1 Ignea losing Eisenhower

I sighed shakily, holding my brother closer. My wings were wrapped around him protectively as I frowned. I hated to see him this way, I knew we didn't have much of a choice in the matter. I was breathing slowly, not wanting to disturb his slumber.

He'd fallen asleep in my arms, which I found quite cute, and was now quietly snoring away to himself. His adorable puffy hair seemed all mangled, but it didn't matter much. After all, who was I to judge? My own hair looked like another bird had started its nest in it years ago, and my wings were even missing features from all this damn stress! But that wasn't a problem, I wasn't going to be flying anywhere, was I? Nevertheless, they did still make for a wonderful blanket for my bestest brother.

He was only a child... He was small enough to fit inside my wings grasp, this way I could make sure he never got too cold, I'd hate for him to be uncomfortable while he slept. I wish I could've done more to protect him from those maniacs... I wish I could've done more...

I heard footsteps approaching our room and prayed they'd go past, after all, the owner of them stepping inside would disturb my brother which I really isn't want to happen. I listened carefully, staring at the door through the darkness. The only light coming into our room was that of the hallway creeping through the cracks in the door.

Alas, I witnessed the door handle turn, revealing the person I despise so greatly... He stepped inside ominously, though I tried to not look intimidated. I was so much taller than him, but sadly, I was sitting down, unable to get up.

He walked closer, staring down at me and my brother with a silent but bone-chilling grin. I knew he had something planned... I hoped it'd be for me, that way my brother would be okay. I waited a few seconds... One... Two... Three...

He turned around, looking towards some spare animal parts he had stored in our room. He looked back at my brother. Four... Five... Six...

He walked over to his pile of items, grabbing two objects before placing them outside the door. I didn't get a good look of what they were, but I hoped that was all he was after.

Then he turned back and walked over to my brother again, grabbing the chains that bound him. I make a soft whimper, making quiet mumbles to not hurt him and to take me instead. But he merely chuckled deeply, unchaining my brother from the wall. The man pulled him up as he slowly woke up, and began pulling him towards the exit. I paled and spoke louder, "Please! Take me instead! Leave him here!"

The man turned to look at me before grinning, "I don't need you for this", and took my brother out the room, slamming the door.

Immediately, I started to hear his cries, yelling to be let go and released. I stayed completely silent, listening painfully as I wished I could help him. The cries turned quieter as he was taken away until it was almost silent.

I hung my head in shame, disappointed in myself for not being able to prevent his movement.

Then it happened.

I heard a loud scream of agony echoing through the halls, causing me to jump in my seat. I tried to call back to him, yelling loudly for my brother just for any sign that he wasn't the person screaming. But the noises just got louder and louder, the sound ringing in my ears. I started to panick and sweat, my firey veins glowing brightly as I became more and more stressed. I needed to save him! I needed to help him! I needed to! I...

...the screams stopped, suddenly...

Where did they go..?

What happened..?

Was... Was my brother okay..?

I sat shaking, terrified of the silence more than the screams. I had to know...

A few minutes passed and nothing... Nobody came near...

Each second felt like hours... My desperacy became so bad that I could barely control my own breathing.

But my questions were soon answered...

I heard the footsteps again, but heavier, with a scraping noise following closely. I stayed completely silent, pressing myself further against the wall behind me. I looked over as the door handle turned again, and the door opened.

What I saw...will never leave my nightmares... I'll never be able to get the image out of my head...

My... My brother... He... The man was holding him by the neck... He was covered in blood... My brother's body was... He was dead... I could see the blood dripping off him... It hit the floor with a blood curdling splash... But the worst thing... That monster... He'd stitched large bird wings onto my brother... He'd... He'd killed my brother... Just for a stupid experiment...

I stuttered some words, staring in horror. The man grinned and told me that I wouldn't be seeing my friend anymore, and close the door, walking away.

I couldn't believe it... He was gone... The only thing I cared about...gone...

I can't stay here any longer... I can't...
