
Miserable Wanderer

A massive nerd dies and gets reincarnated, his excitement gets the best of him. The first words he hear are "Get to work slaves!" When he looks around and sees grotesque figures mining with oversized pickaxes his stomach drops to his colon. [Multiverse fanfic, starting in Warframe.] "Status." [Status displaying] Race: Grineer[100%] Level: 0 Status points Available: 0 Stats: Vitality: 1 Strength: 1 Agility: 1 Intellect: .3 Mastery Rank: 0 [Inventory] Strength Quote. "USELESS DISGUSTING MAGGOT FILTHY WORM WHY ARE YOU BREATHING MY AIR !"-Councilor Vay Hek The cosmos weeps at this mans fortune. A distant "FUCK MY LIFE" can be heard Cover not mine THERE WILL BE MULTIVERSE TRAVEL JUST NOT IN THE TRADITIONAL SENSE.

SoupHarbinger · Video Games
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85 Chs

Doubts and fears


There is no Goblin 3, this is the last goblin and it seems that this one is a big boss that im not prepared for.

But the rewards are tantalizing

[1 Uncommon skill]

[1 rare- item]

I close the tab and get back to work.

I finish the day as usual but the goblin encounter sticks in the back of my head.

I've gotten my strength stat to 2.4 wich is alot better than when I started off but I doubt if its strong enough to defeat the boss gob.

I close my eyes and go to sleep.

<2 months later>

Everything is fine.

Slavery as usual and I have reduced my debt by about 20,000.

I bash the rubedo deposit with a new fervor, my increased strength is becoming apparent.

*wee woo wee woo*



A booming voice appears over the intercom, I can hear lasers and gunshots in the distance.

I run down the mine towards the lift. Grineer crowd around it waiting for it to come down with hopefully a few wardens to guide them.

The lift wretches as it lowers soundly.

The doors open wide and soon a hail of lasers shoot out.

A man in a painted corpus helmet and patched together grineer armor stands with a makeshift minigun, he blasts down the prisoners in his wake.

"Raiders! Run!"

A grineer yells out and everyon dashes back away from the enemy.

A warden pulls out his kraken¹ and fires it off at the gunner but the weak pistol rounds bounce off the armor.

80 laser blasts hit the armorless warden and he is turned into mulched flesh.


A few grineer come out and are put on their knees, me an rock stay hidden behind a pile of crystals.

"Hmph, get in the lift."

The heavy bandit ushers the grineer into the lift, he follows after with his gun still charged.

I come out and look around. The stench of rotting corpses is heavy and I almost retch. I make hand signs to Rock, showing him to follow after me.

We make our way to the manual lift, I enter it and rock cranks the lever, pushing us up.

A hurl of dust hits us as the door opens to reveal more corpses, gunfire and explosions sound around us.

A laser bolt whizzes past my head and I see a squad of raiders firing on the last wardens.


A warden rushes out with an electric whip, he strikes the helmet off of a foe but the enemy retaliates by loading his mk1 strun² and blowing the grineer captains head off.

The remaining 2 warriors hide behind cover.

"Where is the damn eximus³ unit?"

The female warden radios command but all I can see is her frustration as she slams the radio phone on the ground, smashing it.

A grenade quickly ends our last defenders and the bandits begin looting the main building.

I signal rock and we sneak past the looters, I know we have to make it to the ship bay. Its our only chance at survival.

I see a familiar corpse as I crouch by.

The rubedo collector lies dead with a massive hole in his face, the remnants of his brain and jaw slosh out of a jelly red hole. He never got the chance to draw his vasto, as its still strapped to his chest. I grab the pistol and his baton.

I hand the baton to Rock and he nods with a solemn look.

We continue on our way.

After a few minutes of sneaking past the remaining guards and a few near encounters the shipping bay is in full view.

I open the door to the main terminal and slip in.

A bandit sits and rummages through a box of spare tech parts.


I pull the hammer back on the pistol and push it in between the cracks on the rusty corpus space helmet. He lets out heavy breathing and stammers.

