
Chapter 7

"The creatures of darkness, rise rise rise!!"

"The world is full of sinners!"

"A banquet of flesh! Blood and soul!"

"Eat away wither away!! Cry away! There is no eternal happiness!! Hahaha!"

"Seriously... The music's intensity is rising.."

"You can't *hoot* expect such peace during change.."

"Is it a change by a single person or a calamity? Or something nature wishes to say?"

"Nobody knows... Nobody will know *hoot*"


"To the lustful eyes glows the shine"

"Of a woman's body and her sides"

"Such a species is divine"

"Oh dear men fret not~ i have hearts for all"

"Shut the fuck up! Asmodeus"

Said Max as he looked at the throwing Asmodeus

A skull rolled out

"Hell's bitch!"

A skeletal knight rushed against Asmodeus his shield raised high while his sword swung against the bare chested Asmodeus

He bent his body slightly as his tail wrapped around the skeletal knight's skull



The armour along with the skull crushed as the armoured body fell with a thud

"This is enough right?, Master?"

"You know my powers are not that great Asmodeus..."

"Well it's not great if-"


"Hah! That's what I was talking about"

He said looking at Max whose hand is that of a Gorilla hitting a skeletal soldier Bare on skull

"Yea yea shut it, you still need to fucking destroy them!!"

"Yea yea"

Asmodeus said waving his hands as he stopped

The three knights which were about to rush silenced by his action raised their shield as one





The skeletons burst into blue flames as Asmodeus draped a beautiful blue gown while still on jeans as he casually looked back to find 60 or so skeletal soldiers charred to death

"I was bored"


"Swaying and fluttering butterflies"

"As they gaze around the sky"

"Like two little lovers as they watched the beautiful sky"

"Standing and swaying to the flowers!"

"With their sweetest nectar!"

The song sung with a solo flute as a background

It felt so serene that Klein wanted to stop to just hear and dance his heart out


He swung the knife to his heart content like a madman as he slashed a green Goblin unevenly

"Hah! Ye know boy you need training!! *Wrrrr*"

Hopkin's said as a huge wall of fire collapsed the hords of goblin destroying them all

"How the fuck can you do that!"

"I'm a gaurdian spirit bitch! Of course i can!"

"Then teach me!! Hiyaa!"

He said stabbing the goblin he fought finnally at neck


The goblin fell with multiple cuts bleeding with blood gushing from it's neck

"Now what?!"

"Nothing calm down... The songs intensity reduced... The domains are changing... Let's just go"

"Where what's happening?"

"You will know once it ends now... It will all be incoherent"


"The waves are swifting"

"Was it this fast the last wave ended?"

"No.. it took at least 30 days for the weakest Swift to happen... I think Antonie plague?"

"No it's the plague of Athens"

"Nah... Cypirian plague"

"Dummies.. it's the plague of Athens"

"Yea right!"

"Ohhh yes!"

"Now what will it bring about?"

"Who knows... The nature likes to test us"

"Hah! Says the guy who can destroy!"

"Meh! How much ever i destroy you create! Haha"

The laughter echoed through the planes they stood looking down at the damaged middle school


"How come you spit flames continuously!"

"What is the purpose of a gaurdian spirit mother fucker?"

Hopkins asked staring at Klein the place was lit by a single dim light as klein stood gazing back

"What kind of antic dealer are you?"

"The one who doesn't give a fuck? Please! I came to this mess because i bought this fucking mirror now you expect me to be silent and not learn how to fend off on my own?"

"*Sigh* i can be anything you can imagine but also anything that can't be imagined... I'm the guardian to you, the holder of mirror

"Maybe a teacher, maybe a protector, the power i have can stem from you or the mirror

"The power i hold is not immense but not weak if you know how to use it... You can use it"

"Then... What is the limit?"

"Can be anything"

"Hmm why do you people all talk this way?"

"Yes.. nobody can say where it stems from for example i-**********"

Klein looked at hopkin's as Hopkins smirked

"Did you understand??"

"Why can't I?"

"You don't know much about the mirror now i will teach you how to- mother fuckers!"

Hopkin said looking at a serpentine cock monster with bat wings

"Now! Move out! Come with me!!"

"Keep the mirror up!!"

Hopkins shouted as he dragged kelin to a different location


"What is it?!!"

"Fucking basilisk! It's a basilisk!"


Fire gushed out as With them rushing into a different way out from the cave

"Should I call bloody Mary?!"

"You definitely not!!"

"Why not?! Bloody Mary!"

Klein stopped as he called out to the mirror in his hands

"Bloody Mary"

"Bloody Mary!"

"Yea... It's over..*sigh*"

The mirror cracked as a skeletal hand exerted out

It held a sword as it fell crashing the ground as a warrior emerged from the mirror

His face was human like with a war helmet seen in 18th century adorned on his head

He had a cape which fluttered with a sheild as shiny as a mirror

The mirror spewed darkness thicks of darkness flooded as Klein shuddered

"You called her"


He shuddered to a hand around his neck

He looked to see sharp nails caressing his neck with a hand holdind his hip


Hopkins stayed silent as kelin's eyes wandered to see the same woman he had met

Wearing beautiful black gown with reddish hue as it swayed to wind

Holding a white umbrella with her delicate looking hands

She had gloves which were white with a gold embroidery as she smiled

"... Change, i like it, i will protect you what will you give me in return?"

"What do you want?..."

"I want... I want you to stay away from something you will know when the time is right... If it interacts ignore but if it conquerors call me"


"That's it... The basilisk is destroyed"

She said as the knight carried the magnificent monster

Having the head of a cock monster with green scales, the rest of body was not visible due to the darkness as Mr Hopkins looked at the woman and bowed

"Your majesty, Queen of England, Ireland and Spain, daughter of Henry the eight and Catherine of Aragon, greetings"

"Keep it to yourself hopkin's ask what is it that you want to ask?"

"What will you do now?"


"The change will you.."


"Huh? An interesting arc"


"Master, two new contenders have joined in this parade"

"Then will you join?"

"Hmm maybe i should"

Said Satan as he caressed his horns he looked at his master and chuckled

"The greediest, the wealthiest"

"The denier, i Am"

"Let the fates and changes incur! Let there be light from the purest darkness hehe!"

"To feel deep into despair... Isn't it master~"


"I will begin"


Author here... so i will upload 3-4 chapters a week Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday... and yes i will upload another inbetween any of these days mostly Monday thanks for reading

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