
Dragon! Sign of Good or Bad?

"A dragon?" Everyone burst out into murmur and whisper at the mention of this legendary creature. "Did the boy just say dragon?" On of the wolf beast man asked unsure. He thought his ears might be ringing.

Dragons, they were the kings of beast that ruled the world with their iron clad rule and fist. But dragons have been extinct for more than 1 or 2 centuries. The dimension of Delerio was first ruled by the great white dragon but one day he just vanished.

Till then dragon has just been a myth, a legend the people were forgetting with the rise of the new beast king, Lord Kennedy who for some reason destroyed the scrolls and scriptures containing the stories and notes about the dragon king.

This was the history of about more than 2 centuries ago. Beast man had a very long lifespan but there was one con of this longevity.


Yes, the beast man had poor memories and until they actually trained their brain and recorded stuffs for future references.

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