
Chapter #1

(A/N: The names of the characters, the places, nor the story line were merely a coincidence as this story was solely based on the Author's imagination only. This chapter may contain CURSING)


A S B E L ' S


8 yrs ago

"Miss Asbel?"

"Give me more five minutes!"

"But Miss, its almost seven in the morning!"

"Nani?!" (What?) My eyes popped open as i grab the clock at my coffee table and looked at the time. I curse myself and directly dashed towards the bathroom to take a quick good bath

I am Asbel Moon, I am cute and chubby-sexy, and my great motto is 'FOOD is LIFE' and I thank you!

After taking a quick bath. I dried my hair and body and  wear my uniform and fixed my thick lensed glasses and wear my shoes. When I am done preparing, I wear my shoes and exit the room and head downstairs straight to the dinning room. I saw my Mother eating her breakfast, I kissed her cheek and greeted her as she greeted me back. I sat down in the opposite way, facing her and start eating my meal

"Honey, pls slow down"

"Sorry Mother" I apologized to her as I swallow the food on my mouth and drink some a glass of warm tap water. Ash Tori-Moon, the first lady between Europe and Spain and the daughter of the great Duke, Duke David Tori.

"By the way, where's the boys?" I ask her.

"I asked Moira to wake up Celeste, and Adranus..."

"Let me guess, he's with his Stella, again" I said, my Mother nodded as I just sigh.

"Well... What about Father?" I asked her when she suddenly pouted.

Does she wanted a kiss?

"Morning ladies..."

Belron Moon, the husband of my Mother. Father was a Billionaire and was also known as the terrifying and merciless mafia boss in the world of mafia

"Oh!" I exclaimed and greeted my Father back as he walk towards his wife, my Mother, and kiss her lips as he sat between Mother and I, besides us

Mother and Father's Love story was freaking romantic! Father and my Mother's Father, A.K.A my Grand Father, were sworn enemies. As my Mother was disguising herself as a pass-byer in the hotel in order to run away from the guards that Grand Father gave her to be protected from any harm. The next thing happened was that, she woke in my Father's bed and suddenly become one of my Father's servant, without knowing that she was his enemy's daughter

Tsit~ Tsititsi Dora~

Let's Go~!

Tsit~ Tsititsi Dora~

Let's Go~!

Dora Dora The Explorer~


"Seriously As?" A voice spoke behind me, and there he was! Celeste Moon, the famous young Pop-star/Actor/Model. Celeste has Amber eyes just like mine and Mother, his hair was dyed into silver as his hair root shows his original dark black color, and white-tanned skin. He was two years older than me

"That ringtone is so freaking childish" he said as his hair was in a mess as he lean the wall while crossing his arms

"Well, at least I don't wear a SpongeBob boxers!" I shot back at him as his eyes widen, Father almost spits his coffee while Mother holds her laugh. And yes! The famous Celeste is wearing a SpongeBob boxers!

"WTF?! I don't wear those!" ~Celeste

"Yes you do!" ~Me

"No way!" ~Celeste

"Yes way!" ~Me

"Y-you—!" ~Celeste

"I what?" I asked as I blink my eyes innocently while smiling at him sweetly

"Adranus made me—"

"I made you what? Ce-leste?"  A deep voice asked while emphasizing his name while gripping his shoulder. Celeste stiffened as his eyes widen

"N-nothing! I didn't say anything Midnight!"

"Oh..." Adranus Moon, the unidentical twin of Celeste, Midnight was the younger version of our Father, Dark hair, deep blue ocean Ash eyes, and white-tanned skin. Celeste lost on a bet between him and Midnight, so he was dared to wear those SpongeBob, Barbie, Ben10 boxers as a penalty. Midnight patted Celeste's shoulder and walk in

"I thought your with Stella..."

"Oh, she said there was an emergency so we just canceled our today's schedule"

"Oh... Welp! I gotta go!" I said, excusing myself as I kiss my both parents cheek and say my goodbyes to the. I grab my bag at the sofa at the leaving room and exit the house as I ride to the car and took off, heading to the Academy, The Aqua Academy


"Morning class"

"Morning Miss Tarsin"

"Today, we have a new student. So please take care of him" Miss Tarsier— I mean Miss Tarsin said as she  spoke in front of the class

I sat at the fifth row, near the window. I rest my chin onto my palm while looking outside the window. I felt my eyelids sudden became heavy as I yawn until slowly sleepiness conquered me

"Miss Asbel Moon!"

"Y~yes Miss Tarsier— I mean Miss Tarsin"

"Were you listening?" She asked me as she rise her brow. All their eyes were on me including Jerry, sitting in front of me

"Of course Miss"

"Then answer me, why the hell are you sleeping on my class?"

