
Mister Serenade,are you in love with me?

Sun Hua was an only child who lived with her single mother. Her life was boring especially during holidays where she had to go to her neighbours' houses to find someone to talk to. She had several lonely dinners because her mother rarely stayed at home. However her life became more interesting when Chen Jun ,a cool yet aggressive boy moved into the neighborhood. She became entangled with him and he revolved around her life by singing under her window at night,going to school together and hanging out together. Chen Jun suffered from an emotional disorder and everyone thought he was some lunatic but Sun Hua changed this belief he had about himself when she embraced him wholeheartedly and treated him like a normal person. The two became best friends who turned into lovers. [THE SONG LYRICS ARE AI GENERATED]

xiaohuli455 · Teen
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: Teen Baby.

Blue Palace Estate was one of the main estates in Minhang District, Shanghai. Not that it was blue and neither was it a Palace,it was just where middle class residents lived. Most of the residents there were at least of working class meaning they could fend for themselves. The houses were decent enough and habitable. A few of the residents there owned cars. The estate was well fenced leaving only one entrance that was a wide blue picketed gate that opened to a driveway leading to the houses.

Sun Hua,a fifteen year old girl was strolling along the driveway. Sun Hua had lived there for almost her whole life. The estate had middle school and elementary school kids so she didn't have friends of her age. Sometimes she could babysit her neighbours' kids since she was an only child and had nothing to do at home. During one of her babysitting sessions,one kid just wetted her clothes. Although she was used to it, that particular time she got irritated for no reason and went out for a stroll along the driveway to clear her mind.

A car beeped outside the gate and the security guard opened the gate. A black car drove in and stopped near Sun Hua. She was very familiar with the car so as the window panes were lowered ,she walked to the co-driver's side and leaned to look inside. It was her mother Sun Lian and her male colleague Luo Yang .

Sun Lian was a single mother and she was in her early thirties. She was a very independent- minded woman and the fact that she and her daughter shared the same surname remained a mystery to others; some thinking they were sisters who assumed a mother and daughter relationship because of their large age gap. Sun Lian was known in the neighborhood for having an exquisite taste in fashion.That day Sun Lian had her makeup on and she was wearing a light brown jumpsuit and a black leather jacket on top. She was also wearing a number of suitable jewellerries to complement the whole look.

Luo Yang was in a classy black suit and the classy black car was his.

"Hello Mr. Luo,"Sun Hua forced a smile.

"Hello Sun Hua," Luo Yang smiled gently.

"What with the sad face? Did someone bully you?"Sun Lian asked worriedly.

"Not really. Just some babysitting dramas."

"Don't tell me another kid just wetted your clothes."

"Yeah but it's fine,"Sun Hua exhaled with frustration.

"I thought you said you were used to it. The rate at which your clothes are getting stained it would only be worth it if you were getting paid,"Sun Lian spoke in a slightly sarcastic tone.

"I enjoy doing it. I don't need to paid."

"Then why are you sad?"Sun Lian snorted," Anyway I'm not here to question why you're sad. Luo Yang..."She gestured him to do something.

Luo Yang unfastened seatbelt and alighted from the car. He walked towards the car's trunk, opened it and took out one carton leaving the rest of the cartons there. He closed the trunk ,walked towards where Sun Hua was and handed over the carton to her. Luo Yang then entered in the car.

"What's this?"Sun Hua asked eyeing the carton curiously.

"I brought you shrimps I won't be home for dinner.,"Sun Lian smiled proudly.

"Another lonely dinner ,"Sun Hua mumbled and sighed.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing,"Sun Hua faked a smile and waved them goodbye.

Luo Yang fastened his seatbelt and started the car. Sun Hua moved away as Luo Yang made a U-turn and drove away. Sun Hua sat on one of the edges of the driveway and placed the carton beside her. Suddenly another car drove in with a shipment truck behind it. The car stopped at the driveway apron and a woman in her late thirties alighted from the driver's seat. A tall girl alighted from the back seat. The girl stood outside for a,while scanning the surroundings and then looked back inside the car.

Inside the car,at the back seat, a sixteen year old boy was busy playing games on his phone. He seemed to ignore the others' signal to alight from the car.

"Chen Jun,come out,"the girl commanded.

The boy glared at her, unfastened his seatbelt and alighted from the car pushing the girl aside aggressively. The boy was slender, handsome and slightly taller than Sun Hua. Two guys alighted from the shipment truck and under the supervision of the woman,they began unloading the truck and carrying the things to a vacant house that was behind the backyard of Sun Hua's house .

The house had been vacant for a month now. Sun Hua watched the aggressive and stubborn kid as he moved things reluctantly to their new house. Sun Hua suddenly smiled as if she had remembered something interesting. She sprang up and took her carton heading back to her house. She then came out a few minutes later and approached her new neighbors. She walked towards the tall girl who seemed warm and approachable by the look on her face.

"Hi I'm Sun Hua,"She said with a seraphic smile.

"Hi I'm Chen Xing,"the girl responded smiling back.

"Welcome to the neighborhood.Let me help you carry a few things to your new house,"Sun Hua continued,her smile lingering on her face.

After offering help the new neighbors invited Sun Hua to a meal but she refused claiming she had other plans. When the night reached, Sun Hua ate the shrimps, watched the TV and slept afterwards. After sleeping for an hour, she was woken up by the sound of a guitar being played. She rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn't dreaming. The sound of the guitar was accompanied by a sweet singing voice. Although the voice was sweet she could tell it was a boy's voice. She ignored it and went downstairs to take water. She then went back to bed covering herself.

As time went by,the sound of the guitar and the singing became more aggressive and louder. It was like the singer had bottled up emotions and had now decided to pour them out. The more he poured them out the more aggressive his singing became. The singing disturbed Sun Hua's sleep and she got up,opened the window and looked outside.

It was Chen Jun,the stubborn kid who had moved into the neighborhood. He was singing a plaintiff song since he wasn't happy about moving into the new house. He was singing at the backyard that the two houses shared. He had ruined some of the flowers that Sun Hua had put all her effort into nurturing. Sun Hua stormed out of her room angrily and ran to the backyard.

When she reached the backyard ,Chen Jun ignored her presence. She thought he had no conscience and got angrier. She stood behind the seated Chen Jun and unstrapped the guitar from him and placed it away. Chen Jun stood up immediately and turned around to face her. His facial expression grew dark like the sky does during a storm. He then charged at her like a raging storm and before Sun Hua knew it, she was lying on the ground groaning in pain. Chen Jun was back to playing the guitar more aggressively than the last time.

"Jun'er,"a female voice called out endearingly.

It was Chen Jun's mother ,Zhao Ying . As she walked towards the backyard,she rushed towards him with a worried look on her face. She then saw Sun Hua lying on the ground and helped her get up.

"What happened?"

"Your son here almost killed me,"Sun Hua replied glaring at Chen Jun.

"I'm sorry,"Zhao Ying said spinning Sun Hua around to see if she was seriously injured. This made Sun Hua uncomfortable and she moved away immediately.

"Chen Jun,you cannot go around hitting other people ,"Zhao Ying spoke in a motherly tone. She grabbed Chen Jun's hand,bowed to Sun Hua apologetically and dragged Chen Jun away.

"What a despicable teen baby!"Sun Hua cursed as she walked back to her house. Some rose thorns had prickled her arms leaving wounds so she went to disinfect them first.

Sorry for any grammatical mistakes

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