
Sudden attack

Because of the dismantling of the enterprise, An Feng has been quite busy recently.

  The relocation of the medical department to the UK must be handled properly by the relevant researchers. At present, some of those who are willing to go to the UK will get a 50% salary increase, while those who stay will remain unchanged. It doesn't mean that after the relocation, everything has to be moved there. The department in the United States just changed from the headquarters to a branch.

The future headquarters will be in London, and the corresponding holographic communication system will also need to be re-established. An Feng has perfected the virtual characters over the years, Ms. M, Mr. L, Ms. G, Mr. B... plus the establishment of artificial intelligence, the virtual characters are completely Have an independent personality.

  The inspirer of medical research and development rests on Mr. B.

  Joanna, as the controlling shareholder and chairman of the new company, also had to attend meetings and accept news interviews. More of her spokesperson statement. Ms. Roberts is very confident in the face of the news media. She is thin, with black hair tied up, dressed in business attire, and looks serious in front of the camera.

She was chosen by Joanna herself. Ms. Roberts looks unsmiling and dull like an English gentleman. In fact, she is an admirer of the Baroness of Corpus Hill. She volunteered for this position. She usually speaks on behalf of Joanna. She is a media professional. She is very qualified.

  After a press release, Donna Roberts followed Joanna back to the office.

After Joanna sat down, Roberts took out the PDA and reported the schedule: "You have a foundation meeting at eleven o'clock, followed by lunch time, at two o'clock in the afternoon to discuss the funding of the Medical Association, after three o'clock you and Husband and kids might go for a walk in the park..."

   In addition to his duties as a spokesperson, Roberts also serves as an assistant. Joanna didn't give her much work. Only when she came to London, or when she had something to say, did Roberts need an endorsement. He was an assistant at other times. Joanna was not too extravagant in this regard.

  Joanna said: "Move the afternoon meeting to the morning, just like the eleven o'clock meeting."

   "It is expected that the two meetings will exceed the lunch time. For your health, it is recommended not to do so." Roberts looked with concern.

  Joanna shook her head: "It's okay, um... prepare me a cup of tea and dessert, I'm going to have dinner with my family at noon."

  Roberts nodded: "Okay, I'll do it right away."

  Joanna took out her cell phone and made a call.

  Because the child's mother has a lot of things to do, An Feng is responsible for taking care of the child and taking the two little ones to wander the streets of London. On the way, I answered Joanna's phone call, and listened to her complaints about how busy she was at work, this meeting and that meeting, and finally gave her encouragement and comfort.

  An Feng said: "Take it as an opportunity to show your own image, next year it will be an opportunity for you to win the best-dressed list, I believe in you."

   "I hope so, but I wear business attire these days," Joanna said.

   "I think it looks pretty, and I like this occasional change of style." An Feng smiled and hugged Fred who was crawling on top of him.

   "What's Fred doing?" she asked.

   "He wants to talk to mom." An Feng handed Fred, "Say hello to mom."

   "Mommy, I love you." Fred said into the phone.

   "I love you too, child." Joanna laughed, "Alice didn't give you a headache, did she?"

   "No." An Feng looked up at the little girl who was being taken to buy ice cream by the female bodyguard, and she probably wouldn't be annoying if she stuffed her mouth with something delicious.

   "I want to have dinner with you at noon." She said.

   "You choose the location, I will take the two children to occupy the place." An Feng said.

   "I like the seafood restaurant last time, the French seafood is very nostalgic." She said.

   "Okay." An Feng raised his hand and looked at his watch, "We're leaving now, waiting for you there, what do you want to eat?"

Holding the phone while walking and chatting, holding Fred's little hand, another child Alice is jumping and unrestrained in front, this scene is enviable... But the bear child ran back: "Dad, I really want to go to the beach Play! Let's go to the place with the little orange house."

   "You mean Italy?" An Feng asked.

   "Yeah." She nodded.

   "We are in London now." An Feng said.

   "And then?" Alice walked backwards.

  An Feng said: "Then Italy is in southern Europe, 1,500 kilometers away from us, and our plane needs to apply for the route in advance."

   "Oh," said Alice, "then let's go to the seaside."

  An Feng fainted, so it was all in vain.


  In order to take care of the lack of space to accompany their children during this period, after finishing their affairs, they went south to Italy, made a tour of Milan, and then went to Sardinia to continue playing on a private island. In addition, in August Joanna participated in the inauguration ceremony of the missionary school of the Medical Association in Sardinia.

Originally, there was no need to go through a lot of trouble, but since I was in Sardinia and was warmly invited by Mrs. Mancini, I was embarrassed not to go, so I took the whole family with me and played there for a few days. On the way, they went to Sassari to watch the special wild horse training The show is a bit like the Great American Bull Riding.

  The local equestrian atmosphere is good, and Joanna has considered asking her equestrian foundation to provide some funding... The locals naturally like it. To be honest, her fame has spread here, and some people know her well, and she was even slightly asked for a group photo or two when she went to the street.

