5 Chapter 5: after our song finishes

The second we walk out there's people clapping and saying our song was beautiful. I grab his hand and yank him and we both start running down the hallway. The bell rings and I ask him. "Hey Erin who's you're teacher?." He looks at her and says. "I have the same teacher as you duh you really don't pay attention....." We both laugh and we run back to class and sit next to each other I give him my number. We both play game of who can ask the teacher the dumbest questions.The bell to get out of class rings and we put our stuff away. I'm about to leave when he grabs my wrist and asks. "Do you wanna hang out after school today?" I see how anxious he is and I smile and say. "Maybe tomorrow today I have to go to the store and get some stuff also I gotta go meet up with someone later." He looks disappointed but only says. "Okay Maybe tomorrow." As he walks away I cant fight the urge and say. "Fine do you wanna go to the mall and hang out I don't have to meet up with my..... friend until later." He perks up and happily nods. He reminds me of a dog. I laugh at the thought so he looks at me confused.
