
Mission system

Naruto_123 · Eastern
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2 Chs


Alex was a normal worker in a 24/7 store near his house. Today coincidently wa his birthday and payday as such boss gave him a good bonus on his usaual salary , as it was his foruth year of working here he found out that he was prmoted to shift manager from this month.

Alex was a 21 years old orphan when he was 16 his parents were involved in a brizzar trafic acident as such he got little of their inhertance which was the house and a some of 100k dollars.

Alex in this five years only used up most of it only small part of the sum is left but his life was going good except in the begnning .After giving up his school he joined this store and then doing all the work himself , he lived in a town near mexico.

He read novels enjoyed anime did his videos etc.

TOday he decided to take bus to house as such he was going to get raise in his salary soon. bus stand was near and it eas 10 in night he got on bus came to knw he is the only passanger , after getting a ticket and other things he thought about planning towards his future about how it will and should it go , his house was 5 stopd away but soon fell asleep .