
chapter 3 (part 1)

Today was the day , The trio are finally going to school for the first time ever. They spent most of their lives being homeschooled by numerous teachers for years for the sole reason of being well known celebrities. What really made them comfortable at that school , was the fact that nearly no one recognized them , or the fact that not everyone would believe that three models that act on the side were their new classmates. Cringy and overdone , but that's just how they lived.

They got ready after an... uncomfortable morning tension , They headed up for school, this time a dark limousine was waiting for them.

"Granny is really excited about our first day" Anthonie mumbled to the other two.

"I'm not complaining " Ella replied rushing towards the car and riding first. "I'll enjoy the luxury life as long as I have it!"

It was only a 20 minutes walking to their school so it took about five minutes to get there. They got out and walked straight to the main building , Everyone was too busy in their gossiping to notice them except for a weary few. Ella stuck with her brother when Damien left to explore the rest of the school , She was still taunted by the memory of her nightmare.

A few seconds of small exploration , they were stopped by a small group of girls , mostly junior highs from the second building.

"Oh my god! Aren't you the twins from 'the Seasonal' !!" on of them asked excitedly.

"in the flesh and blood" Anthonie smiled.

"oh my god!" they squeeked as they threw themselves on them. "We love you so much!!! AHH! can I have a picture! can I hug you!! YOU TWO ARE OUR HUSBANDOS!!!!!"

"I'm a girl" Ella said as she pushed the girl hanging around her shoulders. All of the girls went quiet instantly like all the others in the hallway.

"what?" one of the girls said as she slammed her hand in Ella's chest. "no you're not , It's as flat as a board"

"pfft" her brother barely could contain his laughter . She glared at him and at the girls as she grabbed her arm.

"look here sugar cube" she said glaring at her. "misgender me one more time!" she squeezed the girl's arm nearly breaking her fore arm. She didn't see everyone shouting at her to stop and pulling the girl away. Her dystopia self started to show .

"Stop Ella!" Her brother finally shouted getting her back to her senses . He wrapped his arms around hers. "sorry she .... gets triggered when anyone misgenders her , it's a sensetive topic for her" He slightly smiled as Everyone just ... stared at her for while as she stared back , Her eyes widened for a second when she saw Max among them. She smiled slightly at him which slightly creeped him for a second.

The bell rang sending Everyone to their classes , Ella was with Anthonie so he managed to keep her in line. Everything was going just fine except for a few autographs and enthusiastic fangirls . When lunch break finally started , Anthonie held Ella's hand to make sure she doesn't do anything that would get them suspended. Damien waited for them at the main gate hopefully he won't have to go get a snack alone.

"Why are you always late. " he sighed "it's almost over"

"Fangirls" they both said in unison

"oh! ok" he said as a girl with a brown short ponytail shyly approached Ella and tugged on to her sleeve.

"Kaylyn" she said quietly. Ella gave her an I already know look and looked at the other two getting closer to Ella as if hiding behind her. her binder was covering half of her embarrassed face. "I'M... uhh... Want to... do you... want ... to... join ..the drama club?"

"drama club?" Ella said as she turned to her "too lame bye!" she started walking away .

"count me in!" Damien said with childish enthusiasm" joining a club will get me alot of new friends!!"

"...." she stared for a second then started writing his name "What's your surname?"

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