
Mr Wilson, Me and A Wall

"Oh no, don't cry." He started wiping my tears. This action of his only made me cry harder.

'Way to go, Chris, you made her cry. *facepalm*'

I wish I could tell him that this was not exactly a 'sad' type of crying, it was more of a 'happy' type of crying. Chris Wilson, where were you my entire life. If only I met you earlier. I would have been brave enough to confess my feelings.

"Are you okay now?" He asked me while he held my face. I was surprised that he stayed beside me instead of leaving me alone. Well, I did not know a kid had enough maturity to console a twenty-three-year-old emotional mess. I smiled to myself. Yeah, it's okay to have this person in my life. Maybe not the way I want him to be, but hey, at least we're friends, right?

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm sorry to dump my emotions on you."

"No, no, it's okay! You can tell me anything!" Mr Wilson said hurriedly. I looked at him in confusion. Did he start becoming sober?

"Ahem, I mean that you can tell me anything wifey, I will keep it a secret."

Very suspicious, very, very suspicious indeed! Is Mr Wilson acting? I should test him out, but how?

I should probably ask him very personal questions to make him awkward, and he'd probably let go of his act just to shut me up. Either that or I could get some information.

"So Chris..." I looked at him and batted my eyelashes *inwardly cringing but bearing it for the sake of gaining information*.

"Y- Yes?" Chris looked really nervous. In his mind he's thinking about my sudden attitude shift and to him it was really concerning.

"So my dear..."

"D- dear? You are calling me dear?" Chris started to perspire. VERY suspicious! 'What happened to Luna? She never says stuff like that.' Chris thought to himself. And how would he know? He doesn't half of the things about me.

"Of course! If I'm your wifey, then naturally you are my darling!"

'Honestly, the sounding is not bad, I could get used to it.' Mr Wilson was twirling inside.

Dream on, Chris!

"So Chris, before me, did you have any girlfriends? Do you have anyone you like?"

"I swear that wifey is the only person for me!"

Damn it! Why is he so good at acting? I'm feeling a little silly now because the real Mr Wilson would never say something so cringey.

"You know, I met a guy earlier..." I added while observing his expressions.

'Who? What? When? How come I did not know of this?' Mr Wilson frowned as his mind went a hundred miles per second, assuming stuff that were not even close to the truth. I did not meet anyone, I was just lying.

"Who is that person, do I know him? Is he someone you know for a long time?" Is it LUKE? Was his actual question, but he did not add it. It probably took him a lot of self restraint.

"He's my boss. You probably never met him. He..... Well, he is a very interesting character. You would laugh it I told you about him."

"He's probably an amazing person based on whatever you told me before." Chris added. Tsk tsk, this guy really is... so shameless.

Anyway, my suspicion is confirmed, I never told this 'kid' about my 'boss'. I will make him suffer for trying to deceive me.

"You could not be more wrong than you are right now." I scoffed. If Chris was as intelligent as his self flattery implies, he would notice the change in my tone and act accordingly.

"Huh?" Playing dumb eh? Watch me as I DESTROY you!

"Yeah, you are so wrong about him. I totally hate the guy. I can't say one good thing about him if I had a gun to my head. Perhaps the only good thing was his face, but he's getting old so we'll see how long that would last. Pffft."


"Oh! And he doesn't know how to identify vegetables! Hahaha! Even preschool kids can identify groceries better than him. I'm surprised that he did not die of starvation, or food poisoning considering the number of times he eats out, that is bound to happen."

"Now wait a minu-"

"Whoops!" I said that and pretended to cover his ears. I muttered under my breath, "Luna, don't talk about death in front of children! Or else they are gonna end up like Mr Wilson."

"..." Mr Wilson thought himself, 'Luna is bullying me, boo hoo. Ahem, how much anger and resentment does she hold against me? I just gave her a few errands.'

