
A demon child reigns

…the times of childbirth is known as one of the scariest moments for women and men. its that time where one stands between living and dying but it all depends on the moment whether she stays strong or gives up.

Of course, the Taki village was no exemption on this case. It was a dark, gloomy and windy night, which most find it a bad omen on a childbearing day.

Mr Jiang, the village chief wondered back and forth anxiously waiting for either a bad news or a good news but he had high hopes for a good news. It'd been an hour already since his wife stepped in that room for delivery and nothing has come, not even the bad news. all he heard was the constant screams of his wife, each taking a different pitch

Time kept playing in his head and he began grieving if his wife and his baby would survive or not. another hour had passed by. the midwives came out, both looking extremely exhausted and weary. the first one spoke" chief wanshu we've never come across something like this in all our years of midwifery. we don't think either of them will survive".

He felt a lump in his throat and could feel tears warming up in his eyes. well he has a reputation to keep hold and wouldn't dare shed tears in front of them least they make mockery and call him a weak leader.

He turns around, sharply inhaling"go, stay by her side. I have faith". he tried to hide his tears but it was crystal clear in his voice that even the maids felt extremely sour.

he runs with trembling legs to the temple and falls down abruptly at the alter. he pants as he roughly searched through the drawers and shelves. having found what he came for he sat down, stared at the book and took a deep breath reminding himself that this was for his wife and baby.

that book contained pictures of demons and words of incantation, it was known as the forbidden book.

after a short while he landed on section4 page 72 of the book. the picture there showed a demon with eyes as red as blood and appearance as dark as the night. at the top of the picture was written boldly AYAR: the demon of the night.

he read steadily and so far this was the only demon who required a one person sacrifice and was able to sustain people.

he took a chalk and drew a diagram on the alter, placing the candles in the right order he started the incantation calling forth the demon of the night.

a dark aura fills the temple. a large shady figure appears, noticing the presence of a human lunges at wanshu but he remained indifferent. the demon was held back by a barrier and became annoyed.

next came a cold voice"a human?, why summon me". a trembling wanshu replied" I need you help demon ayar". the demon grew irritated by his words" first you pesty humans seal me and my kind away and now you need my help...his pathetic " AYAR let out a dry sinister laughter, lacking any form of emotion.

"the life of my wife and child depends on this" wanshu was growing impatient, who knows how long his wife would last.

seeing his seriousness, AYAR says with dryness" you do know the consequence for seeking help from me right… are you willing to give a life in exchange for another, its not too late to turn around and leave."

the determined wanshu nods his head" I very well know the consequence and I'm ready to give my life provided that you keep my child and wife alive".

the demon keens his interest " alright. I can only do this if I enter the child and make it my host. when the child is safely delivered I'll then take my price and if you want go back on your word, the child and your bloodline will be burnt alive". wanshu nodded to this, after all he had lived his life and his wife and kids are far too young to suffer and die. why should he keep his worthless life when there's a chance to save two.

"now, let me free" excitement can be heard from the demon's voice. wanshu added" one more thing, you must remain dormant in my child and never try to make her bend to your own will" the demon nodded in agreement

wanshu looked toward the barrier, he closed his eyes as his whole life till this moment summarizes within seconds and last his wife. he steps through the barrier and it breaks freeing the demon.

over the delivery room a dark cloud hovers and the wind became windi-er. wanshu rushes over and is greeted by the loud cry of a baby and soft laughter from his wife. the midwives rush out to bring him in but were surprised as his skin grew pale and his eyes turn white. they reached out to him before he fall but his was heavy and had gone cold.

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