
Missing Part of the Royal Blood Line: Chapter 3

Tyler glared at me and said, "I never wanted a child like her."

Amanda looked at me apologetically.

"Renne. I'm so sorry. I hope you're happy with them. I hope they give you a better life. I'm so sorry this was not the life I promised you. Bye, sweetie, I'll miss you." Amanda looked as if she was about to cry. I looked outside to Alyssa.

"I'll visit. Hey, when I get settled in, come visit. Don't bring Tyler though... at least not yet..." I said then turned towards the door and walked away. My heartfelt heavy but I didn't look back. Roy took my suitcase and Alyssa gave me a hug.

"Amanda seems upset." I looked at her. Amanda was crying.

"I told her I'd visit and she could visit whenever. Roy and Alyssa exchanged looks.

"Let's see your new home shall we?" Roy said then led me away from the house.

"I have the driver waiting around the corner," Alyssa said as she put her phone away.

"Wait... DRIVER?!" I followed as they walked. The royal limousine was waiting around the corner. OH MY GOD! I REMEMBER WHO THEY ARE NOW.

"Princess Alyssa? Prince Reylin?" Alyssa turned and said,

"Yes? I mean... Who?" My heart skipped a beat. I was adopted by the princess and the prince. This was a dream come true!

"I knew I saw you on T.V.!" Alyssa and Roy exchanged glances.

"Uh..." The driver stepped out and walked towards us.

"Madam, who is this child? Do you need help with that sir Reylin?" Alyssa looked at the driver and said,

"Alexander, I asked you to bring the car... not the limo." The driver looked petrified.

"Sorry, madam! Princess Kathy had dance class so Anna took the car." Alyssa sighed.

"It's okay. I tried." Roy put the suitcase in the car and went into the limo. Alyssa followed then turned,

"Come Renne. You're a royal now." I stood there in shock.

"This isn't happening... I'm dreaming..." I entered the limo and sat close to Alyssa.

"Welcome to the Darlingtons," Roy said. I have to tell them my real name.

"Hey Alyssa, Roy. Uhm, I think you should know that my real name isn't Renne. It's actually Rennesme." Alyssa looked at me and smiled.

"I know." WHAT?! How does she know?

"H- how..."

"Your birth certificate says so," Alyssa said wagging a blue folder in my face. "

"Oh um... Can you tell me my last name?" None of my former foster parents told me and also they hide it from me so... Also, I was known as Renne Rosalie." Alyssa looked at the folder and quickly shut it.

"N-no I can't tell you.' She was hiding something, I just know it.

"Madam we're here.' The driver said as we pulled up to the gate of the castle. We were greeted at the entrance by a group of people. "Welcome back sweetie. How was the flower garden?" An elderly woman asked. I was paralyzed with fear.

"It was good. Rennesme come out!" She indicated me to come out of the limo. I stood behind Alyssa. I felt so ugly compared to these fair skinned Royals.

"Hi, Rennesme." I looked at them it was 2 boys who looked like twins.

"H- hi. What's your name?" I asked. It was normally easy to introduce myself but being adopted by the royal family was a big deal. I didn't know how to make a good impression.

"Hey, it's alright. It's a bit much to take in but I'm Randy and my twin brother is Ryan. We're 16!" the rest of the royal family introduced themselves as the driver took the bags to the door. The queen and the well-known royals didn't have to of course. It was a bit unsettling being the center of attention was so weird. Mariyah, one of the maids showed me to my room. It was beautiful, a galaxy themed room. I looked around in awe. My bags were brought to the foot of my bed. I walked around the room in awe. It was twice the size of my old living room! On the dresser, there was nothing but a white wooden box. The drawers were empty except a beautifully wrapped box. I explored every inch of the room. I looked around on once more and went to unpack. I looked at a picture of my twin and me when we were born. I miss her so much. I didn't get adopted with her sadly. When I was adopted the couple didn't want her, they could only afford to adopt one child. When I returned to the adoption center... she was gone.

"I miss you, Kathrine. " I wish she didn't get mad at me. I wasn't trying to go with them but I guess she took it the wrong way. Ms. Layla always said I looked like Kathrine, She wasn't wrong. When I looked in the mirror, Kathrine would always remind me, "I'm a beautiful flower which means you're a beautiful flower too." I looked in the mirror. I was not like her at all. I was the uglier version of her. She was smart, pretty and well known and loved. However, there was me. I was ugly and a mistake. I laid my head on the table and cried. I miss Kathrine so much. Footsteps approached from behind. I didn't care, I knew it was probably just the maid or Alyssa.

"I'm a beautiful flower. Which means you're a beautiful flower. Don't cry Rennesme. I hate when you cry. That voice... could it be? I lifted my head and looked in the mirror. It was...