   They returned to California in mid-August, ready to take back their crazy hearts.

  Afterwards, An Feng felt lucky and blessed. This time they came back in time and did not wander around. Because on the third day after returning, Hal reported the emergency, and it didn't say much, it just showed the probability bar, and the column of biological virus showed dark green: 32%.

Hal ignored An Feng who was stunned, and continued to tune out the news. This was a piece of news from France. The beautiful female anchor was talking about a recent flu outbreak in France, which appeared around the coastal areas of southern France, Marseille and other cities. Remind the general public to pay attention to travel.

  Watching the news is just an ordinary flu, but Hal calculated a 32% probability of an outbreak. Originally, the probability of this item was only 10%. With such a sudden increase, An Feng didn't understand how to calculate it. Hal gives the truth: "I got virus data from the local hospital network."

  An Feng suddenly realized that Hal is an artificial intelligence, and it is normal to be able to do this kind of thing.

"I checked and found that this kind of influenza virus is easy to infect and difficult to eliminate. If it cannot be eliminated in a short period of time, the probability of biological viruses may continue to increase. I combined all aspects of its characteristics and substituted the index into the equation , to get this probability."

  An Feng doesn't doubt Hal's calculation ability, he cares about the things over there: "Is there anything serious?"

   "There is currently no infection, only a small number of people are infected, and the hospital is controlling it." Hal said.

   "Should emergency measures be taken?" An Feng asked.

Hal said: "I need to collect more data before I can calculate the possibility. At present, this may be the fuse, or it may be a false alarm. What we have to do is to get virus data, and we have to go through medical organizations. Only through the intervention of the virus can we get the virus sample."

   "I'll make arrangements." An Feng said.

An Feng got in touch with the Medical Society in the UK. The person in charge was An Feng's former employee and had studied with him, so he had no doubts and immediately arranged to contact the French government. However, regarding the matter of obtaining virus samples, it was necessary A lot of formalities and waiting.

  An Feng was helpless. After all, France was a sovereign country, and they couldn't just rush over to grab it.

Two days later, the news broadcast related news that the flu had spread, and the source of infection came from Marseille, France, which was probably brought from the Arab region, because Marseille is the place with the worst smuggling in France and the worst law and order, and Arab smuggling Customers are everywhere.

Subsequent inspections proved that the same type of influenza also appeared in Arab countries such as Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya. a lot of.

  The result is not only that Hal's probability has increased to 50%, but the flu appeared in Italy three days later. Italy had a National Day holiday in August, and Italians ran around. Unfortunately, the flu virus was brought from France, and then the countries around France, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium... all had flu.

  In late August, experts from the Elizabeth Medical Society finally obtained virus samples.

After analysis, Hal continued to increase the probability and adjusted it to a yellow alert state. Then there was influenza in the United States. When the relevant news was reported, he accused the entry customs of negligence, but the health organization got the incubation period of the virus and the performance of the incubation period. Everything is normal, as long as it shows the characteristics of influenza during the outbreak, patients in the incubation period need specific detection tools.

  Hal said: "According to the results of the current analysis, the incubation period of the virus varies from person to person. At present, people in the Arab region are more prone to symptoms..."

   Hal paused for two seconds, but these two seconds may be the result of hundreds of billions of calculations for artificial intelligence.

Finally, it said: "People who drink bio-drinks have stronger resistance, a longer incubation period of the virus, and even the probability of automatically producing antibodies in the body. However, the economy in the Arab region is not developed enough, and bio-drinks cannot be popularized. Compared with Europeans, their physical fitness is relatively low." It's a bit off."

   "How long will the Europeans be lurking?" An Feng asked.

   "Statistics have not yet been obtained, and it is expected to be around ten to twenty days." Hal said.

"It's unstoppable for such a long time." An Feng shook his head, so many days are enough for these tourists to run around, and the virus that Hal said is spread through saliva, blood and sexual behavior, if the distance is close, the air will also spread. Can become the medium of transmission, it is difficult to prevent.

The next day, some patients died, and they were in batches. The dead were all Arabs, and they were all from the same group of smugglers. The time interval between the deaths was very close, and they all collapsed within one or two hours. Drugs or vaccines to effectively exterminate virus are not available.

  The World Health Organization has issued a notice to beware of atypical influenza viruses.

  An Feng has also taken precautions, telling his family members to go out carefully, and parents who are on vacation from China should not go back for the time being. The current customs inspection is very strict. At the same time, let the medical department step up research, Hal also joined as Mr. B, and An Feng also participated through holographic communication.

The Elizabeth Medical Association held a press release at the end of August. Joanna's spokesperson, Ms. Roberts, said that the Medical Association will assist in the investigation of influenza viruses in Europe and the development of vaccines. The Foundation will provide full financial support and hope that European countries can cooperate with the Medical Association expert group.

  Hal adjusted the probability to 80%, and it was about to become a red alert.