
Mishmash Life And Undisputed Love

Liliana, a tomboy who is brilliant nerd, her only dream is to become a doctor, nothing less or more. She has bunch of friends but no best friend, her friends always judge her for her appearance. Studious Lia has neither boyfriend nor a crush on anyone. She belongs to an affluent family but no one treats her as a princess. Liliana isn't waiting for her prince but she has a prince in her destiny who believes in fairytales. An idiosyncratic prince who breaks the stereotypes of the society will fall for the girl who doesn't give a damn about love. But it's not easy to fall in love with a sword, it's neither a flowery-path to walk on. Two persons of two different worlds will fall in love with each other, it's written in their destiny. Different is their word, they are different from the world, and so their love story is. The story will have mature scenes (kiss, abusive language, bold scenes, anxiety disorder,etc), read at your own risk. Copyrights : ©JinalGehlot2021 Cover credit goes to the owner of the image, i don't own this cover, I've just edited it as per my requirements. Update Schedule :- 1chapter/day Bonus chapters :- 50 power stones = 1 bonus chapter 100 power stones = 3 bonus chapters 200 power stones = 5 bonus chapters (Bonus chapter will be published the next day after hitting the target.) Follow the author on Instagram to get the notification of updates : @ambitious_jasmine_ Feel free to join the author on discord : Ambitious_Jasmine #4753 If time permits you please, drop a review in comments and give your precious votes. Lots of love from author.

jasmine · Teen
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86 Chs

Ch. 24. Stuck

Jason's pov :

I can't believe that she just sat on my bike without even arguing for once, she didn't hold me but I badly wanted her to hold me as a baby holds a lollipop.

What's wrong with my mind lately?

Do I want her to hold me...um, am I a lollipop?

I'm a damn eighteen years old guy, why do I want to be a lollipop?

This girl drives me crazy, oh, girl! If only I could tell you how much you affect me!

I don't fucking care if she is a waitress or whatever anything else, my heart wants her only. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that she is the one with whom my fairytale will start and we will have a happily ever after.

I increased the speed of my bike, and I started having second thoughts about my love.

My subconscious started manipulating me…

Jay, are you stupid or hopelessly romantic?

You know this girl for a week barely, and how could you decide that she is the one?

What if she has a boyfriend already?

Do you even know that she is single or not?

Just because she is different from others, how can you think that she is perfect for you?

Both of you are so different, she doesn't care what she wears but you, you…

I stopped my bike and took a deep breath. I was stuck between my mind and heart, my heart had so strong feelings for her which were tough to control yet my mind was doubting everything.

"What happened? This is not the park, why did you stop the bike midway? Please, don't tell me that you took the wrong route or you have forgotten the directions!" Lia started building an exclusive apartment of her questions for me.

She paused for a second, "do I need to walk to the park, now?" She sounded so frustrated and intimidated.

I could imagine her frustrated face, eyebrows up, lips flatly sad, wrinkles on the head and hands on her waist.

I just turned to see her face, and she had exactly those expressions which I imagined. I grinned, "no! I just need some water. Do you have a bottle of water in your bag?" I interrogated as I saw a bag on her back.

"Oops! No! We can grab some water or juices from that store," she pointed her index finger towards a supermarket store, "can't you just control your thrust for a while? I don't want Fee to be there alone, she came just to give me company." She pleaded with her puppy eyes.

I'm sure that she is a good friend, and I wasn't thirsty at all. I unknowingly stopped because of the attacks of my thoughts. And it was the easy excuse I could make when she asked.

"Alright! Let's go! They are in the car, so we are already gonna reach there late," I started the bike and the cool wind made me feel better.

"Can't you drive a car? Next time, either you'll drive a car or I'm not coming," she demanded and I nodded.

Never mess with a girl when your buddy has hurt her friend. And she gave me a hope that there will be the next time, she'll hang out with me for the next time, too.

I smiled, "you know what, I have a gut feeling that Fiona and George like each other," I tried to tell her what I felt about them.

She didn't say anything but after a minute, she slapped my back, "are you crazy? Fiona hates George, she can't fall for a playboy. I'm 100% sure, she doesn't like him. She believes in fairytales and her prince can't be George," she announced in a disgusting tone.

Deep down, I knew that she would react like this because she didn't know what made George like this? It wasn't an unexpected response from her. Fiona believes in fairytales but what about Lia?

My curiosity couldn't resist, "do you believe in fairytales?"

I regretted the moment when I realised that she was not answering my question. I should have started this discussion after arriving at the park. At least, I could see her expressions.

"I don't believe in fairytales. I don't know if they exist or not," she mumbled and my heart yelled that don't worry, baby! I'll make you believe in the fairytale, we'll be the evidence of its existence.

So cheesy, just like the male protagonist of a romance novel. I throttled the chuckle which was ready to come because of my so sweet yet crazy thoughts.

"Do you believe in fairytales?" Lia raised a question suddenly.

I reacted without even thinking for once, "Yes, I do." I'm not ashamed of my choice.

"What the heck! Do you believe in fairytales? I thought a boy always makes fun of fairy tales but never like this, um," she was startled and confused about what to say next.

I cackled, "it's fine, Lia! I know, our society can't digest the fact that the boys also can like fairy tales. But yeah, I'm like this," I shrugged and she giggled.

Her laughter sounds so sweet that I don't even wanna bother to ask why she is laughing!

"Fuck the society, man! I don't like the rules of society. I don't get one thing if we are free, why do they want to make a cage for us like what should we do and what we shouldn't! I want to be free, free from everything."

Here, I found a similarity between us, our opinions are similar about this. Why should we care about what people will think of our choices?

"We have the same opinions on this thing, let's go to the park, we have reached but if you want to give some alone time to Fiona and George, then, I don't object to it," I put the helmet down from my head.

She quickly handed over the helmet to me and shook her hair to make it perfect but she didn't know that her long wavy hair already gives her the perfect look.

"No, I don't want them to be alone for much time," she crossed her arms, "do you wanna come along with me or should I go alone?"

I parked the bike, "yes, I also don't want them to be alone. Otherwise, Fiona will kill him with her sarcasm, and he'll still flirt with her," I shrugged.

"Hahaha! Very bad joke," she grimaced and we kept on walking to the entrance.

We searched for them but we couldn't find them anywhere. I decided to make a call to Theo but he didn't answer, "Theo isn't answering my call, can you call Fiona?" I implored Lia.

"Yes, sure!" She called her, "Hey, Fiona! Are you alright? Did George hurt you? Where are you? Why aren't you here yet?" She is a machine that composes questions so rapidly.

I couldn't hear much but one word was enough to understand the situation 'periods'. Lia went a little far from me and continued her gossip with Fiona.

After a while, she returned with a gloomy face, "I'm sorry, they got delayed because Fee got her periods and they had to find a medical store nearby them, so they got late and don't worry, they'll be here soon," she gave me a forced smile.

I thought she won't tell me, sometimes it's not easy to talk about periods to the guys but I forgot that it's Lia. And I really don't think that talking about periods is disgraceful, it's just periods. A natural cycle that is necessary to be known by everyone.

"Okay! No problem! Have you ever talked to Fiona about George?" I again started the conversation about them because last time, we strayed from the topic.

Hey, guys!

I'm sorry for the delay but here was a cyclone, so power was cut and then, I had bad network.

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Your crazy author,
