
High Score

Near May, the account manager of Gulfstream Aerospace called him.

   The calculations are almost the same. The last time the plane was ordered was at the end of January, and it was promised to be delivered in three months. The time was just right, and the Americans were more reliable.

  When An Feng went to pick up the plane, Joanna happened to be free, so she boarded a Cessna business jet with him and flew to the Gulfstream headquarters in Georgia.

After a period of flight, the plane landed smoothly on the dedicated airstrip, the cabin gangway opened, An Feng and Joanna walked down, and a Cadillac car was parked in front of them, and the account manager who came to pick him up smiled and opened the door with enthusiasm. Said: "Mister and Madam, please come in!"

  They get in the car, the manager takes the driver's seat, and the car drives to its destination.

Long before the plane landed, An Feng saw several white-painted business jets parked beside the runway. The difference in style could not be seen from above, but when the car passed by, the local gold lines on the side of one of the planes spread to Belly, against the background of the white fuselage, the gold color is particularly conspicuous. Two huge turbofan engines are placed behind the fuselage, and Bruce-An's English is painted on the tail, which is full of exclusivity.

  Joanna looked at the plane: "What a beautiful guy, it looks much bigger than our original one."

  An Feng was triumphant: "Of course, otherwise, how can we fly across continents!"

  The car arrived next to the plane and got off to watch it. Although it is said to be a small business jet, when it actually stops before the plane, both the car and the people feel small. The gangway of the engine room fell, and the account manager walked in front to lead the way: "Two, let's go up!"

Holding Joanna's hand, let her step up first, and followed her on the gangway to get on the plane. Suddenly, his eyes lit up. The brown carpet with a touch of gold is matched with a luxurious sofa of the same color, and the lights can be adjusted in the cabin Under the sunlight, it is very luxurious. Stepping on the carpet, it feels soft and comfortable. The space is more spacious than the Cessna, with a sense of hierarchy. Even a big man with a height of two meters will not feel oppressed.

  Joanna sat on the sofa and was very satisfied: "It's a soft sofa that can seat three people, and you can stretch your body freely when you're tired."

An Feng also tried it on the luxury seat opposite the sofa. From the circular porthole, you can look out to the ground outside. Because it is an exclusive view, it is very comfortable, and the details are in place. It can be blocked by blinds When you are resting, let the sunlight outside the window not come in.

  Going further inside, there is a wine-red cabinet with a flat-screen TV hanging in the center, and vases on both sides, with a few blooming flowers inserted. Open the cabinet below, built-in refrigerator and wine cabinet, then you can put some high-end crystal glasses and put a few bottles of wine for drinking in your spare time.

  Continue to go deeper and come to the office area that sits in pairs, which can accommodate eight passengers and two desks, and the desks can also be folded to increase the space. At the end is the kitchen and bathroom, and the space is also not small. Go back and experience the high-fidelity audio and the 52-inch TV... The widening of the space will make the air travel very comfortable. Compared with the Citation X, which only has speed but not enjoyment, the G650ER is very good.

But there are gains and losses. Compared with the Citation X, which can soar to 1100, the speed of more than 900 per hour is slightly behind in terms of time efficiency. If you are in a hurry to do something, the Citation X is still the first choice. G650 can make people feel uncomfortable.

According to the customer manager, after being decorated according to Anfeng's requirements, it can carry up to 18 passengers and 2 drivers, and the maximum flight distance reaches 13,000 kilometers, which is more than enough for transcontinental flights, and it pays great attention to comfort , are more stable in the stratosphere than airliners.

  After a few rounds of shopping, the account manager smiled: "Sir, are you satisfied?"

  An Feng nodded: "Not bad."

   If there is no problem, it means that the official delivery can be made. After signing the rest of the documents and confirming that the deal is concluded, let the pilot assigned by Gulfstream drive the plane back. An Feng and Joanna participated in its first flight, sitting in a comfortable plane, enjoying its first flight journey.

  They try each position, making a list of what needs to be completed. The luxurious interior of the plane is ready, but some indoor plants and perfumes that can be decorated need to be considered by themselves. There are a lot of items listed, and for long-distance flights, enjoyment must also be considered.

  Not long after the new plane landed, it was already May.

  According to the winery's sales and management suggestions, the launch will start at the end of May or June, which also means that it is necessary to catch up with the money so that the red wine can get an authoritative score. This scoring system cannot avoid choosing the most famous Robert Parker system today.

As a wine emperor, Parker tasted 10,000 wines a year when he was young and full of energy. I am afraid that most people will not be exposed to so many wines in their lifetime, but he is able to do it with ease and comment on more suitable wines. An aesthetic wine for the masses.

According to the plan, this batch of An's winery should be kept for 18 months or more. However, the masters usually fly all over the world and have a tight schedule. It is rare to taste it alone. "Blind tasting" of brand-labeled wines.