A few errands? A FEW ERRANDS? Who on earth asks their secretary to buy a hundred things (you know what, that is not an exaggerated figure but an actual figure) from a hundred different shops and puts a time limit of half an hour? No, tell me, tell me right now, who? I already guessed that Mr Wilson was the type who puts off his Christmas shopping until the very last minute.

"Sorry, dear, I've been venting about him. Let's not talk about some crappy guy and ruin the day. Aren't you hungry? Let me make some soup for you." I flashed a creepy smile at him. My smiled brightened after seeing Mr Wilson get visibly uncomfortable.

Now where did I keep those laxatives... Hmm....

Okay, I admit, I was being to hard on him but for me, opening up is not easy. And to think he tricked me into it, it just boiled my blood. Sure, he does not have good intentions, but let's be honest, no one liked being tricked.

Fine, fine. I will not add laxatives to the 'sobering' soup. I'll just make it extremely spicy so that it's very effective.

The Devil: Oooooh, I like where this is going. After days of being a bad influence, I finally get to see my baby girl be evil *sniffle* it isn't much, but I'm gonna work with what I got.

Leh me ouuuu!!! *additional muffled sounds*

The Devil: Shhhh, it's my time to shine, don't you dare think of escaping from those ropes!

Poor Angel, she get's bullied every day. See, this is why Luna's conscience does not bother her.

Hey! I do not do bad stuff, that is why my conscious 'does not bother' me, not because it's tied up in a corner!

Mr Wilson kept peeping into the kitchen so I did not get time to add the chilli flakes, but once he looked away, I hurriedly opened the lid and started shaking. Nothing fell out -_-. So I opened the bottle completely and not partially as I did earlier. The shaker slipped and half of it fell into the soup. Mr Wilson is gonna die if he drinks this! Let me take out half of it and add some cream. That ought to balance it, hopefully.

But before I could do that, he barged in. He looked at me suspiciously. Of course, Mr Wilson is not dumb. He knew that I could not be trusted with his food, especially after what had happened earlier.

Before I could do anything, he poured some into the bowl and left.

I was very slow because my brain was bombarded with thousands of thoughts, I could not stop him from taking the first sip.

"Cough, cough, cough! Ms- Ms Brown? What did you do?"

I don't know what I did! *cries* It happened so fast that I could not stop it!

Wait a minute! He called me Ms Brown! I came up with a great idea to divert this matter.

"Hey! Why are you calling me Ms Brown? Were you pretending to be drunk all this time?"

Mr Wilson was already on the verge of tears. He usually has a good spice tolerance, but the soup was just.....No. I poured him a glass of milk. I offered him the glass, but he grabbed the carton of milk instead.

"No, this soup sobered me up."

Come on Mr Wilson, at least put minimum effort when you come up with excuses. ThE sOuP SobEreD mE uP. Everyone knows that you're lying.

"Admit it, Mr Wilson. You tricked me."


Ugh, how I hate his one-word answers. Calm down, calm the hell down Lia.

"Admit it!"


"Admit it!"


"ADMIT- Aaah!"

And like that, I was stuck between the wall and Mr Wilson. Yet another Kabedon.

He looked at me seriously while I stiffened under his gaze. *unmeasurable awkwardness and increasing feeling uncomfortableness*

"Hahaha" I nervously laughed. "Yeah, you sobered up because of my soup. Don't admit it. Please let me go." My voice became faint as I finished saying that sentence.

"Yes Luna, I did trick you. And I think you very well why I did it." He with a husky voice.

Um, no, I do not know. Are you trying to use my scheme on my? Is he going to blackmail me with the information he gained just like I planned to? How the tables have turned indeed.

"Uhh, okay. I completely understand why the need arose to do so."

"Hmm? You understand? Then tell me why I tricked you..." He had this very playful but serious look on his face which I could not comprehend.

Because you had a lot of free time?

;-; Pardon me for not updating

I have the time management skills of a potato

From the day after tomorrow, I'm gonna resume regular updates

Thank you to all who read this story *sniffle*

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