down

2.stay-he will stay on the spot he is on no matter what but if you are endanger he will not obey the command

3.attack-he will attach the thing you are pointing at

4.pick it up-he will pick up the thing you are pointing at but if the object is heavy or unable to be move Caine will start to whimper

5.follow-Caine will follow you

6. catch-Caine will run and get the thing you have thrown

7. sneak-Caine will begin to lower it's body and begin to walk slowly


'thank for the information Sarah-chan~' I said to my head teasing her

'WA- B-BAKA' Sarah said

I smirk and mutter "tsundere"



[5 minutes later]

'Sarah guide me to the dining hall'

'ok' sarah said and an arrow pop up pointing to the door that leads to a corridor I begin to follow it

[3 minutes later]

I arrive at the dinning hall and I saw my father and mother waiting for me. my father is sitting at the middle with a big chair my mother is sitting to my father's left so sat at the right and commanded Caine to sit beside me

"ahh son your finally here we can finally eat" my father said and clapped his hand. several maid entered the dining hall bringing several delicious dishes

'God damn! anime food looks a lot more delicious' I thought as I started to drool

"so sweetie did you enjoy the party yesterday and it seems that you we're exhausted" my mom said while wiping my saliva on my mouth

'what should I say?'

'tell her that you enjoyed the party and you love the book she gave you' Sarah said

"I really enjoyed the party yesterday and I really love the books you gave me mom" I said smiling and picking up a plate with a stake in it

'how can I eat this master piece' I thought while looking at the plate Infront of me

'well are you going to stare at it all day' Sarah said

'welp itadakimuch' I said eating a piece meat and damn I think I'm in heaven

"hey what about my gift did you like it and do still remember what I told you yesterday?" my father ask while he stuff a steak inside his mouth

'what should I say'

'tell him that you like the pocket watch he gave you and you are excited to go to your first hunting trip today' Sarah said

"thanks for the pocket watch dad I really like it and I'm so excited to go hunting for the first time" I said giving my father an exited look as I cut a piece of stake eating it and also giving Caine a piece too

"thank God you like it. I bought it from the steampunk district last week" my dad said being relief and getting another plate of steak then stuffing it in his mouth

"hey honey better take care of Oliver ok" my mom said while smiling but I know what's under that smile because my wife do that to me when I am with my son

"*gulp* y-yes I will take care of him and beside its inside out territory who in their right mind would attack us right?" my father said sweating. I felt bad for him

[after breakfast]

I excused my self because I'm going to my room to sort out my memories. my father said that we will go hunting in the afternoon around 4pm because he have somethings to do first and my mom is going to the church to pray so she can't come to day

I open the door to my room Caine immediately goes the his bed he walks in circles before lying down. I checked the books that my mother gave me they are the 'the basics of magic v1-10', 'all known types of monster v1-50' and 'how to ride a broom stick' I look at the time in my pocket watch it seems the time is 8:35am I stretched my arm and started reading the basics of magic v1...

I hope you like the chapter (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧

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