
Misteries Inside a Shady Storm: M.I.S.S.

Birdie is a young adult. Lost in a new place and in her own mind. Follow her adventures to recover her memories and solve misteries around the stormy city of Lordon as many enigmas are hidden in direct sight. Since Lordon is not your usual city. Is a place filled with technology and places called Cores were people can conect with their minds thanks to the energy this places produce. Will Birdie be able to solve the enigmas of the city and her own misteries? That will be up to you to discover.

Rawriel470 · Sci-fi
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Chapter 0: Who I am?

I… remember seeing a car…. I was like 10 years old. But… that car felt so close. I guess that day I got hit really hard or close. I only remember that I was in a park and that car got really close to me. Next moment I know…

I wake up in the train I took. I was going somewhere? The train was making the last stop and a voice boomed.

"We arrived to Lordon"

Lordon…. Oh, I was going there. But… for what? I was still confused and astonished but, I got up and walked to the door. Many people left the train, me included, and I just… looked at the clock of station.

It was seven o' clock of the morning. The sun shining but the mist of the city made the place look still a bit foggy. Like my mind… I was still trying to remember when I looked at the bag I had. I had this hand bag all of this time? It had my name and a diary. I took said book and red the page with a bookmark. It said…

"Lordon. Sunflower Street 470. Second floor"

I was still surprised but that was my writing. So… I asked a police officer if they had a clue

"Excuse me, Could you tell me where is Sunflower Street?"

The man looked at me. To be fair, I wasn't looking the best. My purple jacket, lavander shirt, black skirt and grey boots sure made him feel like he was watching a teenager closet in a young adult body. My orange hair that made high light of my light blue eyes and my light skin. I wasn't really looking like a local person or even a normal visitor.

The police officer looked at me and told me:

"That place is a bit further inside. But you will find it four streets ahead, madame"

"Thanks" I said and walked to the Street ahead.

I walked over five minutes until I found it. Just like the officer said. Sunflower Street. I was searching now the number. Looking at many locals like a technology store, a cafe, until I found…

"Investigation Agency…"

Something about that place… just clicked in my head. It had the number I was searching and looked quite different. All houses and stores have been yellow or close. But… the agency was an olive color that made it contrast. I walked closer and closer until I found myself inside those walls.

I was in reception… the first floor. I walked to see if there was a receptionist and… in fact, there was. She had an amazing presentation. Her lucurious blue hair, her red suit and red skirt. That green eyes that begged to be seen. I just….

"Are you… a client?"

She asked

"Eh? Oh no. Sorry. I was just… I was searching for this place"

I showed her that page of my diary

"Hmmm… you must be that investigator I heard" she said


"Yeah… They didn't told me a name but they sure said a new girl was coming. So… want to register?"

I didn't knew much the woman said. But… register might mean a new home


"So, what's your name?"

"My name is… Birdie"


"Twenty one years old"

"Single, couple, married or ambiguous?"


"Like most here"

I chuckle. She said next:

"Any presentation?"

"Well… I want to find the truth, no matter how hard it will be"

"That's the spirit. Welcome Birdie, my name is Diane"

"Thanks Diane"

Diane guided me to the second floor where I was instructed to live and work as an investigator. I was a bit nervous but hided that. As Diane left, so my security. What was into? I was really an investigator? I hope I can recall more thanks to my diary. But… I hope that I can stay. Lordon could have the answer. I just need to stay here long enough….

Meanwhile, in a dark place… we see a shadow talking in the phone

"Yeah? Wow, slow down. I can't get what you are… what?! Is her? Is still alive? Hmm… I see… I guess is my turn to play"