Before the master came, An Feng tasted it in a decent way, and then spit out an elegant curve. Originally, when he first came into contact with the winery, he thought that the masters of wine tasting were fierce men who could drink 18 bowls and kill tigers. Han, but Old John is telling the truth: there is a lot of knowledge about wine tasting, some sommeliers have a poor capacity for drinking, and they can only pour one glass, but if they master the skill of "spit wine", even if they taste a hundred brands in a row, there will be no slightest loss. drunk.

  The sommelier actually put it in his mouth to feel it, and then spit it out. He didn't drink at all during the whole process, and of course he wouldn't get drunk. An Feng learned from Old John for a long time, and finally mastered a more elegant way of spitting out wine - that is to block it with his hand, spit as much as you want, just don't let others see it.

The most satisfying aged wine was selected, and everyone tasted it together, and the response was good, especially Frank's professional opinion: "The color is bright purple, with a bit of dark black, and when you hold the wine glass close to it, you can smell a strong wine. Fragrance, very pure, strong in the mouth, long-lasting aftertaste... High-level works are estimated to be able to get a score of more than 90 on the Parker system, congratulations!"

  Usually 96-100 points means that it belongs to the top wine, even the first-level winery may not be able to produce it, but more than 90 points are excellent works, extremely individual and beautiful. If Parker really scores such a high score, it also means that the value of the wine will rise steadily.

Old John also gave the same evaluation after tasting it. He thought it could be higher, because Parker's taste changes every year, and this time the red wine tastes a bit out of the ordinary... They don't know exactly how, but An Feng did. Thinking it should be the effect of fertilizer.

It's amazing. At the beginning, it was to save fertilizer costs and let Tailan produce it. He didn't expect not only to save money, but also to produce good products. He thought about whether to continue to buy a fertilizer factory after this time to produce special fertilizers for him. , so that the quality of the grapes in the coming year will be better.

   A few days later, wineries in the Paso Robles area ushered in a tasting day.

  A total of 30 wineries presented samples for this tasting. The place was located in a hotel. Parker, who was over 60 years old, and his team were present, and the heads of the wineries waited patiently. It is rumored that Parker needs to adjust for a few days before tasting, and he will not drink or smoke in order to achieve his best condition.

  The master was very elegant, carefully savoring a large pile of red wine without any labels in front of him, and gracefully spit out the red wine into the curve of the fountain more than one meter away.

   "You spit out skillfully!" An Feng turned his head and whispered to Joanna.

  Joanna smiled and pinched him: "Be serious."

Parker's 100-point scoring system is based on 50 points. Every red wine submitted for review can get 50 points, and then it is composed of a comprehensive evaluation based on its color appearance; aroma; flavor and aftertaste; a total of 50 points. You have to be at the top to get a high score.

  After a period of brewing, the score came out.

This time it may be due to the good weather conditions, the evaluation scores are relatively high, there are many between 80-90, and there are also several above 90, among which the new winery - An's Chateau is just like Frank's evaluation before. , got a high score of 95, only one line away from the top.

  Although there is a slight gap from the top, Parker's score is not fixed, it changes with time. In 1982, Lafite once scored 100 points, but now it has dropped to 97+. As for An Feng's batch of aged wine, if it is kept longer, the effect will definitely be better.

In fact, the future can be seen from the highest score this time—that is, Frank's Sassen Winery. Last time, he bought some good-growing Cabernet Sauvignon from Anfeng. This amazingly won a high score of 97.

  As the saying goes, seven points in winemaking depend on grapes, and three points depend on craftsmanship. Sassen Winery's processing methods play a key role, which also means that once the scoring results are released, wines with high scores will be popular in the market. Although Parker cannot represent everyone, human beings like to follow suit.

Everyone is not surprised by the results of Sassen Winery. After all, two generations have been in business for decades. It is not uncommon for them to get more than 95 points in their history. They are well-known in the local area and exported to Canada, so they have the highest score. The attraction obtained is not as good as the dark horse of An's Winery.

   While accepting everyone's congratulations with a smile, An Feng was also thinking about the price.

Usually, the price of red wine above 90 points will not be low. This refers to Parker himself, that is, the RP score, not the WA score. More moisture. An Feng consulted some brands, and Lin Hai and Old John's opinion, set the price at around 300 US dollars, if the press conference at the end of May is done well, it can be raised further.

It is estimated that there will be 2,500 cases of aging. According to the specifications of 12 standard bottles in a case, there are a total of 30,000 bottles of red wine, which is expected to bring in an income of 9 million US dollars. If it is not for super rich people like An Feng who can burn their money , for ordinary wineries, it is definitely a fruitful year. After deducting the cost of 9 million, it is estimated that there will be more than 4 million profits, and his partner's investment can be recovered within two years.