
(Chapter 1, part 1 of 2): That Shinigami, Always Busy

{For the ones who don't know, "Shinigami" means "Death God" in Japanese, but we refer to it as "Grim reaper". Also, expect to read about Amoura encountering Sebastian as a human before he became a demon.}

"Amoura!" Her figure laid across the bed, still sleepy as hell. The sound of the vicious knocking combined with her father's yelling was enough to wake her up completely. "Amoura! Open the door immediately! There's important information and I need you to see to this issue-" She was already up, and in just a millisecond, the door shot open, leaving the father and his daughter staring at each other in silence. If this was really how it was going to be, then she would have to talk first. This wasn't the first time an awkward experience like this has been encountered.

The female scratched her head in awkward, grinning nervously. What a screw up; an irresponsible mistake of not sleeping early. "S-sorry, I was-"

He cleared his throat with a loud grunt, interrupting her. "You weren't awake yet." Her father stated, eyeing her up and down. He noticed her poorly dressed self and pushed his glasses up, furrowing his brows. A strict being he was indeed, and he was not going to chat with this woman until she was properly clothed and professionalized for work. It wasn't his fault, Amoura was responsible for all of her own duties now, and she had made the mistake of not waking up before. But you know, there's always a reason when it was someone like her. She would never try to do it on purpose.

She knew better than that.

"Get dressed and come to the Common room," He said, crossing his arms behind his back and turning away to the left. "There was another riot and many souls are out in the open, waiting to be stolen by demons". His dark, suited silhouette got smaller as he walked back down the long, lit corridor, leaving her alone leaning against the doorway.

That happened quite fast...

'More and more work each day', that's how it was for every grim reaper. They work hard until they day comes where their souls can be forgiven. Almost all reapers who worked for the dispatch were ex humans -humans who had committed suicide- and had become reapers as punishment (Referring to manga's chapter 105). Amoura had being training to collect souls since she was very young, and had collected her first soul 63 years ago.

That's right, she was counting. What else could she do if she was going to do this for the rest of time she had on this world - Forever, Eternity!-? She had plenty of time to worry about that single number though, for she had collected a full village of souls just yesterday and was about to tend to a post-riot result. Even now, she was wasting time getting dressed too slowly and had no Idea what was going to happen next...


"You're going to kill this man,"

What the- Did she hear properly of what he just said? She was dumbstruck, didn't process this fast enough before her father spoke again. "You must. He is going to become a demon, and we have a strong feeling he will"

Amoura kept thinking longer than she should have, but she decided to speak in advanced of her thinking.

"But father, please. Tell me," She put a hand on the long, shiny, wooden table that spread across the large room. She needed to be clear on what he was telling her, no mistakes are necessary when you are working as a grim reaper. She shouldn't forget as well- the whole reason she was confused and trying to clarify- that one of the main rules of a shinigami was to not kill humans. They exist to collect souls, not kill their sources. But what if she were to kill this man as a demon? Would that count? She knew she had high authority over herself and could make her own decisions, but this idea- it was so extreme!

Wasn't she here to receive information on souls from a riot?

"Are you sure?" She said. Her father raised a brow, sitting in one of the chairs with his arms to the table. "What if there was a chance to... save this human?"

"Amoura, Dear. This is an order-" He cut himself off and looked down to his palms. Amoura watched him, he looked like he was thinking intensely. To be honest, he kind of looked like that all the time.

After a short while, - which felt longer than it actually was- a long and slow sigh came out of his mouth, his gaze looking straight back to Amoura's. His words started slow.

"This is an order," He started.

"Watch over him for a few days and decide his fate for your own. I trust that you're responsible for every decision you make."

He gave her a serious look, watching her even more intensely, which indicated he need this to happen. Amoura Nodded.

"Now go."

✧End of Chapter✧

Upcoming Chapter: "That Shinigami, Watching over"

Release: Saturday, May 4th (Sometime during the day)

Update: Now released!

This Chapter's main idea was inspired by @Thatobsessedwriter's "Witch Trial (Sebastian x Reader) book. Go check her out on Wattpad! Also, I promise I'll release a longer chapter for you all!

Bonbonbillyboocreators' thoughts
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