"Uhm... Because of the gravity of the earth Miss?" I answered back. I heard some of my classmates holds their laugh while the others were laughing hard, including Jerry. I look back at Miss Tarsin as I saw her face turns freshly riped tomato

She was about to scold me when the bell suddenly rang

Hooo, save by the Bell

"As, that was nuts!!" She exclaimed, Jerry Lilian. Jerry was a childhood friend of mine through my Mother's friend. Since we first met, the both of us just like our each other's guts

Jerry and I left the room as we head to our next subject, Math...

I may not be smart on Math but I become smart when it comes to the numbers of foods. After two subjects has passed, we go to our next class

"Now, I will group you all into 10 groups and each group has three members" Mister Hemilton said "Go to your team mates as I call your names"

"Lizzy Gale, Martha Cole, and Jacob Oz" Mister Hemilton continued. We waited for our names to be called when Mister Hemilton mentioned the ninth group. "Aether Psyche, Asbel Moon, and... Jerry Lilian"

"Yes!" We both exclaimed with excitement, knowing the both of us will on the same group

"Now you got into groups, I am expecting an awesome report from you all and not some stupidity" Mister Hemilton said as he excuse himself first

"So... Who's this Aether?"

"Oh... She was the Mysterious Albino Red Eye Girl" Jerry replied. Mysterious Albino Girl? I heard of her but never seen her in person

"Asbel and Jerry right?" A cold but smooth sweet voice spoke behind us, Jerry and I look back and saw a white hair girl


Her hair has the color of an ash as her eyes we're Deep Crimson Bloody Red that looked like jewels, she also had a pink plump lips and a rosy-white-snow skin. But what attract me the most was those eyes of her's, full of mysteries that I can't tell what

But just wow, she's so pretty like a fallen angel

"Oh! You might be Aether!" ~Me

"Hope we could get along" ~Jerry

"Likewise..." ~Aether

This is going to be a long hell of a week

Hestia wasn't bad after all. She's smart, clever, and also kind but doesn't talk too often. Jerry and I invited her to lunch but she declined our offer but of course, we don't take 'NO' for an answer. At lunch we sat at her table, it's hard to make her talk but we have improve a bit

Bit by bit, she doesn't ignore us anymore and spoke some few words with us but still we can't make her speak at least one sentence tho. She just nod as 'YES' nor 'NO' sometimes she just say it... Whenever she speak, it only ended up with three not four words

The three of us left the library after our research for the group report and about to go home. It's a miracle that Georgina and Karen didn't appear out of nowhere just to be their entertainment—

"Speaking of X-tra large, there's one coming through"

I hold Jerry's wrist, preventing her from doing something horrible that might lead her to the Dean's office

Georgina George, the queen of mean. Georgina was the spoiled brat of George Familia since her Mother was a famous model while her Father was a Governor. In the early age of thirteen, she go to bars and drinking alcohol with some reasons that she only knows

Karen Anderson, the most stupid and the best friend of Georgina. There are last year's rumours about Karen, selling her body in order to gain money and connections but no one proved this rumours are true

"Just ignore them" I said to Jerry as I let go of her wrist and continue on walking pass through them but then, Georgina stretched her foot that causes me to fall off towards down the stairs



I felt pain on my both knee as I smell a cold minty breath, I slowly open my eyes as I met two silver mauve ash grey staring back at me. I don't know how many seconds had passed as we started at each other's eyes when someone called out my name


I move away from him as I search my glasses on the ground when someone handed it on me

"Here..." A cold deep voice said as he passes my glasses, I thank him as I wore my thick lense glasses, as soon as my eyes recovered, my eyes widen in awe

What a f*cking gorgeous guy

"Oh my gosh! Asbel! Your knees were bleeding!" Jerry exclaimed that pulled me back into reality. I looked down and yep! My knees are really bleeding

"Aether! Let's bring her to the infirmary!" She said, Hestia look back at us and nodded as she walk downstairs towards us dragged me out to the infirmary

As soon as we arrived, Jerry snapped open the door and called out for Nurse Clair to treat my wounds. Nurse Clair let me sit as she gets the cleaning materials to clean my wound. I can't feel any pain as my heart keeps on beating fast—

*snap snap*

"Hey Asbel, let's go" Jerry said, snapping her fingers. I startled a bit but remain calm as I nodded at them. We thanked Nurse Clair and say our goodbyes at her and excused ourselves

Those eyes a while ago, it really mesmerized me as I can't erase it in my mind

"Hey As!" ~Jerry

"Yeah?" ~Me

"What's in your mind?" ~Jerry

"Oh, I was thinking about a while ago" I said at her as she just nodded at me. The three of us said our goodbyes to each other as soon we're apart. I let my body fell to the bed as I hug my pillow when I remember the scene a while ago, a sudden blush appear on my face as I realize what my position was when I was at top of him as my my heart beats faster

Who was that guy?

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