
Misunderstood criminal

My name is Jak and I'm looking for something desperately ... Do not get me wrong ... My story will probably make you very angry, then you would understand me but itiva was sorry that you didn't ... I'm looking around the world for answers ... But on my way I always meet with garbage, these damn people ... Why did society become so? Wherever you have apples, you only see bad things ... Of course ... I took the gun and wiped out all the bastards in my path ... Maybe I'm not a cop or a judge, but in my mind I say I'm right ... I take revenge on others ... I'm not doing anything wrong ... This book is the first volume in a series ... The series is called: The city of mud The rest of the volumes will be: 2. Insecure element 3 The detective photographer 4. Hacker in viewfinder 5. Creative hooligan 6. Whispering shadows

Jazmin16 · Urban
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4 Chs

Death to a person he cared about

Jak wanted to open his eyes but a very big headache stopped him ...

He didn't know why his head hurt ...

He tried to resist the pain, and opened his eyes ...

There was blood around him ...

He brags in Deyv's apartment ...

Everything around was in chaos ...

The walls had bullet holes, the windows were broken, the furniture was destroyed ...

Nothing was spared ...

Not to mention the clothes and objects soaked in blood from the floor ...

It was a terrible sight ...

Jak was trying to check his memory and find the solution to this mystery ...

But darkness is all it takes ...

His last memory was with Deyv asking him to leave because some problematic guys are coming ...

Deyv ...

Then a light bulb lit up ...

Deyv needs to know what happened ...

He wanted to get up and look for Deyv ...

But immediately fall ...

That was the first time he looked at his own body ...

Why are my hands and feet tied?

And it's not the only thing noticed ...

It seems to have superficial traces of a knife on the skin ...

It was as if someone had tortured him ...

What the hell happened?

With one movement he dislocated his wrist and got rid of the ropes on his hand ...

He then took a shard and cut the rope from his legs ...

Now he was burning with an even greater longing to know what had happened ...

Being raised on the street, he had many instincts and rules ...

One of them says:

'Know the situation and the enemy, if you don't want to play like someone else! '

Even if it doesn't sound too good, that saved him many times ...

And now his heart felt restless ...

He had a bad feeling ...

He walks through Deyv's apartment like a ghost ...

He went from room to room ...

Register any see ...

Nothing escapes ...

He already had an idea of ​​what had happened, but it is never wise to draw a conclusion without solid evidence, so he decided to find Deyv first ...

But to his horror, Deyv was hanging on the balcony ...

Beneath him is a large pool of blood ...

His eyes were out ... he was missing three fingers ...

He had different bullet holes in his arms ...

Many bruises after punching ...

He had deep cuts on his abdomen, and one of his legs was broken ...

Jak felt his world crumbling ...

The one who brought him out of the mire of loneliness is in a terrible state right in front of him ...

He couldn't feel his legs anymore ... he was ready to faint ...

But he couldn't ...

All around him was blood ... shards ... and bullets ....

And out of the corner of his eye he saw a bomb in the corner of the room ...

Whoever made this mess and killed Deyv, wanted to end it completely ...

Immeasurable anger is burning in Jak's heart ...

'Who dared to touch my family ?! '

Now he was walking trembling with rage and sadness towards Deyv ...

He stretched out his hand ...

It freezes in the air ...

I just saw in his body a mini business card ...

This was small and brutally tucked into Deyv's thigh ...

Anger was growing inside Jak ...

But when he saw the book a boring pain went through his head ...