"H-hey we-"



I pull the trigger and the mans neck is nearly severed from his body.

[Revolver novice LVL 1] [Earned]

[Vasto Mastery LVL 1]

The airtight door prevents anyone of the noise from leaving the room.

I check the guys pockets and find some spare ammo, leaving me with 12 shots, 5 in the cylinder.

I open the trap door in the security well for my accomplice. I give him the huge machete I looted. Sitting down I begin working on the security terminal to manually force a ship to be flight ready, no key required.

I fiddle around for a few minutes but I finally get force start controls.

"Lets get out of here!"

Rock smiles at my comment.

"Smash the window."

"Yes sir!"

Dumb dumb complies and he slams the machete into the glass. We vault down and aproach a small transport class ship. I run to enter it but a hail of plasma rains at me.

Taking cover behind the wing well the bandit agressors aproach fast.

"Rock can you- ROCK!"

To my horror the corpse of Rock lies strewn with burning holes.


These fucks have to die, I dont care how many there are. THEY HAVE TO DIE.

Inventory open.

Wielding my chakram I leap across the ship and with this surpising act I sling the disc into the head of the heavy gunner who murdered my family. His head comes clean off.

[Good Frisbee throw LVL 2 ---> 3]

Shut the fuck up!

The other 2 remaining enemies scream out in terror





[Vasto Mastery LVL 1 ---> 3]

[Revolver Novice LVL 1 ---> 2]

Its over.

I know this isnt the revenge he deserved but there's no one left to kill.

I look at the ship longingly, if only I had gone second.

I enter the ship and sit down at the bow. I flip on the radio and dile in.

"Command center 181, this is mine sector 12, all are dead. I am the only survivor and have proceedingly eliminated all raiders."


"Hello, Sector 12. Good job captain, evac is coming with fresh troops and clean up crew."

I tune in again.

"Im not a captain. The captain died."


"Oh, then your a warden. Either way."

Man, intelligence measures are prettty low here even for grineer standards.

"No, this is a slave. Im the only survivor."


"Sector 12. What?!?!"




A young knight with a sword srrapped to his back runs in fear to his party wich consists of a woman in white robes and a stocky man wielding a warhammer.

In the distance the sloshing of blood and slicing of steel through flesh can be heard.

A large shadow looms closer to the cornered group.

"Monster, arent we all monsters in sin?"

The 7ft shadow emerges.

A ragged pelt cape swishes as he approaches, a clawed wolf hand grasps a gigantic sword.

"I am Bleidd, half wolf warrior."


The wolf man shrugs his shoulder. He rubs his snout.

"I do not know where thineself is. A guide is necessary in this time."

The stocky man with the hammer comes forward.

"Seeing how you fought you could have already killed us. We have no choice. We will guide you to Orario, to the surface in fact."

"Orario, that is not a place in the lands between."

"Huh? Are you some foreigner?"

The cleric woman speaks up.

"You could say that."

Bleidd replies.

On the surface, miles into the woods of Orario a gigantic red beam of destruction decimates a plateau. From a portal emerges yet another wolf knight, this one cloaked in dark black armor and gold linings. He grips a masisve black jagged sword that exudes pure death.

"Yet another contender. This time Maliketh the black blade will not let destined death slip, by any means neccessary."

As Maliketh lets out these words he falls unconscious, his body shrinks down to a proportional size of 6 foot 7.

The gods of Orario are already investigating the massive nuke of power that went off in the forest.


Merry men gather in the streets singing as a parade heralds a new god down the main path of Orario.

"Hail all to the new patron god of Battle and Horses, our new descended god STARSCOURGE RADAAAAAAHNNNN!"

Radahn blushes boyishly in his golden throne.

"What has thoust gotten mineself into."

He mutters to himself over and over.


Kraken: Notoriously garbage grineer pistol, loaded in .22 thermite.

Mk1 Strun: corpus 10 gauge shotgun.

Eximus: Elite elemental unit.

Was thinking about making the Radahn at the end obnoxiously long but decided not to.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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