
The Portal to Nowhere

A dark and endless void opens up in an empty white room. Blue rays of light emanate off the void, illuminating the room but not the endless darkness. A girl with short dark brown hair wearing a mask falls into the room, followed by a girl with long, straight black hair with glasses and then someone with short black hair and an odd speckled pattern.

"What is this place…" The girl with the mask asked while the girl with glasses looked around confused. The masked girl had a relatively calm demeanor compared to everyone else.

"What the fuck." The person with speckles muttered, they had a slight accent, but it was hard to pin where it was from.

"So... uh" the girl with the mask stopped for a second "who are you guys?"

"Well, my name is Hyacinth." The girl with the glasses responded while pushing said glasses up.

"Is this some sort of reality show? Is there going to be a cameraman popping out?" The girl in the mask questioned, her earrings swinging with her head, "Well anyways my name is Mirror."

"I'm guessing you guys don't know where we are either, huh?" Hyacinth said.

"No not really." Mirror retorted.

"Hello everyone. How's everyone's day?" A voice echoed through the room. Everyone looked around with even more confusion than before. The speckled person fell back startled.

"Hey what is this place and what are we doing here?!" Mirror's yelling engulfed the room.

"Calm down, calm down this is well... I don't know what this place is yet," The voice paused, "but the three of you were chosen to save the planets."

"Wait, what?" Hyacinth said disoriented.

"This is very confusing." the speckled person cautiously got up and took a breath, "Can I go back home?"

"Now that you mention home, I want to go back, too…" Hyacinth agreed.

"Yeah home might be horrible but it's better then this place." Mirror admitted. The unexpected comment caused the other two slight concerns for this stranger. "Just send us back!"

"I don't like it here." The speckled one mumbled.

"How do you not know what this place is? Did you not bring us here...?!" Hyacinth asked.

"It's.... some type of room that seems to be magical?" the speckled person observed.

"When do we go back home and see all our loved ones again?" Hyacinth kept spilling out all her questions, but not receiving any answers.

"This is just a room, I did not bring you here the gods did and you cannot go back home, ever." The voice finally responded very bluntly.

"The gods...what?" Hyacinth's head filled with even more questions, "Wait, we can't go home?!"

"Excuse me?!" Mirror seemed to get angrier by the second.

"What. No, I'm going home." The speckled one started digging through the biggest of their many colorful and decorated bags.

"Ok, ok, I need to calm down…" Mirror took a deep breath.

"How are we going to survive here? We don't even have much… Actually, we don't even know where we are. We just want to go home." Everyone continued to ignore Hyacinth.

"Look here, you're going to send all three of us back." Mirror commanded after she had calmed down a bit, "I have a meeting to go to and it's big. I can't miss it. It's the only thing between me and my promotion."

"Besides...we're all pretty normal people, living our own lives and now we can't even go back home to see our families again?" Hyacinth continued with her rant.

While those two were talking, the speckled person had taken out some type of weapon. They had opened up a large blade from the center and tried to stab the wall. The vast white wall stood undamaged as they stared at it.

"I will explain more things later on but Antares, I want you to learn how to swim fast and swim a lot for three hours. Hyacinth, you will run for three hours and make sure you don't lose stamina. Mirror, you will learn how to make healing potions. I will give you the recipe." The voice said.

The speckled one looked away from the wall, "Swim?" Antares wasn't a big fan of water.


"Mirror has the only useful thing." Antares stated. The recipe for Mirror's potion dropped into the room right as they said that. "I'm not learning how to swim. I can just fly." Antares pointed at their black butterfly like wings, there seemed to be a tear in them, replaced with a purple material matching their eyes.

"Well, what if something happens to your wings?" Mirror pointed out.

"I hate it when people make good points." Antares grumbled.

"Would I even be able to handle running for that long...? And without losing stamina or slowing down?" Hyacinth pondered.

"No, you look very clumsy." Antares stared at Hyacinth and her untied shoelaces.

"And this recipe doesn't seem so easy either. I don't even know what most of these ingredients are." Mirror said, staring at the piece of paper in her hands.

"Let me see." Antares started reading the recipe.

"I guess we're gonna have to do it if we wanna be able to survive, right? Not to mention, we don't even know where we are!" Hyacinth kept asking questions.

"I think... whatever that thing is, it's going to answer our questions later." Mirror replied.

"The ingredients are all basically herbs." Antares looked up from the recipe and explained.

"Wait, how exactly do we get out of here?" Hyacinth questioned.

"I can try to make something?" Antares suggested.

"Or are we even able to leave?" she continued.

"I don't think we can leave until the three hours pass." Mirror speculated.

"I'm not doing anything for three hours then." Antares asserted.

"What if they punish us for not doing what we're told?" Mirror pointed out.

"I'll fight them." Antares responded.

"Hey, don't fight them. We don't know who exactly we're up against." Hyacinth remarked, "Where even is water?"

"It seems I have made a mistake here. I will teleport all the things you need. Here is a pool for you Antares, Hyacinth here are some running shoes, Mirror here is a little kitchen for you to make your potion." The voice rifted open a part of the floor, replacing it with a pool, opened up a kitchen from the floor, and dropped some black running shoes next to Hyacinth.

"Well, it seems like we have no choice, right?" Hyacinth picked up the shoes while Mirror walked towards the kitchen and Antares stared at the crystal blue pool.

"Hey random voice, what'll happen if I just don't swim?" Antares asked with no response.

"Good luck making the potion. I wish I could help, but I don't think even I would know any of those ingredients." Hyacinth chuckled, looking over at Mirror.

"Yeah I don't know any either. Antares, before you start swimming, or not swim at all, can you help me figure out what ingredients are what?" Mirror asked.

"Yeah sure." Antares walked over to Mirror.

Hyacinth tried her shoes on, Mirror wished her good luck and she did the same. Mirror and Antares worked together to create the healing potion, Antares' natural knowledge of plants assisted them. They had a little conversation while they worked.

"I'm Mirror. You're Antares, right?" Antares nodded, "So she must be Hyacinth."

"Hyacinth… odd name." Antares mumbled.

"Oh. Where are you from? Are you an alien?" Mirror looked at the hovering Antares, who had purple and gray speckled skin, fluffy ears, and two gray fading to black horn-like antennae.

"You're the alien here. Just look at your weird ears." Antares stared at them.

"Well I would consider you an alien." Mirror stated.

"I'm from Onpilyx."

"I'm from Earth." Mirror told them, "Hey, what is a Zero flower?"

Mirror and Antares finished up the potion and Antares went to go swim in the cold water.

Thank you for reading the first chapter of Missions of the Worthy! We'll try to put out chapters semi-regularly, whatever fits with our schedules. Have a nice day or night.

Orpheancreators' thoughts
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