1 Chapter 1 - "unfortunate"

It was like any other day, the sound of yelling and stuff being thrown, echoed the entire house. As Little Miss Mistreated curled up next to Mr.Teddy, holding him tight, she hoped that she wouldn't be next. But sadly luck wasnt on her side. The yelling sound of a grown man heavily intoxicated grew closer, and stopped infront of her Room. Miss Mistreated clench on Mr.Teddy tight, and prayed to God, that if not, just one day, he wouldn't come in. The door swung open, making a loud BAM, as it hits the wall.

"Wheres my sweet little angell~", said the intoxxxicated man.

The man swayed back and forth, and looked at Miss Mistreated. After a moment of dreadful slience, he starts swaying towards her. She weakly moved back, and trembled, as he grew closer. "Whatss wrong my angell~? What's wrong~? You wouldn't act out like that wrench right~? My, my sweet angel~" said the intoxxxicated man, as he grabbed hold of her face. He forced his lips upon her, and slowly undresses her. Miss Mistreated silently wept as the man put himself on top of her, and thought to herself, 'Another unfortunate day'.
