
Little Bastard

He ran as fast as he could , His wounds didn't help him. He has been running for what seemed like hours , he was tired and out of breathe. The sun was setting when he finally stopped in the park , it was abandoned most of the time so there was no one to help him if his father came after him. It's not like anyone would have anyway. He sat on the floor , rubbing the dirt and blood from his face . He was scared but too tired , too tired to go on running , his father was going to get him anyway.

"What's wrong?" He heard a voice say as he lowered his head trying to sleep. He has finally gone crazy apparently , but it doesn't matter anymore. "why are you here?"

"running from my dad" he answered. He was alone , even if he was crazy he'd enjoy some company.

"Why would you?" the voice asked.

"because I'm different" he replied. He heard small footsteps and a hushing sound.

"Different? how different?" the voice asked. his body felt cold bad not freezing , more like a good coldness on his sore wounds.

"I'm a freak" he said after a pause. "A monster."

" No you're not" said the voice. "It's getting late , we have to go. " "aww but he's alone" " mom will get mad if he Comes with us. " The voice seemed to be talking to ... itself? The voice talking to the original was slightly different but practically the same. He lifted his head to see who was speaking to him.

'Hey , will you be here tomorrow"An 8 year old girl , with dark black hair reaching her middle back and the most interesting part was her big summer blue glowing eyes. They looked so bright they literally seemed to look like flashlights shining in the abandoned dark park. Next to her was a boy of her age , height and even body physique , the only difference was his shoulder length white hair and heterochromatic eyes.

".... yes..." he said , she smiled and hugged her black stuffed cat? She seemed happy as she held her brother's hand and started walking away.

"Bye!" She say waving at him. He smiled for a second after she left . He looked at his arms and all his scar marks were gone , he didn't feel any pain and he could walk better. Even his scar was healed. He looked at where they left and got excited , they were like him , they helped him , he have never met freaks like him before.

He ran the same way they left from. After a few minutes of good running he saw the exterior of a huge mansion , bigger than the ones he had seen on television , There was a huge pool in the front and a dozen of cars. He saw the two children walking up the stairs of the front door . He tried calling for them , but he was too far . He ran closer and closer as he called after them.

"There you are you f**cking bastard!!" His father yelled grabbing him from his collar and lifting him. The boy struggled but it was all in vain. "I SWEAR TO F*CKING GOD IF TOU EVER RUN AWAY AGAIN IM GOING TO TEAR YOUR FINGERS . I BETTER BREAK YOUR LEGS THIS TIME!"

He tried calling for his friends but the didn't hear him. As he turned to take a last look at the mansion , the girl was looking through a window with a blank stare. She was just looking at them with no reaction. They weren't that far away so he could see her expression , not clear but he could see the outer lines. Her eyes glowed brighter and her face was like a mannequin head , a dead chilling look.

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