
Misty rox

There is friendship, family, drama and more So, please read, and reviewif you could, thank you!

NEHA_TIWARI · Book&Literature
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69 Chs

Chapter 41 motherhood

Oh, my god, she grew, Peggy! She grew! We have a daughter!",

Steve sobbed happily as Peggy saw the entire thing, seeing her wiggling daughter in Steve's arms, blood and water and such, but her daughter is so beautiful.

"Is she?", Peggy looked. "She's alright! She's practically full grown, certainly not premature!",

Steve smiled as he looked around for something to help clean her up with; eventually settling with some tarps that the Germans were using to try and camouflage their equipment and weapon emplacements.

The baby was stubborn with her daddy as he fussed over her, cleaning her up, and Steve laughed heartily,

"You truly got your mother's temper.", and the baby cooed happily as if she's proud of that before crying out of fear and surprise as she tucked herself in, turning invisible.

"Where is she?!", Peggy gasped, and Steve replied, "It's okay, I feel her in my arms, she's just invisible.", looking back to see what scared his daughter, and saw a couple of recon planes...

He knew they were there to aid the Normandy landings and all...Did they see all of this too including Eris's death?

Steve narrowed his eyes, taking upon a protective, angry look, shaking his head at the planes, and immediately,

not wanting to get crushed to pieces by a giant soldier, let alone a new father on top of that, the planes left, turning around.

Seeing that the planes were gone, the baby turned visible, cooing quietly, looking up at Steve, and Steve kissed her forehead, "Don't worry,

Daddy is here. Looks like you're shy too.", smiling as he fell in love even more, noting her straight locks of rich brown, and her eyes are deep blue like his, having Peggy's nose, and his skin tone of tan.

Peggy reached out, "Let me have her, Steve.", and Steve walked over to her, placing their daughter in

Peggy's arms, and Peggy smiled tearfully, "So, you were the one who was giving me gas and bellyaches.", as the baby gurgled, and then gave out a hungry whine.

Steve chuckled, "Let me help you there.", removing Peggy's bra, and Peggy brought the baby closer, and within two seconds, the baby latched on, drinking her first brunch.

Peggy breathed, "Susan...I want to call her Susan...", looking up at Steve with a smile.

"Beautiful name for her.", Steve smiled as he sat next to her while getting a few more tarps to give them their privacy.

"Would you like to pick her middle name, Steve?", Peggy asked as he nodded, "Certainly... how about Violet? Does that sound right for her?".

Peggy smiled, "Close, but I was thinking more of Viola. You know, like 'Here I am!'.", and Steve smiled,

"Susan Viola Carter-Rogers...It's perfect...", gently caressing Susan's head as she suckled Peggy's milk.

"Actually, that fits much better... since she really did just pop out of nowhere with us.", Steve chuckled as he rubbed his daughter's cheek gently.

"Couldn't have let your parents know you were coming? Certainly made us worry at times as I'm sure you heard.".

Susan looked at her father for a moment, still suckling, and whined as she tried to adjust herself as her cord is still attached, and within a moment,

she cast a force field to cut and cauterize the cord, and shrank the cord remains into a belly button.

Peggy looked at her in shock, "I don't know what that was, but the belly button, she shrunk it down to normalcy without needing a clip or scissors...", and

Steve murmured, "Maybe Erskine has a better idea of what that was, but she is definitely able to have powers of size-changing and invisibility.

Maybe that's why she kept herself small when she developed to full health all those months otherwise you would have a huge belly bump the entire time, and we wouldn't have been here...".

"Well, it certainly would explain a few things... she's certainly full of surprises.", Peggy smiled as she kept rubbing Susan's back while she ate.

The two of them turned their attention back to Eris's body, still somewhat stunned that they pulled it off. "I think she was too confident in herself... don't you agree, Steve?".

"That she thought herself practically invincible because of her height?", Steve snickered. Peggy nodded lightly, "Yep...And Steve, I finally did it. I flew.", with a proud smile.

Steve kissed her lips with a smile, "That's great, Peggy. I swore it was a huge fire blast at first between glimpses when I was fighting Eris. The way you impaled her...You looked magnificent.".

Peggy smirked, "Thank you, luv. It felt good.", with a chuckle, and looked down at Susan, her eyes turning soft and motherly,

"We have a daughter...I truly thought I lost the chance of motherhood.".

Steve smiled, caressing Susan's little tufts of hair gently and warmly, "I thought the same...

She's alive, strong, beautiful, and all ours...", as Susan looked up at him, finishing her brunch, cooing with an adorable burp.

"That's right, Susan Viola Carter-Rogers. I love you, my little princess.", Steve replied warmly, and Peggy nodded,

"I love you too, Susan, my little miracle.", kissing her forehead as she then yawned, reaching for Steve.

Peggy laughed softly, "She knows that you're her personal heater too, like for me.",

gently passing her back into her father's arms, and Susan yawned again, snuffling as she tucked herself into his chest, falling asleep, content and warm.

Peggy then glanced at Steve, "You hyphened her last names. Don't think I misheard that.", with a smirk.

Well, I thought I'd might leave that one up to you come when this all ends, you know?

After all, I don't know if I want to take your last name or want you to take mine sometimes.", Steve chuckled as

Peggy smiled, "I'd be more than happy to do it any way so long as I be with you at your side like we have been already.".

Steve then looked out to the inland where their further objectives would be waiting for them.

The invasion at least at Omaha was going well, but there's no telling how any of the other beaches were or if the entire invasion was in jeopardy.

For now, though, Steve just cared about his family that was right with him,