
Miss Pixel

Some thoughts keep gathering me everytime.

But this time I am not...,Ahhh.Where am I?She was in the bunch of dried leaves of autumn, spread on the green grass.She tucked her match stick like fingers in her black crimson hairs in frustration.While she was thinking, some one was behind the tree trunk watching her closely. She moved her head backward and she can only see shadow run far away. She try to stand on her feet but can't gather much strength.Then she start to memorize sit beside the tree, where she was lately and then gush of flashback start to appear in her head. I was in the middle of the fight, that Egyptian pyramid,that black cat statue in my hand and then somebody from behind hit me with the wooden stick and then I ended up here. Where are my friends?Oh no,no...!.She was in the soft coloured red top with blossom pink flowers with the blue jeans on, black brown coloured sneakers on her feet, black waist pouch was attached.She was about to check,What's inside her pouch. And then hear the call ring from inside, she hesitatly open the pouch zip and on the mobile screen what she saw, the name written khonshuu.She got panicked and her hand got to tremble with fear....!

She gulped her saliva in her mouth and press the screen to answer the call. Her voice become weak and said,' Hello! I am here GK'.

Old but blazing voice come from other side,Where are you my dear, pixie!.Anger in his voice.

(That's the first chapter up till now wait for another one to😇)

I forgot to introduce you I am Pixel you're lead role heroine.I am from the magic world from parallel side that's for now keep reading to know more about me😉.